New Plan 1200 cals 1000 cal exercise burn a day..crazy..heal

So I am going off Medifast for a few weeks and I was good to eat 1500-2000 cals a day and I've read to lose 1LB a week u have to create a deficit of 500 everyday so I of course want to stay I'm between 2-5lb loss a week so I would need to.create a deficit of 1,000 a day... So I set my MFP to maintain n that 2190 so if I eat 1200 cals a day n exercise n burn 1,000 cals a that healthy...dosent seem like it would be cause my net would be 200!! So I need suggestions I want to lose 4-5 lbs a week I am 5'7.5" and currently 215.6 lbs besides working out I am a SAHM so my activity is light at best any help would be great today is day one off Medifast and I ate Medifast Scrambled Eggs which r 109 cals for my first meal @ 730am n will be eating my next snack/meal at 1030 which my goal is to keep it under 300 cals..I also will continue to drink 6 liters of water a day;)

.My original plan was to do B,L,D under 300 cals and snacks 3 times a day under 100 cals n then workout 4 times a week for 30 min on my Abdoer Twist burning about 500 cals on the Extreme Workout DVD...


  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    If I only eat 1200 and then workout really hard on top of that, I feel like crap. LOL If you're going to be working out that hard, you might consider eating back at least a portion of your exercise calories. 200 net is very low for your body to run just normal functions all day. You might also consider searching on the site and checking out 'the olivia method' - it's a different way to set up MFP goals that you might find interesting. :-)
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks I am currently looking at that now ;) Have u tried the Olivia method? how has it worked for u on avg what is your loss per week?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Thanks I am currently looking at that now ;) Have u tried the Olivia method? how has it worked for u on avg what is your loss per week?

    I find it a little more complicated than what I need right now, I have had continued success just sticking close to what MFP tells me to do and occasionally zig-zagging a little bit. But I know a lot of people have really appreciated that new method so I thought I'd suggest it in case you like it, too. :-)

    Sticking close to MFP recs, I started out losing about 1 lb every 4 days, now I'm down to 0.5-1 lb per week but that's b/c I only had 40 lbs to lose in the first place and I'm back in a healthy BMI weight range now, so it's natural for it to be slower for me at this point. :-)
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Losing 4-5lbs per week probably isn't healthy for you, unless you currently weigh 350+ pounds. Your brains and vital organs need a certain amount of calories every day to function properly, so it's not feasible to create a huge deficit week after week without endangering your health.

    Give yourself time and be patient! Losing too fast means you lose muscle along with the fat, and it also increases the likelihood of getting saggy skin. People also say it also makes it more likely to gain the weight back, though I think that depends on how you eat and exercise afterwards.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Well I was on Medifast for 18 weeks and closely monitored by my doctor I lost 53 lbs and never had savvy skin and lost an avg of 3-5 lbs a week and so I want to stay close to that even though I'm off Medifast ...I was healthy even on Medifast because more than calories I was also getting a surplus of vitamins and minerals and all I need to lose just get..never now being on a 1200 cal diet we will see how it goes so far I am halfway through my day and under 600 cals and still have 3 meals /snacks left and the goal is to stay under 1200 then I have a workout where I will be burning 500+ cals so after a few weeks of this I will visit my doctor again and see how everything goes;)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Keep in mind that the closer you get to your goal weight, the slower your weightloss is likely to be. It can get scary when it starts slowing down, but it's natural and really healthier for it to slow a bit as you get farther along. If it stalls completely, then it's time to re-evaluate and see if you need to make some changes. But as long as you are dropping weight, even if it's slower, that's real progress and something to celebrate. :-)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Bump for later.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I just think you should pick something you can stick with long term, this sounds too extreme. what if you set your cals to whatever is maintenance for your goal weight and you'll get there.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Today was great 1384 on my cals n burned 488 exercising!!;) I feel good!! Wanted to stay right at 1200 but I got a little hungry around 8ish so I ate cottage cheese n pineapple was 100 cals;) So far so good;) Day 2 tomorrow we shall see how it goes;)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Today was great 1384 on my cals n burned 488 exercising!!;) I feel good!! Wanted to stay right at 1200 but I got a little hungry around 8ish so I ate cottage cheese n pineapple was 100 cals;) So far so good;) Day 2 tomorrow we shall see how it goes;)
    Actually, that isnt great. When you net below 1200 your body isnt receiving all the nutrients and calories it tequires to function properly. What happens when you under eat, you do two things; you malnurish your body and you slow your metabolism. What happens is your body adapts to the low calorie diet and starts to burn less calories. Also, when you eat low calories your body tends to lose muscle mass because once your fat store run out of energy, it turns to the amino acids and converts them to energy. This process will reduce muscle mass.

