Good Fats/Sugars VS Bad Fats/Sugars

is anyone else feeling kind bummed out because the FAT and SUGAR counters dont take into account if I am drinking KOOL-AID or eating a banana. I am getting the same fat counts from eating Fish and Avacado as I would with Taco Bell and Burgar King!!! Does anyone else have to justify their counters at the end of the day? I am already over my sugars today for just my breakfast!! And I ate 100% raw or organics!!!! Let me know your thoughts!! :drinker:


  • juliagulia624
    I understand what you mean!! I am really trying to control my sugar intake because i love sweets. It makes me sad when I am over only because I ate two servings of fruit! The fact is though, if you are trying to lose weight, the biggest concern is calories in vs. calories out. They dont want to over complicate losing weight or it would be even harder than it already is. If you are under your calorie goal for the day then you are doing good! Also, you know if the fat and sugar you ate for the day came from fast food and gummi bears or from fruit and almonds/fish. You technically COULD still lose weight eating those bad foods as long as youre staying under your calorie goal. But you would feel lousy, tired, and even hungier. And my guess is you probably wouldnt be able to get through a hard workout eating that stuff either. And you would probably look like the dreaded "skinny fat" girl who is a size zero but is saggy and has cellulite. Keep eating healthy and stay under your calorie goal and thats all that matters!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I don't track sugar at all, and I actually struggle most days to try to get my fat up close to my goal. So no problems here. LOL
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    If your diet has a reasonable amount of balance, it simply doesn't matter.