Tips needed on Eating Healthy on the Go

bluejuiseritsma Posts: 28 Member
There are days where we are running late and we'll have to chose between eating a healthy meal & be late for work or run to a Dunkin Donuts on the way to work and be on time.

We all need tips on how to incorporate more fruit & veggies into our meals without sacrificing time when we are in time-crunch mode. One tip (which I love to do!!) is grab some fruit (my personal favorite is an apple) the night before. Chop it up and store it in the refrigerator in a sandwich bag. The next morning, throw the fruit into some oatmeal or a yogurt and VOILA! You just saved about 5 minutes! lol!

If you have tips on any shortcuts for a nice healthy breakfast, dinner, or lunch , please post them!!! Lord knows I need them too! lol


  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    boiled eggs, boil them the night before. Excellent snack and keeps you full!
    baby sweetcorn and hummous
  • Figuringoutme
    look at crockpot recipes for steel oats or oatmeal. You cook them overnight so when you wake up you just have to grab your bowl and spoon
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal and I hate, hate, hate when I don't have time to cook a big one, but that seems to be happening more than not lately...

    So, I will grab on my way out the door: apples, bananas, an avocado, precooked smoky links, ham... none of these things need cooked and take less than 3 minutes to grab and eat.
  • Xxlovinlife2012Xx

    Calories Protein Fat Carbs Fiber
    4 ounces turkey sausage 224 20 12 12 0
    6 eggs and 6 egg whites 531 72 27 0 0
    1 can (132 gram) drained sliced mushrooms 33 2 0 7 3
    1 cup shredded cheese 330 18 28 0 0
    1/2 cup diced onions n peppers (can use frozen) 16 0 0 4 0

    Total 1134 13 67 23 3
    Total Per Serving 189 19 11 3.8 0.5
    Net Carbs Per Serving 3.3

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat a 6-cup large muffin tin with cooking spray or line with
    paper baking cups. Remove sausage from casings and place in a nonstick skillet (along with
    peppers and onions if desired). Cook sausage until no longer pink. Remove from heat and
    let cool slightly. In a bowl, beat the eggs and then stir in mushrooms and sausage. Divide
    mixture evenly into the muffin cups. Bake for 17-20 minutes, until knife inserted in the center
    comes outs clean. Let cool and then place in sandwich bags and refrigerate. Microwave
    about 50 seconds and enjoy!!

    ***** I love these muffins and they are delicious, the recipe make 6, one for each day (sunday is usually when I make more). I put the leftovers in the fridge or freezer and pop them in the morning and reheat for 50 secs. Fast and very delicious!!!!****
  • Xxlovinlife2012Xx
    sorry, my copy and paste didnt work that well, the numbers to the side are your nutrition facts.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Your apple idea is great--I make our breakfasts and lunches the night before, so morning time-crunches (which happen frequently) don't result in poor eating. Also, a breakfast doesn't have to be traditional "breakfast food" to be healthy, fruit and some raw nuts works, as does a healthy sandwich, even a salad. Basically anything that's generally healthy can be made into a healthy breakfast. Also, in a pinch, a low-sugar, whole grain cereal is better than fast food--and if you forgo the milk, or add it to yogurt, it's easier to eat on the go.
  • mzkynd
    mzkynd Posts: 63
    I am the type of person who wakes up and most mornings feels slightly nauseas until I get something to drink and eat in me. But I don't like a lot of food. What has been working for me this week ( and yes i also eat the same things over and over, obsess much? lol)
    Is when I get up and start the tea kettle for my morning tea, is I throw two slices of wheat bread in the toaster, and while the tea is making I poach two eggs. This only takes 2-3 minutes to do and is as simple as boiling water, plus a lot healthier than the fried in bacon grease eggs my hubby wants every morning.!
    I spread just a light amount of butter on the toast and top with the eggs. Then I try to grab a banana or a cup of Greek yogurt and some blueberries or other fruit for a light snack a couple of hours later.
    Though I really like the idea I saw on another thread around here about drinking Green smoothies. some of the smoothies posted looked absolutely delish!
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    I grill about 2lbs of chicken on Sunday. I wrap them in foil (usually ~4oz) and store them in the door of my refrigerator and grab and go!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Coffee with more-than-usual milk
    Energy Bar
    String cheese - you can get pizza flavored, too
    Rice cakes
  • mnmdance
    mnmdance Posts: 21 Member
    Bump. Sounds so good! :) I'm gonna try these next week!
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
  • bluejuiseritsma
    bluejuiseritsma Posts: 28 Member
    All of these ideas are great!!!! I am going to try them next week!!!
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 267 Member
    I usually like to make my own healthy version of an egg sandwich (2 eggwhites, 1 whole wheat english muffin, 1 silce Laughin Cow cheese) but if I'm in a hurry, I throw 2 Kashi whole grain blueberry waffles in the toaster and top with 1 tbsp of Smuckers natural peanutbutter. I also like apple cinnamon rice cakes with chocolate pb 2. I make a big bowl of fruit salad on Sunday, so I can just throw that into a container and eat on the go also.
  • purple44444
    purple44444 Posts: 48 Member
    I keep grapes in my fridge, and it's really easy to grab some and put them in a bag or container and eat them wherever. Plus I love them so it's one of the only healthy foods I can get myself to eat very much of.
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    Packets of low sodium tuna are great on salads, wraps, sandwiches or just plain
    Sugar snap peas, carrots and celery sticks are my go-to snacks

    - greek yogurt, kashi cereal, almonds and defrosted berries
    - egg beaters in the microwave (you can put this in a wrap with fat free cheese or veggies)
    - plain oatmeal made in the microwave

    - roast a spaghetti squash in the beginning of the week and use in salads, in place of spaghetti or mixed with veggies and chicken
  • bluejuiseritsma
    bluejuiseritsma Posts: 28 Member
    OOOO I'm loving the spaghetti squash idea! I have such a weakness for pasta
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    fruit (apple or banana) and peanut butter
    boiled eggs
    quinoa (already cooked and in the fridge) and berries
    leftover of anything
    my son really likes quesidillas (corn tortillas in the freezer, daiya cheese in the fridge)
    trail mix or granola
    celery and peanut butter
    veggies and hummus
    yogurt or dessert tofu
    crockpot oatmeal or other grains/grits
    quick smoothie or shake

  • sylverkat
    sylverkat Posts: 55 Member
    edamane - basically soy beans in pod. You can microwave them to warm them. they are full of protein and tast great. I am starting to do for myself what I have been doing for my son. Little tupperwear containers of snacks to grab.

    Cucumber slices in vinigar
    measured out 100 cal snacks
    baby mum mum snacks
    heinz baby cookies (some of the toddler stuff is low cal and quick)
    a mix of nuts, raisins, pretzels pre measured into snack bags
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    How about a protein bar? They might look small but they take long to chew and keep me full until my next meal!
  • foxygirlact
    foxygirlact Posts: 98 Member