did you watch biggest loser finale?!?!



  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    i watched the first episode of the season and was not a fan of either of the new trainers. This is the first season in three years I haven't watched. I didn't like the new format. I watched 5 minutes of the season finale and was disgusted even further by the changes made. There is a reason the ratings for the show have dropped. The show has lost its focus I feel. Okay I'm going to stop my rant before I get going too much.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Ugh I wasn't going to read this as I haven't watched it yet but I decided I needed to know...and I'm already disappointed. John is a pain in the *kitten*....I agree with all who said he'll gain it back and unfortunately his mind doesn't seem to be in the right place regarding his family or his health.

    I'll still watch and fast foward through the boring parts to see the other contestants though....

    But yeah...I am slowly becoming less and less interested every year with BL..
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    I cant stand John I dont like how he is so cocky and I didnt like how he did Sunny either. He didnt even want to be weighed because he was soooo sure of himself ( a little to cocky) and what is up with his wife can you can comb her hair and put on some make up. Everyone else can look so nice but her. Anyways Dont like him but the whole show this past season was great I really enjoyed it. I cant for the next one. :smile:
  • amybell68
    amybell68 Posts: 275 Member
    I am in total agreement with everyone about John, very sad that he was so arrogant!!
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    I hate that John won, I don't think that he deserved it as much as someone like Antone did. I was rooting for him the whole way and was bummed out when I saw that he won. Oh well, at least we know that Antone's life is going to be so much better than it ever would have been before! He may not have won the money, but he won his life back! Yes, corny I know but it's true.
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    I only watched last week and last nights of this season. John was in it to win the money, and nothing else. Last week when he was home I wanted to strangle him, saying his wife was doing everything so he could train. That wasn't the point of going home, it was to live a "normal" life. He is going to gain all the weight back! And frankly, he almost deserves it, maybe it will be a real wake up call to appreciate his family and realize that the true meaning of life is not money or winning, it's about being able to actually LIVE your life. He made me very angry too! Can you tell! LOL
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    I think what was the MOST deplorable about John was that he is supposed to be an EDUCATOR!!! Whether we like it or not, when you teach you are a role model at all times when you are visible to students, like say.....ON NATIONAL TELEVISION!!! What kind of example did he set for his students (BTW he's a special ed teacher) with way he behaved and played the game all season long??? What will his students learn from HIS example?! That it's ok to be a total backstabbing a$$hat not only to peers who are there to support you and help you through, but mentors (dolvett) and your family as well as long as there's a monetary prize involved?!?! My distaste for that man's lack of a moral compass is infinite!

    And now I can let go....Rant over!
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I HATED John... Funny thing, if Ramon didn't win the marathon, or Antone got sent home... they would have won the 100k
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    I was totally disappointed with the whole kit-n-kaboodle last night. :grumble: I thought Vinny or Patrick had the at home prize in the bag and I WANTED TO RIP JOHN A NEW ONE!!!! I can't stand that guy! He's about as fake a frickin barbie doll. I could not believe how he went on and on about Bob (don't get me wrong, I LOVE Bob) and didn't even acknowledge all the hard work Dolvett put in with him! What a douche bag!! I thought he was arrogant and obnoxious through the whole season. I was rooting for Antone all the way. I would have been happy with Ramone too, but SWEET LORDY why did it have to be JOHN??? He's totally going to gain it all back. All he cared about was winning, not getting healthier. It was totally obvious. :explode: :angry: :mad:

    The whole show seemed drawn out and I was getting really annoyed with the whole thing. Seemed really unorganized and frazzled. Ugh...hope next season is better...

    And this is why you are my MFP friend-- I completely agree! Especially how he did not credit Dolvett at all, who was his PERSONAL trainer for most of the show, as he was the only red team member left. I think he will gain as well and I feel almost bad saying it. Ramon drives me crazy also, just too cocky and the romance nauseates me, but not John. I look forward to seeing more of Dolvett next season :-*
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    And whom ever mentioned Allison's boobs, the left in particular, YES! Someone dresses you for crying out loud!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I only watched last week and last nights of this season. John was in it to win the money, and nothing else. Last week when he was home I wanted to strangle him, saying his wife was doing everything so he could train. That wasn't the point of going home, it was to live a "normal" life. He is going to gain all the weight back! And frankly, he almost deserves it, maybe it will be a real wake up call to appreciate his family and realize that the true meaning of life is not money or winning, it's about being able to actually LIVE your life. He made me very angry too! Can you tell! LOL

    Exactly!! His wife is being his slave and waiting on him hand and foot while he worked out to win the "MONEY". He won't keep it off. His wife is going to get tired of waiting on him, and also he's going to have to get back to a normal life someday!!
  • I loved the show! I just hated the fact that John won. I'm sorry but I didn't like John from the start of the show. Jan 3rd starts the new season :) CANT WAIT!
  • chrisja
    chrisja Posts: 380 Member
    first of all i hated the new format.....i much more would have preferred to see all the past contestants do their "final" weigh ins on the scale on the stage for all to share in the excitement of their accomplishments, the way it has ALWAYS been done....

    john is a tool and deserved to win only in that he lost the highest percentage of weight...unfortunately for him and his family, i do not think he will keep it off....his wife is clearly overworked and does not take care of herself and i do not see him pitching in anytime soon so that she can work on herself, which she desperately needs to do....

