The Over 300 Club



  • 4suredistime
    Hi All,

    Just dropping in to say HHHHHHHEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY!!!
    I will be back to catch up during the week. I really need to come back to log intake and get all the support this week. I have been off track for two days really, but not overdoing it. I am getting back on track tomorrow, and my mom is coming along for the ride!!!! :drinker: Everyone was really amazed at how much I have lost. They have not seen me at this weight in a long long time.

    Ok, heading off. It is raining here and the connection is getting bad.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and will have an even better WL week.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Bonkers, I think when you have alot of weight to lose like I do it's normal to lose more than 2 pounds a week. I eat 1,700 calories a day. I burn around 800-900 a day doing my exercise. I don't eat any exercise calories back as of yet. I will when I get closer to my goal weight. I lose 3-4 pounds a week. MFP has set my calories at 1,700 . The only thing I don't do that they suggest is to eat those exercise calories back. Now, dont get me wrong. If I'm hungry I eat . I workout 6 days a week. I love this way of life! Cindy :heart:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Cindy way to go!!!:drinker:

    Welcome Angelwings!:flowerforyou:

    Bonkers sounds like you are doing great.:drinker: I think that research has proven that with larger people like us that the best exercise for us is the one we'll do and stick to like your recumbent. So start out with something you enjoy doing and don't be afraid to try new things. I bought a Yoga video from Amazon and tried it and was surprised I could actually do the poses on it. Of course it is designed for larger people but it was a perfect starter video. It is Yoga my size or something like that. I am trying to work up the courage to try one of the classes at the gym where I am a member maybe bellydance or tai chi or something. I have decided that the only one holding me back is me because when all is said and done those people at the gym do not even know me and I won't see them again so who cares lol!

    OKay well here's to another week guys hope you have a great one and I am not sure who said it but it has become my new mantra remember "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!" Hey it works it kept me from buying Entermann's doughnuts this weekend!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    4SURE! good to see ya! So, when you say your mom is along for the ride, do you mean she is joining MFP? Or visiting you? BEST of luck in the new week!

    Bonkers - here is what I am learning: DItto what Cindy said. :laugh: That can almost always be said. Seriously, there is a thread on here somewhere by shboss aka Banks that addresses the whole exercise calorie thing. basically, he says that the reason we do that is that the deficit is already built in to our daily caloric requirement, so if you didn't eat them, you would be in such a deficit that over time, you could slow your metabolism down and stop losing, or start burning muscle.

    HOWEVER - he then says that for us full figure gals (and guys) its a different story. With our extra storage, and the fact that it is readily accessible (meaning the fat we want to burn is IN STOCK -unfortunately!) we don't need to worry about the loss of muscle at this point. Maybe later. For me, a LOT later! So, we don't need to worry about exercise calories. Make sense? As you get into it, and start to actually live inside your body again, and feel what its needs are, you'll feel it, I think.

    Here is what I do. Now, remember, I weigh more than 400 lbs, so again, my rules are different. First, MFP figures I can have 2130 calories a day to lose 2 lbs a week. I eat closer to 1500 to 1700. With my new way of eating, it is plenty! My old eating was mostly empty carbs - soda, chips, etc. I prolly ate 3500 to 4000 routinely. So, ugh! there ya go. BIg change for me means big weight loss. Next, exercise, I can't really do much cardio yet. My knees are about shot, of course, look what they have been contending with. I had a doctor once say that anyone with body fat in excess of 50% would probably not be ambulatory - well, my body fat was probably above 60% when I started. SO, I do mostly weight training when I exercise. I do it at home, cuz I am not yet ready to go back to the gym. Pretty soon! (Amy, I would love to do Tai Chi!) Another thing I have done is adjust my carb - protein - fat ratios. I seem to do better on fewer carbs and more lean proteins. So, I don't eat any breads, pastas, potatoes or rice. All my carbs are veggies and a little fruit. It is no where near a low carb diet like Atkins, just modified. I also found, especially early on that I really needed to eat every 2 to 3 hours. That keeps me focused and I don't get too hungry and then binge. There is my program.

