stuck in a rut

Im feeling really discouraged! I started with a great mind set and wanting to lose the weight, totally determined. I thought that giving myself a "free day" couldnt hurt and it ended up be a "free" 3 weeks. Now Im heavier than i started and feelinng even worse... sorry. I needed to vent! Any advice if theres anyone else whos been in this rut?


  • mkatzb3
    mkatzb3 Posts: 31 Member
    Im feeling really discouraged! I started with a great mind set and wanting to lose the weight, totally determined. I thought that giving myself a "free day" couldnt hurt and it ended up be a "free" 3 weeks. Now Im heavier than i started and feelinng even worse... sorry. I needed to vent! Any advice if theres anyone else whos been in this rut?
  • anabellebf
    Just start again. Think about it like quitting smoking: it's rare that someone succeeds on the first try.

    Just try again, and learn from your mistake. Try to think back to when you worked out and ate well... how did you feel? Proud, happier, better in your skin? Concentrate on those feelings whenever you feel like you're going to go back down the unhealthy path. It'll bring you straight back :)

    Good luck with your journey!
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    I so know what you mean, I have been up and down on the scale and it really stinks. I think it is time to get my big butt moving. I have been really slacking off of going to the gym. I know that I could make up some excuse but I know that I really had the time but just couldn't get my butt moving enough. I have been not eating to bad but it is showing the wear on me. So I am up to it again to make it right this time. I have been here for about 4 months and have lost as much as 15lbs so it is time to get out of the 200lbs and get healthy again.

    If you need a friend just look me up and hopefully we can keep each other going.
    Have a great day!!!!
