need help logging food

Ok, I'm having trouble logging food and diet for the day. My typical day is weird. I work at UPS as a box loader- I have taken my HRM to work on different nights and I average about 900 calories an hour.

M-FBike(15-17mph-elevation thrown it) from 11a-12p,eat, sleep by 1p Then bike to work(1.5 miles) work 10p-230/3am,bike home(1.5miles), eat, go to bed..
Saturday I bike for about an hour or two-moderate pace(13-14mph)

Since I work odd hours now, I just can't seem to get logging calories in, when I come home from work it's 230-3a, and it puts me at a deficit of about 3500 calories, then I go riding and burn about another 1500 calories, I can't eat all of those. Please help. I have not been logging my food since late October,because of this. It's driving me nuts, because I just can't lose my stomach fat.


  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    I work overnight hrs so I'm asleep during normal hrs so I changed the food diary to reflect my hrs instead of standard hrs. I don't know if that will help you but it did help me.
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    I work crazy shifts. I rotate nights to days and work different days every week. My weekends do not always fall on the weekend. At any rate, I use the iPhone app for logging my foods. Since we tend to eat the same sorts of things, it's rare that I enter a food for the first time, so I just grab it from a previous add and copy it into the current meal. Only takes a moment.

    Like the previous poster, I define my day for the purpose of meal logging as wake-up to bed time, regardless of when those hourse might be.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    one idea is to log them all the day before.. by planning your meals.. then if you added anything in to your plan, you can quickly do that after your day.

    also, if you bike on a reg basis, should you be counting that as exercise? im not an expert but if it was me, and i already did that as a daily routine, i wouldn't count that as my exercise (going to and from work)

    plus, since you do bike a ton, try adding a new exercise into the routine!
  • Bumblebee26
    Bumblebee26 Posts: 118 Member
    I work crazy shifts. I rotate nights to days and work different days every week. My weekends do not always fall on the weekend. At any rate, I use the iPhone app for logging my foods. Since we tend to eat the same sorts of things, it's rare that I enter a food for the first time, so I just grab it from a previous add and copy it into the current meal. Only takes a moment.

    Like the previous poster, I define my day for the purpose of meal logging as wake-up to bed time, regardless of when those hourse might be.

    But I sleep twice. I sleep from about 5a- 11a and then again from roughly 1p-730. Should I just use the standard, 12a-12a as my day of food logging and exercise?

    I don't count my bike commute in my calories burned with work. I mean it's only 3 miles...maybe 15 minutes of biking.