    i liked dolvett and was happy to see he will be around next season, i had read anna was out so i wasnt surprised by her not being "active" in the finale and well bob and the way jennifer fawned over him was just creepy....she was weird the entire time she was on the show and it continued into the finale....she did a great job losing the weight and winning the at home prize....

    i loved how great sunny and becky looked and would have loved to see them celebrate their amazing losses on the scale as well as joe....

    i hope next season they go back to the old way of doing the finale...just my two cents added in :)

    ^^^You pretty much covered exactly every single thing I thought and saved me alot of typing! thank you =D

  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I was totally disappointed with the whole kit-n-kaboodle last night. :grumble: I thought Vinny or Patrick had the at home prize in the bag and I WANTED TO RIP JOHN A NEW ONE!!!! I can't stand that guy! He's about as fake a frickin barbie doll. I could not believe how he went on and on about Bob (don't get me wrong, I LOVE Bob) and didn't even acknowledge all the hard work Dolvett put in with him! What a douche bag!! I thought he was arrogant and obnoxious through the whole season. I was rooting for Antone all the way. I would have been happy with Ramone too, but SWEET LORDY why did it have to be JOHN??? He's totally going to gain it all back. All he cared about was winning, not getting healthier. It was totally obvious. :explode: :angry: :mad:

    The whole show seemed drawn out and I was getting really annoyed with the whole thing. Seemed really unorganized and frazzled. Ugh...hope next season is better...

    And this is why you are my MFP friend-- I completely agree! Especially how he did not credit Dolvett at all, who was his PERSONAL trainer for most of the show, as he was the only red team member left. I think he will gain as well and I feel almost bad saying it. Ramon drives me crazy also, just too cocky and the romance nauseates me, but not John. I look forward to seeing more of Dolvett next season :-*

    So I am not alone! I am sure Ramon is a very nice guy but he was far too sickly syrupy sweet for me. And that poor girl. She should run. Away. It really bothered me how he wouldn't even let her get across the finish line at the marathon and he was literally wrapping her in his arms. Hi, she just ran a MARATHON, can she breathe a minute?
  • chrisja
    chrisja Posts: 380 Member
    Lol...I found Ramon a bit annoying too.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yeah. I was pissed about that. He could have said "other than my wife and kids..." but he didn't. It's like, WAKE UP. That's an accomplishment to ANYONE. Geezus. His wife seems really sweet and I just don't know how the guy can be so damn cocky, especially with a special needs child. Most parents of autistic children are so humble and appreciate everything they have. He doesn't seem to. It's disgusting, really. BUT I'm excited for January 3rd, baby!!!!!! Can't wait to see what this Santa business is and if he makes it pretty far, wow, makeover week. That'll be cool.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I was disappointed with John winning, too. In the previous episode, when Bob visited him at home, he said he hadn't gone back to work and his wife was doing everything around the house so he could focus on training. To me, he missed the whole point, which is to go home and resume your life and lose the weight in a real-life situation. John didn't do that, so how does he think he's going to maintain--he has to go back to work sometime.

    I also thought, looking at Antone and John, who were only 2 pounds apart when they started, that Antone looked very toned and muscular, while John looked "skinny fat". Antone's added muscle could have easily accounted for the 18 pound difference between them.

    I'm looking forward to next season. It will be interesting to hear the "no excuses" format. Looks like they are going to shake up the teams early on, too, which I think is good. If you're dependent on certain people to help you lose weight (whether it's a particular trainer or a family member), then you're doomed to fail when that person is not able to help you for some reason. As Anna kept drilling into her team, it's YOU who has to do it. The trainers can give you information and tools, but YOU have to do it. Just like MFP--it's a great tool, but it's useless if YOU don't take the initiative to use it.

    I know that the show sometimes stretches the boundaries of healthy diet and exercise, but I still find it very motivating. I figure if these people can lose the weight, so can I! And before anyone jumps on it, don't worry...I know that losing the amounts they are losing is not realistic. It's still a motivator for me, especially with the exercise. If these people that outweigh me by 100 pounds or more can do some of these things, then I have no excuse not to try!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    John is a jerk and shouldn't have won but those guys are always gonna have ppl like that to face. They need to rest assured knowing that they will keep the weight off and they are good ppl, while he is not. Patrick looked so great. He looked like a new person. I also don't like Jennifer. Just dissapointing winners all around.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I wish they'd go by BF% lost, or other positive changes to health, rather than just body weight percentage lost.

    I only watched the first couple episodes of the season, then the finale. The whole premise irritates me... so much yelling and screaming and crying and puking. I'm happy I found MFP and learned how to lose weight without all the pain and drama! :heart:
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I agree with you all about john. I was rooting for antone. or ramon. either one. i thought sunny looked amazing! i hope that they get a really good judge to replace anna this year. woudl be great if jillian could come back but i don't see that happening.
  • Pams_Shadow
    Pams_Shadow Posts: 233 Member
    You guys are all WRONG! John totally deserved to win and his attitude the entire season was spot-on. There's no way he will gain all the weight back. He's a true inspiration to everyone. I like him from the first show and understood his serious attitude. His ability to keep his eye on the real prize of winning the Biggest Loser contest is amazing. I admire him so much!!

    BTW.... I'm totally freaking joking! The guy sucked like week old rotten eggs the whole season. Really ticked me off that someone so uncaring of his family won. He didn't learn a thing and I agree with everyone else that he will gain back all the weight he's lost, probably more. Just wanted to hopefully make someone laugh!
  • chrisja
    chrisja Posts: 380 Member
    LOL...mission accomplished Pams_Shadow. You got me there for a while.
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