    You are actually better off in the long run to eat more as you will maintain muscle mass which will maintain lean muscle mass. There are a few threads about people who eat more and lose more. In fact, i did a study and posted results on here that those who have lower body fat eat more.

    You have to remember that food is fuel so if you dont properly fuel your body, it wont effectively burn calories.
  • fit4life1010
    The normal weight loss (healthy) is about 1-2 pounds a week. I'm talking pure weight loss (not water loss etc). I rather lose weight slowly and keep it off than lose it really fast. The first time around I lost weight, I did it the unhealthy way. I used to eat 1200 maximum and yes I did lose weight, but I felt completely crappy all day. All I could think about was food and when I'll get a chance to eat next and what I'll eat next because I was always hungry. Eventually, my hunger pangs went down but it was because of my metabolism slowing down (which is not a good thing obviously).

    When I got tired of the "diet", I began eating and eating everything. I gained all the weight back and more. This time around I'm taking it as a new approach. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. So take it slow.

    Also, when we try to lose weight too fast, we're losing muscle mass and not fat. So although the scale might go down, determine whether you are actually losing fat. The body fat percentage should go down. Don't be too concerned with the weight scale. Go off of inches lost and how your clothes fit.

    And also try to be as active as possible. Walking is a great and then slowly increase intensity.

    Have a great day! :)
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Actually, that isnt great. When you net below 1200 your body isnt receiving all the nutrients and calories it tequires to function properly. What happens when you under eat, you do two things; you malnurish your body and you slow your metabolism. What happens is your body adapts to the low calorie diet and starts to burn less calories. Also, when you eat low calories your body tends to lose muscle mass because once your fat store run out of energy, it turns to the amino acids and converts them to energy. This process will reduce muscle mass.

    You are actually better off in the long run to eat more as you will maintain muscle mass which will maintain lean muscle mass. There are a few threads about people who eat more and lose more. In fact, i did a study and posted results on here that those who have lower body fat eat more.

    You have to remember that food is fuel so if you dont properly fuel your body, it wont effectively burn calories.

    I agree with this 100%. A 4-5 lb weight loss per week isn't healthy, just as eating too little isn't healthy. Read the threads about eating more/losing more. There's some really great information in those threads...
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Cool beans I will definetly read those threads and my BF% is going down as well as the scale inches and clothing size...and I'm not hungry because I feed my body every 2 hrs ...6 times a day today is day 2 and I'm cool at most ill eat 1500 cals a day...I was told to do 1500-2000 to lose weight so...I appreciate all yalls advice and will keep tabs on what's going on with my body;)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Cool beans I will definetly read those threads and my BF% is going down as well as the scale inches and clothing size...and I'm not hungry because I feed my body every 2 hrs ...6 times a day today is day 2 and I'm cool at most ill eat 1500 cals a day...I was told to do 1500-2000 to lose weight so...I appreciate all yalls advice and will keep tabs on what's going on with my body;)
    Are you tracking your body fat? If so is it with a bio impedance mechanic or calipers? If you do track it can you please post some before and after measurements?
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    My BF% on Dec 3 was 34.6% and my BF% today Dec 16 is 32.7% From Dec 3-Dec 16th I have dropped 10.6lbs....since being on my low cal 1200 diet which I started Wed I have lost 6.8lbs of which 5.2lbs I lost from yesterday morning till this morning...
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    I have a scale that I use that track BF% bone,water,n some other things it came with my Abdoer Twist Machine..I didn't track my starting BF% but I'm sure it was hecka high at 268lbs and a waist size in the 40s+
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    My BF% on Dec 3 was 34.6% and my BF% today Dec 16 is 32.7% From Dec 3-Dec 16th I have dropped 10.6lbs....since being on my low cal 1200 diet which I started Wed I have lost 6.8lbs of which 5.2lbs I lost from yesterday morning till this morning...

    Do you know what you weight was at those bf %?
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I don't think you understand. If you eat 1200 calories that IS a deficit. You should be NETTING that much.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    I do understand I want to lose 2-5 lbs a week as I have been doing the last 18 weeks and yes Dec 3 I was 219.4lbs 34.6% BF and Dec 16 I am 208.8 lbs and 32.7% BF
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Fine, do what you want.