Time for a REAL change....yet again!!!

Hey everyone,

So basically my long story short goes like this:

I've always been overweight and have always struggled with loosing and gaining back. My highest was 235 and at 5"5 that was easily the worst time of my life. After that, I pushed myself to start working out and eating healthy and in 4 months I lost 45lbs....greatest accomplishment ever!!.... ehhh yeah that was about 3years ago. Guess what? I'm 27years old now and gained most of it back :( right now i'm at a depressing 228 and finally decided it's time for me to push myself again but this time harder, enough is enough, seriously!! I've let my weight control me in so many ways, i've missed out on so many opportunities just because i feel too fat/ can't find the right thing to wear/ uncomfortable around women showing off their nice long legs in short dresses...and many more other reasons that would take me forever to list. It's literally like this extra weight has a mind of it's own, my worst enemy that's holding me back from so much in life.

I'm in a constant daily battle with myself about my weight and it needs to STOP.....

So here i go again, more committed than ever to be healthy, love my body and boost my self-esteem. I just happen to stumble upon MFP and read so many of your inspiring posts so i just thought, why not try a different approach?

Let's all do this together as a TEAM, what do u say?? Feel free to add me but keep in mind i'm new to the site so i'm still learning how to use it :)

GOOD LUCK to each and every one in this journey to a happier, healthier YOU......'cause we're worth it :))


  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    Hey there lady!

    My story is similar to yours, so its a good thing you added me =D

    I lost 30 lbs last year, but gained 45 back.. but now im back down 37 lbs (wewt) and am almost back to where I started, except this time I'm more motivated and feeling better about the whole experience. I've also lost more weight, faster and I have more energy. Im 23, And utterly insane!

    Welcome, and lets get some great motivation going!
  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    Welcome! You're going to love it here! MFP is the longest I've ever stuck to something. It's going to change your life! Ready for it?
  • PamelaB43
    PamelaB43 Posts: 50 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    My name is Pam and I just started MyFitnessPal on Monday. I feel all of your stories trust me. I am so tired of going up and down myself. l I joined WW online a couple yrs ago then lost all this weight, then of course other things happened " Life" and of course I stopped paying attention to myself and gained it back. Right now I am starting to lose again and it is so tough especially after the age of 40. I will be 42 in January and it takes a little more time for the weight to come off then what it use to.
    I am doing the program Brazil Butt Lift and I am also on a few accountability groups on facebook where I log on everyday what I have been eating and what my workouts are. I also have some girlfriends who I text everyday and we check in but the reality was when I took my "before" pictures last week. Ughhhh.:sad: That is the truth when you don't have clothes on or you are in two peice.:frown: I am happy to report that with my stricter eating and with my working out I have already dropped a couple of lbs this week.:smile: I was also exercising but not eating the best and they do go hand and hand. I am new so if you guys have any pointers or would like to share anything please let me know and or add me :smile: I only have a couple of friends on here so far as I am in this just a few days. Have a great day all and hang in there! We can do this!
    Pam :happy:
  • Hey all,

    I have just joined MFP and love all the blogs and messages. I believe in re affirming others and encouragement, and love this forum. My story is no different really than anyone elses. Used to be fit, fine and fabulous, now I have let myself go and I am embarrased by my body and praying for a husband. (But right now, the body aint much to look at, unless you are speaking literally). Though I know what an incredible personality I have.....I also know that I want to offer what I am praying for. Its time to stop talking about losing weight and getting fit and just do it!!!

    I would like as many friends as possible to encourage and for encouragment.

    Talk to you soon.

    Good luck with your progress!!

  • Hi! I have a similar story...I have lost, regained & added more weight so many times in my adult life, but I am am sick & tired of being sick & tired. This site is SO fun & easy to use & friendly :) I Love it & I love that, although I am a Vegan,almost all the foods I eat are listed in the search engine ALREADY..Wow! If I can do this SO can YOU!! I am here if you need support, just let me know how I can help. I just started this Monday, but I am Really digging it. I do believe I am in it to change my life & my future :) Nice to emeet you! Peace, Gill
  • vitahill
    vitahill Posts: 37 Member
    Similar story for me too! I am about 5'6" and weigh about 230lbs. I lost a lot of weight after college but then gained it all (plus some) back. I've been a lot less social and a lot more self-conscious which has had a negative impact on my life overall. I am ready to get my life - and my weight - back on track! Welcome to the site!
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    Hey there. Just wanted to wish you good luck on your weight loss journey. We're almost the same age. I started on MFP Sept 2010 @ 283lbs. I was off and on for a year or so but finally started back seriously a few months ago and I'm now @ 248. Feel free to friend me if you'd like. MFP is an awesome place, hope you like it.