How Long Will You Stick With It?

I have been here at MFP since Sept. 29th and with the exception of the freak power outage in the whole northeast US, I have logged in every day and stayed with it. :drinker:
This is pretty remarkable for me! Other attempts at dieting or controlling my eating habits have failed. This one is still going strong. I know my brother is saying the same thing. What makes this program different? Why do I feel like I'm on a wellness program and not a diet? Is it simply my attitude or is the equation finally sinking in and working for me "calories in ---> calories out."? I hope that I can keep this healthy frame of mind and not beat myself up for an occasional lapse for treats. :bigsmile:

What is your track record with eating and fitness programs?

How long have you been doing MFP?


  • LexxyV
    LexxyV Posts: 60 Member
    I haven't been doing MFP for very long but I definitely like it better than some of the other sites I have tried- I liked the customization in the calories/ food diary- so I could change it to the way I eat primal- I also like that there are other primal buddies out there that I can reach out to.

    So far the people have been friendly as well- always a plus for me- I have had people be quite rude to me on other sites O_O so glad to be here and hope to continue using even after I reach my goal
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I think this has a good mix of eating right and exercising. Many diets are too focused on just eating right and don't easily integrate exercise into the plan.

    I also think people can use this how it best fits them. You can become fully invloved sharing your diary, your blog, posting in forums and having hundreds of friends. Or you can do this priavtely just using the phone app. Or anything in between.

    And you combine other diets such as Atkins or vegan into it.

    I have been doing this since August after stopping WW and gaining 9 pounds. I have lost 8 since I started MFP.

    Great to hear its working for you.
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    I've been with MFP for about 8 months, and had great success. I started after going on a cruise that pushed me to my highest weight, and I finally got so fed up with myself. I found the app on my phone, then found the website, and it's been going strong ever since. I've definitely had some lapses where I don't log, or where I just don't care, but the support on here has been so great. My friends are the main reason I keep going; they keep me accountable, to both myself and to them. I tried other sites before, and the only difference is the lack of community on there. I think the whole community set-up is really why I've stayed so long and done so well.
    Like LexxyV said, I plan on staying around long after I reach my goal... this is a lifestyle change, not a diet! :)
  • suzyqs4
    suzyqs4 Posts: 20 Member
    I joined on May 9 and have totally enjoyed all of the encouragement and support from my awesome MFP friends. I have in the past belonged to other groups that you went to a weekly meeting. The people were very nice if you lost but if you had a gain they would pick on you and were not helpful at all. I plan to keep on with MFP because I need to log the food I eat each day and exercise so I keep on my journey. For me this is a lifelong group not a diet because I don't want to EVER gain back the 60 pounds I have lost. I have about 20 more to go. Add me as a friend if you want and have an awesome day!
  • poulingail
    The resounding and common thread in the replies so far is about the community here. Very positive folks, that's for sure.
    I too, like the personal accountability. No one knows if you go over your calories for the day; no looks of disappointment or pressure if you gain a pound. It's about the long term commitment to becoming more fit and healthy. I LOVE the fact that the exercise I do is equated immediately to extra calories available. Just knowing they are there is encouraging to me, especially when I have quite a few left when I sign off. I generally exercise in the evening so having my usual supper and then seeing extra calories left, feels good.
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    I joined about the end of April. This is the first time I have been successful with a lifestyle change like this ever. I plan to use MFP to track weight calories and excercise even while maintaining.
  • Gatekeep
    I think we might also might want to keep in mind, this is the worst time of year to be getting into a healther life style. Holidays are a emotional rollercoaster in themselves. We should all be applauded for our efforts up to date. As we all know Growing up Conway in all its glory, even now is tough,,,
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I have been on MFP since April, I have had off months where I can't be bothered but I still found myself choosing wisely and thinking about food. I can not and will not ever be able to praise MFP enough and all my friends on here, they will never realise how much they have changed my life. A year ago I was a mess, stressed, overweight and working towards a heart attack. Now, I changed my career, lost almost 40lbs and am so much fitter in both body and mind. I use this site for a pat on the back, and for a boost when reading success stories. I was just saying the other day, MFP has lasted longer than any crush I had as a youngster and it has become more than a way to lose weight, it does other things, it makes me a positive thinker, makes me proud to be who I am, gives me a warm glow inside.
    I'm proud to be an MFPer and I will be as long as people still want to be friends with me! This relationship is going all the way!!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I've been on MFP for over a year but consistently maybe 221 days now??? I love it and this has been a change in my life for good. working out, eating well and taking care of myself are now priority. I want to live a long, healthy life :)
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I've been on MFP for a little over 10 months and have logged in every day. The best aspect is that the basic premise is sound, and the diary can be customized to any eating and exercise plan. I joined a challenge within the first week here, and I'm still challenging with the same core group. The connections with people on the same mission makes it easier to keep up the good work.
  • poulingail
  • poulingail
    @helenoftroy I like your thinking :flowerforyou: