Lost initially then putting back on?

Hi, I'm a fan of this site and enjoy logging on. I'd been at a slimming club since July and lost and gained 6lbs, it went up and down. Since joining MFP my weight went down from 13st 6lbs to 13st 2lbs but without going over for more than 1 day...I'm back at 13st 5lbs this morning.
I've currently got my calories before exercise daily at 1600....should I put it down? This is the number it gave me to lose 1lb a week...if I put it down to 1300 like I did initially it was saying I'd lose 1.5lbs a week. When I exercise I log it and eat the exercise calories as it says to do...so why is my weight going up? I have scales which measure my body fat and muscle mass too, so I'm keeping an eye on it.
Any tips appreciated! I'd like to get into the 12st range by New Year!


  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    i don't understand the days you posted but possible reasons is that maybe you are under estimating your food and over estimating your exercise OR you drank too much water OR your birthday is coming (.)

    I don't think it's starvation. good luck
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    why not experiment and put it down for a week or two and see what happens
  • InsomniaticDND
    Thanks guys :) I will try setting it a little lower and seeing what happens :)
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    been doing that for five years. im the smallest now than ive been in 5 years!!! its great and i cant wait to finish. only twenty to twenty five to go!! ;p