How do you ensure that you always have clothes that fit?

How do you go about always having clothes to wear?
I'm not a millionaire where I can buy a whole new wardrobe at every size change.

So far I've gone from a size 18 to a size 8-10, so there's been a lot of sizes in between there. I had clothes to last me up until size 14 but since then I've had to buy more in those other sizes. Now it seems like my size 10's are no longer a go and I just bought them recently. I told myself at the begining that I would just live in my workout pants, lol, but that's not so realistic and when jeans are $50 a pop easily - wowie! Shirts aren't as much of a big deal to wear a size larger but pants need to fit.

What do you do?

Ps. I did something crazy and donated all my size 12 and up clothes last week. Even when I've lost weight before, I've always kept the 'fat clothes' ... Can't believe I did it!


  • toddlyons
    toddlyons Posts: 73 Member
    For most of our marriage, my wife has shopped at Value Village, Salvation Army Stores, and other non-chain gently-used clothing stores to outfit the whole family. My only new clothes for the last decade have been socks and undies.

    I have a mile of dress clothes and casual clothes, half a dozen leather and suede jackets, and shoes and boots until the cows come home.

    Google all the second-hand stores you can find and add a weekly hunt to your fun time. It's amazing what you can find.
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    a friend gave me all her 18's and 20's and when those were too big I had to go buy some 16's and then I still had 13's from years ago so I had transition clothes.
    I just started buying a new wardrobe a few months ago and I got me 2 pairs of jeans and now they are getting too big so I know how ya feel.
    now I am avoiding buying clothes until I get toned up the way I want.
  • fitnatic67
    Good question.....I shop often.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    This time of year there are lots of sales at most places where you can score pants cheaper. I know for me, I have only found one "brand" of pants that fit me well (which is the Gap) so I shop when they are having a sale. Like today select jeans and pants are 50% off- so getting a pair of $60 pants for $30 is great!

    Otherwise I just shop clearance racks, go and find coupons to use, and do some bargin shopping. Stores like Marshalls (I don't know where you live, so you may not have these) or TJ Max, where you can get great deals on pants for cheap are great too!

    Good luck!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Someone suggested to me to shop in a resale/thrift shop until I reach goal. New clothes was my reward to reaching goal.
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    Do you have a Savers locally? I have bought a couple of things there. For jeans I just go with cheap ones and watch for sales- I still have a ways till my goal so this is going to a "transition" size. Shirts the same thing. I buy a few, rotate and do laundry often. I am at this point as well, most of my clothes really don't fit so I am searching for good deals.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
  • lormc
    lormc Posts: 49 Member
    I have to agree there - I have shopped about the charity shops for clothes the 'next size down' and sometimes even smaller if they were a total bargain. Also did the same in the sales..and have a couple of pairs of trousers I got for £4 each in a sale over the summer, that I can very nearly get into! Saves money and its a great incentive!!
  • andrialindsay
    thrift type stores for sure! I love places like platos closet or the buffalo exchange... goodwill and the others can also be great.

    Also, every few months I do a clothes swap with my friends and family and whoever else wants to come. its really fun cause you get to be with your friends, try on clothes, and get new clothes

  • wendyannvantiem
    wendyannvantiem Posts: 188 Member
    I pretty much shop at salvation army
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    I pick on my husband by telling him he is "renting" clothes from the Goodwill. He'll buy a pair of jeans in his size and after losing weight he has to donate them back and buy another pair, etc., etc. It's ok tho, because he's buying them at $5 a pop. And shirts, the t-shirts are $1 a piece. In a pinch, it can help flesh out your wardrobe.

    Tops I'll wear longer than I should, jeans I have in several sizes, but when these outgrow me (haha) I'll hit the Goodwill. Now the bras I'm investing in every 15 lbs lost because a bra that's too big is a crime.

    But other than that, I'm asking family for money for xmas and birthdays so that I can throw that into my clothes budget. Luckily your shoes usually keep fitting.

    You've reminded me that I need to have the does-it-still-fit-me closet fashion show to donate the next pile of clothes. Congratulations on all your hard work and success. Seeing other people do well is what keeps me motivated because we're all just ordinary people making extraordinary changes. If so many others can succeed, I can too.

    Or as they say, 50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong!
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    I can't afford to shop every time I drop a dress size.
    So far, I've bought my gym clothes, a few vest tops, a couple of sweaters, a pair of jeans and some 'loungewear'.
    That's all I'm buying at each size drop (maximum) til I hit my goal weight. THEN I'm going to splurge on a whole new wardrobe :wink:
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I shop at thrift stores and buy just a few clothes here and there in different sizes. I have clothes in my closet that are just a tad too small to too big. I also shop sales at the end of the season for the next year.

    I really like having clothes that fit too small gives me the boost to lose just a few more pounds so they fit!
  • ljholmann
    Planet Exchange is a chain of second hand clothing, they are now located in various states. They accept only name brand clothing, and they are geared towards a younger crowd than most second hand shops. I usually go and buy a couple of pair of jeans to get me through until I am ready for a new size. I can purchase 50$ Ambercrombie, American Eagle, etc for about 8$.
  • Alexagetsfit
    Alexagetsfit Posts: 313 Member
    You could sell your clothes instead of giving them away. There are second hand shops that buy and sell name-brand clothing like Plato's Closet or Buffalo Exchange. Or yes, check ebay.
  • khotch1
    khotch1 Posts: 99 Member
    I buy at the thrift stores as well and when "certain" things are on sale in the retail stores I'll pick it up! I shop for a teenage girl though and she keeps me broke!!!

    I am also going to get myself a nice new wardrobe when i get to goal weight!!! I still have things that would fit me when I get there that are not really out of style.
  • Natty0506
    Natty0506 Posts: 103 Member
    Like everyone else has said, thrift stores are your friend right now. I'd also suggest buying leggings and adjustable dresses (like wrap dresses) so that you can just tie the dresses tighter and the leggings stretch well.
  • QueenStromba
    QueenStromba Posts: 57 Member
    Skirts are the way to go. I lost about 6 inches from my waist before I had to stop wearing my last skirt. When I bought it it was a bit tight even when I wore it quite high and as I lost weight it just sat lower and lower and I stopped wearing it when it was in danger of falling off. I'm sure I would have had to buy 2-3 new pairs of trousers in the time I wore that skirt which justifies the money for a pair of boots to go with a skirt in this weather :)
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    the hard part for me was clothes for work.
    the pants part mainly. things were just to big - even with a belt on it looked silly. so I slowly incorporated sizes that fit and when those didn't fit i'd get them taken in as much as I could, but if the pockets got to close together it was time for a new pair.
    it was too much to buy a whole new set of pants. so i did it in stages.
    and I actually donated all my bigger size pants because I didn't want them. I had to tell myself I wont get back to that again.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I give away all my fat clothes. I also shop at goodwill and salvation army for my "in-between" clothes. I'm going to spend more when I hit my goal, but until then, I can't fathom buying anything brand new when I know it won't fit much longer. I also started buying say 2 pants that fit now, and 2 pants that are a size or 2 smaller- so when I do shrink out of more clothes, I'll have a couple pairs I can fit into. I'm also glad it's winter. I can get away with wearing shirts that may be a little too big or a little too snug and just throw a sweatshirt over them.