Itchy legs during workout?



  • I just went to the doctor for this myself who sent me to an allergy specialist. Mine gets so bad that I can't stand to finish a run for more than 3 minutes.

    The doc said it was one of 2 things. For inactive people (which I am not) it's cause by a stretching of the blood vessels, which causes not an actual itch, but an itching sensation that is almost painful, which is my itching doesn't help.

    The other thing it could be (which is what I have) is called exercise induced anaphylactic reaction (or exercise induced urticaria) which sometimes when your body warms up it induces a reaction with releases histamines so you are literally allergic to exercise. For me it doesn't happen every time I workout, but other times it's terrible. My doctor gave me pills to take (steroids) to take before exercise but not going to take them because sever weight gain and moon face are symptoms, but supposedly it's supposed to help.
  • I have this same issue.I have searched for answers high and low.the burn is incredibly itchy to the point you itch so bad it will bruise and cut your skin.I read taking antihistamines like Zyrtec help.I've tried it and it helped greatly!!!!Hope this helps.take 30 minutes before work out or take it and build it in your system.
  • its the increased bloodflow...i would commonly experience this when using the vibro plate