    Some of us are on dr. supervised programs (You guys can chime in here.) so they are really monitoring things carefully, and having a lot of success. The main thing that helps me is learning as much as I can and paying attention to my body. Hope there was some helpful information there.
    Take care!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I am trying to work up the courage to try one of the classes at the gym where I am a member maybe bellydance or tai chi or something. I have decided that the only one holding me back is me because when all is said and done those people at the gym do not even know me and I won't see them again so who cares lol!

    I started taking a belly dancing class with the city parks & rec program. I had wanted to do it for years but didn't have the nerve. I signed up this year with some trepidation and went to the first class thinking if they are all skinny and look at me like I am an alien, I can always drop out. The skinny people were in the minority and nobody looked at me funny. It is a blast and good exercise.

    My husband and I have taken tai chi classes with the city as well. Again, no judgement and I find the tai chi moves very relaxing and even healing. My knees were bothering me and tai chi helped them.

    Don't let anything hold you back. " You have nothing to fear, but fear itself" People are a lot more accepting than we give them credit for. Our judgement of ourselves is not always the judgement that others have.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi team !!! Thanks so much for the congtats ! :heart: I just did a 3 mile walk this AM . I'm going to alternate 2 miles one day and then 3 miles one day in the AM . My pm miles will stay at 2 miles. So one day I'll walk a total of 4 miles the next 5 miles. It's only going to 85 degrees here today so no pool for me. I'm going to do some free weight work. I hope everyone is having a great day !!! Keep up the great work everyone! Cindy :heart:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Morning everyone! How are you Monday weigh inners? I snuck out to the scales and had lost another pound, but I am not counting til Friday, so we will hope it stays off. having it all, I love what you said, we usually are our own worst critics! I have found that all my friends and family members are SO EXCITED about my weight loss! We need to lighten up on ourselves and just do this. When we err, snap out of it, turn around and get back on track. Stop beating ourselves up. Thanks for that thought. I am so much more productive when I am confident, and not down on myself.

    Cindy, you continue to put me to shame, so I am gonna go exercise! Go girl! :happy:
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hey, thanks cindy and kristi for the advice, I will certainly take it to heart. As I said, I did this before and stalled for months, but I was eating back all those exercise calories. I did try a couple of years ago to stick to a 1600 cal a day diet, but I couldn't do it, because the only results I got were to lose water weight. And I was starving all the time.

    So I have a really good feeling about this. I'm eating back a fraction of those exercise calories, and now I know that if I'm not happy with my results, I can trim them all the way back.

    I went horseback riding this morning, 2 1/2 hours of catching, longeing, grooming, tacking, riding (walk, trot and canter!) then untackings and cleaning up. I know there's no cardio benefit in riding, but as a weight-training program... yeah buddy. :tongue: You try pulling around 1500 lbs of frisky horse for a little while!

    When I finished that, I walked over to my mom's for lunch, about 3/4 of a mile. After lunch, she and I walked about 3 miles together. I am so tired now, I'm just going to sit here for the rest of the afternoon and feel my revving metabolism eat up a few calories. :happy:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hello team- Just a quick pop in to see how everyones doing. Kristi, I'm glad I'm motivating you. With that being said I think you are doing an AWESOME job yourself !!!!!!!! Have a great afternoon everyone. :heart: Cindy
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Welcome angelwings you well find so much support here and also wonderful woman and men who help so much. What is also wonderful about this team is they tell you how wonderful you are and that no matter what weight you are faced with that we can do this together. IT so wonderful!
    Stillkirsti thank you :happy: you made me smile today. and the mood is still here yeah.
    amy I am with you there I don't have the courage yet to go to a gym or the money right now. But I do have leg's and I am walking not as much a Cindy WOW :happy: but at least 2 miles a day I also got a video walking away the pounds and I found it pretty easy to do. it was 2 miles and I was shocked I kept up with it the whole time. But you are right you will never see those people again and we should no care about what starnger's think I mean we tell our children to stay away from them. and not to listen to them so why do we?
    Also I don't remeber who said it but I would love to know the vidoe for yoga I have one and it's way to hard . Thank's
    4sure great to see you.have a great time with your mom.
    ng4life thank you come by anytime and read some of the blogs to stillkristi has a great one so insparing. ( I have got to find spell check for thie does anyone have a clue how I can do that )
    4sure great to see you enjoy the time with your mom
    everyone have a great afternoon
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    MPJS I think it is called Yoga for my Size I got it on Amazon under exercise videos. The instructor is fuller figured too so it is great.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi, quick check in gang.

