Your Ticker Better Set on Short or Long Term Goal ?? Help!



  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Tks for sharing your thoughts plussizemommy and georg. Congrats on lbs lost so far. Good to know how others keep motivated.

    Jacqueline0821, you too, you're resetting your ticker? Must have been cool to see how your slider went from middle of the ticker and towards the right now, and so far away from you starting weight. Pretty cool and exciting, ain't it to see the butterfly move like that. And your butterfly is well below the middle mark now.

    That's great. Let me know when you update it to the next goal weight after 130. Good luck. I like what you said about not that far of a journey. It's all about perspective. So true. So true. :happy:

    Changing my ticker to do mini goals has been the most important thing I've done since I've joined MFP. Mini goals. One small step at a time. This I can do. Let my mind get used to the numbers.