The 17 Day Diet?!?!!?



  • flyawaybyebye
    I'm not familiar with it, but best wishes to you if you decide to try it!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I laugh when people are quick to say :::gasp::: it's a diet? Well, yes whatever the heck you eat is your diet. To ME counting calories isn't something I can do for the rest of my life either. I'm doing it to try to lose weight but hoping in the meantime to find something I can LIVE with and having to boot up the old laptop every single time I eat is not a very practical way to live but being obese isn't the most practical thing either so what I did was put myself on a diet - I cut my calories from what I was eating (that lead to weight gain) to what MFP suggests (which should lead to weight loss). I am on a diet.
    Everyone has a diet, but not everyone eats the same things. In programmed diets, anyone that does it is suggested to follow the actual eating plan.
    My diet consisted of Taco Bell Fresco Chicken Soft Tacos for lunch (3 of them).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Eh I know all about the diet...but what I don't get is the point of it? You won't lose any more weight by doing it rather than calorie counting. Since deficit will be the same.

    I would rather just eat how I want. Slowly making changes and transitioning into a healthy lifestyle
  • TigersFanIndy34
    I'd personally be told exactly what to eat and when for the rest of my life then to have to count calories. i hate this. Unfortunately I get stuck in trying to find a "program" that fits our budget (about $70 a week total for groceries for a family of 4 is about the max) so by counting calorie I can eat all my cheapo foods and log them. I do hope to not have to do all this logging forever though. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I had a fancy phone with apps or a laptop that didn't lock up every 2 seconds but as it is this is annoying. I try pen and paper but then I end up never wanting to eat fresh foods because I don't know the calories and it gets to be easier to eat packaged stuff - not good either. I couldn't do the 17 day diet because of money. I need to find a "diet" that is called "really cheap food for 1800 healthy calories a day".
  • TigersFanIndy34
    In other words I want someone to tell me exactly what to eat and when and I'd do it!!!
  • TigersFanIndy34
    To all those people who criticize diets and what not. If you put food in your mouth, you're on a diet.

  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    To each their own right :D

    I think I forget that some don't like to count calories xD In that case i completely understand! Looking at the 17 day diet I don't think it is all that bad really. If you log calories and do one of these diets then I don't really see a point. If you hate counting then it takes less work ^-^
  • TigersFanIndy34
    To each their own right :D

    I think I forget that some don't like to count calories xD In that case i completely understand! Looking at the 17 day diet I don't think it is all that bad really. If you log calories and do one of these diets then I don't really see a point. If you hate counting then it takes less work ^-^

    Probably doesn't help that I barely made it through basic college math lol - me + numbers = frustration. I have even resorted to calling my husband and asking him "how heavy do you think that hamburger was that I ate" to get his reply "eh, hon, I don't know I wasn't there" to which I say - oh check our camera - I took a pic LOL. Yes, I take pics of my food to try to remember to log them accurately later and I STILL struggle. Again, probably has as much to do with our lack of new technology. I imagine if I had one of those phones where I could log on the go it'd be a whole different story!
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    The way I see it, MFP is free. You have an unlimited wealth of advice, an easy way to stay on track, and a supportive community.

    The 17 Day Diet IS A DIET. It's in the name for heaven's sake. It's not a permanent way of living. The reason diets don't work is because they are temporary. When you use MFP, you change the way you perceive food for life. It's a permanent change that is easy to maintain.
    If we had signatures again, I'd use this as a quote.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    To each their own right :D

    I think I forget that some don't like to count calories xD In that case i completely understand! Looking at the 17 day diet I don't think it is all that bad really. If you log calories and do one of these diets then I don't really see a point. If you hate counting then it takes less work ^-^

    Probably doesn't help that I barely made it through basic college math lol - me + numbers = frustration. I have even resorted to calling my husband and asking him "how heavy do you think that hamburger was that I ate" to get his reply "eh, hon, I don't know I wasn't there" to which I say - oh check our camera - I took a pic LOL. Yes, I take pics of my food to try to remember to log them accurately later and I STILL struggle. Again, probably has as much to do with our lack of new technology. I imagine if I had one of those phones where I could log on the go it'd be a whole different story!

    Completely understandable then! I love numbers :D counting calories and tracking nutrients is very interesting to me. I'm a dietetics major tho so this stuff is my life xD

    Some follow lifestyle diets like this one more I have to agree. I did south beach when I was in high school. Not a bad diet! I was ridiculous doing it tho and was probably eating 400 calories a day thinking I was doing good tho xD
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    In other words I want someone to tell me exactly what to eat and when and I'd do it!!!
    If you ate systematically, then you wouldn't have to count calories once you know what each meal consists of in calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • TigersFanIndy34
    In other words I want someone to tell me exactly what to eat and when and I'd do it!!!
    If you ate systematically, then you wouldn't have to count calories once you know what each meal consists of in calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    That is what I should do... right now it's random whatever was on sale that week. I don't ever go over my calories and I stay in all my limits but I spend pretty much my life obsessing over the numbers/weighing/measuring/worrying. I should get some meal ideas together and figure the calories and just do that :D Oh what it'd be like to not spend all my energy thinking of what to eat next and worrying if it's right or not!
  • TigersFanIndy34
    And now I feel bad like I hijacked the thread - not intended. As far as the 17 day diet - I haven't read the entire book nor do I know anyone personally on it. From what I've heard from some friends in the health and fitness field they say it's not as bad as most - the basics are solid good nutrition information but my friend said there is no real scientific proof into the cycles - just that perhaps they prevent boredom.

    Whatever you choose to do good luck. And sorry I hijacked a thread whining about math. I spent about 1.9 billion hours tonight trying to log into my antique laptop to post a stupid evening snack so I was probably more grumpy then need be. :D