    MPJS, you made me laugh when you said, "I mean we tell our children to stay away from them. and not to listen to them so why do we?"

    That was priceless. Great walking! Well, gang, see you in the movies!
  • loula1076
    loula1076 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey all! Just checking in to say I lost 2.9 pounds. Hooray. Joey, my son, was so worried he had gained because he was in Chicago on a class trip, but he lost .5. We're doing great! I'm 4.5 pounds away from my goal for May.

    How's everyone else doing?

    Have a good day!:flowerforyou:
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    Hey guys,

    Meant to weigh this morning, and didn't, so I'll have to weigh in tomorrow morning.

    Doing okay on eating, need more exercising, for sure, but I'm so exhausted recently.
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    Thanks stillkirsti . And Amy I am going to look for it now. I hope everyone has a great night. :flowerforyou:
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    :yawn: Good morning guys!

    Today is my birthday. :smile:

    I got a great present when I weighed in. Four pounds lost. :happy:

    I'm definitely satisfied. Here's to hoping for more weight loss by next week.

    Working 9-1 today, then hoping to get a nice walk in this afternoon.

    Have a great day ladies (and gents).

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Caite,, Happy Birthday :flowerforyou: and way to go on the 4 pounds !!!!! You Rock !!!! Have a wonderful day ! Cindy :heart:
  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    How excited you must be, 4 lbs. lost is awesome!!! :drinker: Keep up the great work.:flowerforyou: :heart: "Go Caitlin,Go Caitlin, It's ya birthday!"

    I weighed in yesterday and I'm down 5.5lbs. It's very exciting. I'll be vacationing later this week in Destin, Fl. So I'm really getting my mind ready to focus on the beach and having fun swimming instead of my former passtime of eating. This is going to be a challenge but I'm getting ready to "just say no":laugh: (to the restaurants). Have a Great Day Ya'll!!
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Hi Everyone! Sorry I have been so MIA - it's been a strangely busy time - but I HAVE been lurking around and checking in on you all every so often! Welcome to all our new group members. It's so great to see so many folks keeping in touch here.

    Caitlin! Happy Birthday :flowerforyou: My dear MIL used to believe that they way you started a year was the way you would carry on throughout - so congrats on your 4 lbs and your new motivation, I see great things for you going forward!

    Bonkers - I am so intrigued by your horseback riding. How big IS too big to ride a horse? I would really like to go riding sometime, but have been afraid I would get turned way at the ranch....Is there a particular breed that is more sturdy than others?

    As for me, it's been a kind of good news/bad news week....The bad news is that for the first time since January I have gone a whole week without going swimming!!!! My daughter is commuting with me to work for 5 weeks and this week we have been caught up doing errands, etc on the way home from work. She has promised not to distract me any further :happy:

    I have been trying to get out for a serious walk during my lunch breaks to make up for it somewhat, but with my bad knees, it's only about half as good on the calorie scale.

    I thought that losing my routine would really mess my my progress this week, but the GOOD NEWS is that I still lost 2 lbs!!!! :drinker: I feel like I am starting to more instinctively eat less and move more - not that I can afford to be any less diligent, but it's good to feel like the bumps in the road aren't quite so devistating.

    Sometimes, it really is the little things that tell you things are going in the right direction! We had a party to go to this weekend and I bought new jeans and a top to wear. Best compliment in years from my DH when I asked how he liked the top. His comment was "Big Boobies!:bigsmile: " Now, I DON"T have big boobies - but the belly isn't competing with the chest so much anymore, so it sure helps them to look that way!!! It's the first time in year I have gone to a party and felt like I looked good!

    The coolest thing was that a ring that I haven't been able to wear for years just slipped onto my finger (and I was able to get it off again!!!).

    Anyway, I'm off to walk around the block and I WILL go swimming tonight. Have yourself a good day, gang!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team ! I'm making out my grocery list and I need some ideas. I need new ideas for dinners. I seem to make the same things over and over. TIA- Cindy :heart: