My Motivation Is Falling Apart...



  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    ALMOST 30 POUNDS :drinker: that's motivation enough to say you can't stop. Do you really want to re-lose those same pounds again? probably not :tongue: Answer this question, are you on a diet or lifestyle change?

    You can lose weight doing either, but lifestyle changes take a long time, and require a different mindset, but the long term results are worth it. You realize that food is not evil if you use it right, and you start to find new exercise programs you like. You enjoy involving others in your new lifestyle of health, and it's something new to look forward to everyday, just ways to better yourself.

    On a diet, you get bored and lose focus and motivation probably because you're starving or are doing the same routines all the time. Diets work, but more than likely you will gain the weight back unless you find a sustainable way to make health a long-term lifestyle change.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    I agree with others who advise to take this as a clue to change up the activity part of your day, and be gentle on yourself. If you belong to a gym - sign up for a personal training session, or plan to attend a group class that you haven't tried yet. Zumba! - move and music, don't discount that! If you're more of a walker -- search for weekend 5ks in your area, they seem to be year-round, and a motivating way to spend some extra time outside. Grab a buddy, and spend 45minutes to an hour, hoofing it for a great cause.

    Finally, I've found success in numbers -- try for look for groups of people interested in meet ups for healthy lifestyle activities, and fun.

    Ease though it with grace and calm -- don't panic. You are making a healthy life-style change, not taking a life-or-death test. You've come farther than ever before, and can take this hurdle in stride, just by acknowledging it and believing in yourself. You can find it in your heart to be kind to yourself and loyal to your healthy intentions.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Your loses are great, but realize for 2 months, 10lbs + per month is aggressive weight loss. Sometimes I find when I go that intense in any area, I eventually burn out and need a break. I don't believe you've lost all your motivation, but you need a break and then a change of pace like the others have suggested. Whatever it is you do, you need to enjoy something about it that keeps your interest and motivation for continuing. I've been through 2 of these periods in the past 15 months.
  • Freax
    Freax Posts: 91 Member
    Rollie277 - You're right. No one does want to do this all over again. It was hard enough doing it a couple of times before, but I don't want to do that anymore. Thank you. :)

    BobbyClerici - I plan to change my workout routine pretty soon. In fact, I actually want to do the treadmill just because I don't have the best stamina and I want to run for a long amount of time. I found a very popular app for the iPhone that people have been talking about and it is an 8 or so week program to help you do a 5k. I think it will be fun for me and challenging. I need a challenge in my life. Thank you. ^^

    Articeluvsmem - No, I don't want to lose the same pounds again. I worked too hard to do that. I'm on a life-style change and I know that now. I always had been on a diet in the past and maybe that is why I failed. I will remember that a life-style change is going to be worth it in the end. Thank you. ^^

    cpanasuk - Thank you for the link. I'll see what it's all about and decide what I want to do. I've come this far and I should keep going. Thank you. ^^

    gp79 - I was a BIG person and I'm pretty sure the first 10 pounds or so were water weight. Right now I'm losing weight at a healthy pace. I never thought about taking a break. I'll keep it in mind. Thank you. :)