What you did differently?!

njjazz16 Posts: 13 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I've been on and very off working to change my habits for a few months now. It'll be going well, and then something will really throw me off track for a while and un-do all of the work I had accomplished. I don't have too much to lose, but enough. So I ask: What made you finally stick with your plans? What did you do differently the last time you started that has kept you consistently on track?


  • njjazz16
    njjazz16 Posts: 13 Member
    I've been on and very off working to change my habits for a few months now. It'll be going well, and then something will really throw me off track for a while and un-do all of the work I had accomplished. I don't have too much to lose, but enough. So I ask: What made you finally stick with your plans? What did you do differently the last time you started that has kept you consistently on track?
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    This will sound sarcastic, but it's not.

    What kept me consistently on track was staying consistently on track. You've got to change your habits for the long haul, which will mean that you build in little stumbles along the way, but you just keep going.

    Examine your "somethings" as in "something will really throw me off track". There are some things in life that happen to us that are great big, and they can push us right off track. Then there are things that are really excuses, little obstacles that you can find a way around. Figure out what can be your plan B when your plan A doesn't work out like you'd hoped (especially for workouts). Get around the little somethings, push them right out of your way.

    Check out this thread:


    Great advice from people in the long haul.:flowerforyou:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Getting up in the morning even when I don't want to.
    Making sure I am not putting extra food on my plate just because it's there and not taking seconds.
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    The main difference?

    I decided that I was important enough. While this sounds trite - it is the absolute truth. I decided that my health and wellness and mental image was in jeapordy and that I was worth the effort.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    This will sound sarcastic, but it's not.

    What kept me consistently on track was staying consistently on track. You've got to change your habits for the long haul, which will mean that you build in little stumbles along the way, but you just keep going.

    exactly, and the longer you stay on track the more small successes you see, and those small successes help keep you on track by proving to you that this is SO worth it. And then eventually those small successes build and build to be BIG successes and by then you've been on track for so long that you can't even imagine going OFF track. You can do this you just have to decide that no "something" is going to veer you off course. This is life, and any number of things can and will happen, but that doesn't mean you have to go off track, it just means you have to deal with them while staying ON track. Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    For me, the portions make a big difference. I allow myself to eat but I also try to remind myself that this food will always be there. I can munch on it when I like, it doesn't all have to be in one go or today. This has really hit hard with me.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    It's the mindset. I finally clicked in that I didn't want to be fat for the rest of my life.

    I was watching a TV show where a woman was 40 Lbs overweight because she ate a lot of breads and cakes. They showed her 40 lbs of bread dough. I was large nasty and made up my mind right there
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I've been on and very off working to change my habits for a few months now. It'll be going well, and then something will really throw me off track for a while and un-do all of the work I had accomplished. I don't have too much to lose, but enough. So I ask: What made you finally stick with your plans? What did you do differently the last time you started that has kept you consistently on track?

    Measuring everything I eat ..and knowing exactly what I am putting into my body..I kind of think of it like medicine..we read the label before eating ..I think we should do the same with food....I researched a bit and discovered some of those long names we tend not to pay much attention to..are the things I do not want in my system...It took a lot to get to this point but it was well worth the time it took studying it...also physical activity is like natures free medicine for us. It really does cure a lot of ailments.
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    Three things, really.
    1. My lack of confidence was driving my boyfriend up the wall.
    2. I reached a point where I couldn't go on as I was and not be depressed everytime I looked in a mirror, or had a photo taken, or got dressed or tried to buy new clothes. And as I'll need a whole new work warbrobe after uni, I HAD to get started with it now.
    3. Joining MFP. Seriously. The support I've had in just this short time is incredible. I find it easy to let myself down; less so others. And if I quit, I'd feel like I was letting everyone down. So I can't quit. Simple, really :smile:
  • A few things keep me on track:
    1. My family is coming for Christmas, and we are going to go to a candlelight service where I will see a guy that I like that rejected me. If I have to go (and I want to go with my family) then I want to look HOT in a size 10 Christmas dress. It may be pathetic, but this motivates me the most when I'm low on motivation.

    2. I remember being a skinny size 10 and loving it. I want to feel that way again.

    3. Exercising makes me feel better on a day to day basis. I suppose the endorphins kick in and give me a boost.

    4. I want to wear my clothes again. I still have a black leather mini skirt that I would love to wear again just because.

    5. I have diabetes and heart disease in my family. I want to lose weight to prevent disease.

    Yes, it's really hard some days to stop eating and to keep working out. I got a long way to go too. I try to remember how many pieces of cheesecake got me here and how I'm paying for it now by eating lots salad. I hope by the end of the year that I'll be hot and happy in a size 10 Christmas dress!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    What is different this time?? Well the only thing I can think of is MFP.

    Other than that...........I just did it.

    Each day, hour, minute, even second-I make a decision to be this new person. One who eats good food for nourishment. One who exercises for the joy of sweat.

    As a matter of fact, if you run into the Old Jeannie, please do NOT give her my new address!:laugh:
  • njjazz16
    njjazz16 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! All of you have been very helpful :)
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