
Is it possible to lose 30 lbs in 3 months? I want to know if its a reachable goal or if its too far fetched..

I hate setting myself up for failure...what's a good goal?


  • kikkipoo
    kikkipoo Posts: 292 Member
    If you were asking for 30 pounds in 30 days I might give you a crooked eyebrow lift, but 30 pounds in 3 months is very doable. With hard work and dedication, you could reach that and then some!
  • It is reachable. I was able to do this by eating less than my Basal Metabolic Rate burned each day and exercising at least 2 hours a day, 6 days a week. I was under supervision from my doctor though. Think of it this way: It is recommended to lose 2 pounds a week, and there are 4-5 weeks each month. So, if month 1 had 4 wks, you could focus on losing 8 lbs, if month 2 had 5, try for 10, and if month 3 had 4, try for 8 again. You may lose more weight at the beginning becuase your body is getting rid oif excess water and bloat, but it is possible because I did it (actually, I lost a little more than that in 3 months). I hope that makes sense, I'm kind of rambling.

    Talk to your doctor and be safe. Remember, if you put in the hard work and stay dedicated to the process, you WILL get it off. You are worth the time it takes, more or less!!!!

    If you have any ?s, message me and we can talk about it!
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    anything is possible if you have the desire and committment to see it through.

    Did I think 9 1/2 months ago that I would have 197 pounds off?? nope...but I do. my committment to me and my health did it.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    it may be possible.....
    but if it doesn't come about don't use that eventuality as a reason to give up!
    you need to learn patience....its a process not an event, you need to give yourself time to study, to learn, to adjust and to become fully engaged in your new healthy lifestyle.

    good luck and happy eating!
  • nica8605
    nica8605 Posts: 31 Member
    anything is possible if you have the desire and committment to see it through.

    Did I think 9 1/2 months ago that I would have 197 pounds off?? nope...but I do. my committment to me and my health did it.

    Wow that's amazing! How did keep ur focus?
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    Hard work and dedication.. I think it is possible.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Hard work and dedication.. I think it is possible.


    And I found it seemed the more I had to lose, the easier it came off at first.
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    it's definitely possible, but you have to be dedicated to it, and you can't give up! exercise 5-6 days a week, for about an hour and a half as HARD as you can, and especially keep an eye on the food you eat, processed =/= good!

    good luck, don't ever get discouraged!
  • JT1090
    JT1090 Posts: 79 Member
    When I was 16 years old I went from 166lbs to 135lbs in 8 weeks. I followed my mom's Weight Watchers books. I didn't exercise besides slacking off during P.E and walking from class to class during the day.

    So yes it's possible! Maybe it was because I was so young, Idk. It seemed like the weight just melted off.
  • angee1126
    angee1126 Posts: 185 Member
    It's do-able.....I lost my 31 lbs in 8 weeks.