Am i too heavy to start running?



  • AbiCusPeck
    AbiCusPeck Posts: 96 Member

    Im hoping someone can help me, as i seem to be getting alot of mixed reviews on this. I would like to start taking up running, im thinking the couch to 5k would be a good start and I currently weigh 265 pounds.

    Am i too heavy to start running? Should i wait till i have lost more weight?

    I do exercise almost every day, in either the form of walking and cycling, with cycling being my main exercise.

    Hope someone can help

    Nessy x

    I haven't even read the first response to this and I know it was a while ago, but I'm a) thinking its great that there's someone like me... wanting to run and overweight and also has cycling (mine being spinning) as a favourite... and b) interested in how you got on...!

    Will now go and read through the rest of the posts and probably realise that I didn't need to write this, lol :)
  • AbiCusPeck
    AbiCusPeck Posts: 96 Member
    I was a round mound of 262, and yes, I started running.

    Well, it was running to me. Most people crawl faster, but no worry; I was out and doing the best I could.
    Sometimes I'd run to the end of the street, then one driveway past, then another, and before long?


    It was not long before I was running 2, then 3 and I stopped increasing after 4 miles. I lost 64 lbs so far, and do various other forms of cardio, but I still do my runs a few times each week.

    Go slow, and do not be too proud to stop for a walk if your body says stop.
    Make sure you get a complete physical and talk to your doc before starting.

    This is really motivating! I did day 1 week 1 yesterday and doing my normal spin and sculpt today - fingers crossed I kick butt with day 2 of week 1 tomorrow :)