Advice Please :)



  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Hey Stacy,

    Have you ever tried Herbalife? I dropped my body fat percentage 3% in just five weeks by replacing a bad meal with a nutritious smoothie instead, and started getting some proper nutrition. These smoothies have 1500 calories worth of nutrients in under 300 calories per smoothie -- They're amazing. My email is if you'd like to chat more about it!

    - Luella
    ISAR - Ever heard of astrosurfing?

    You dont need any meal replacement stuff if you're on a good website like this. This is "real" life!!
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Ive heard that drinking diet soda can slow weight loss. Do you drink a lot of that. Maybe cut it out totally if you do and see what happens?
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    What's your BMR? I would think that 1800 cals might actually be too low for you, I know that if I eat too few cals I don't lose. I reckon have a few days that are at higher cals (2000 perhaps?) and you'll pretty much be able to tell straight away if that's helped. You can always drop lower if it doesn't.

    I agree. I was eating 1800 and losing 1 pound a week when I was 200 pounds. If it says you should be losing 2lb a week and you're only losing half, then that's not right. You should probably be eating closer to your BMR, which is likely to be about 2300.

    Yeah, I know from experience that if I eat over 1900 calories I gain weight. I know, everyone says that can't be right, that I should be able to eat more than that at my weight and still lose, but it just isn't so for me. The only time I was steadily losing weight in my life was when I was eating 1400 - 1600 calories, which for a person my size seems a bit low. But I'm very accurate with my calorie counts (i weight and measure everything meticulously) and I'm pretty sure I'm accurate on my calorie burns as I often use a heart rate monitor to help me be more accurate on my calorie burn calculations. I really don't understand why I'm not really losing right now at 1800 cals a day, but I'm just not. I've tried eating close to what this site and other sites tell me is my BMR and gain weight on those numbers. It's all a bit frustrating but I know I'll figure it out ...eventually. lol I guess I just have to keep messing with the numbers until I find the right ones.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Ive heard that drinking diet soda can slow weight loss. Do you drink a lot of that. Maybe cut it out totally if you do and see what happens?

    No, I don't drink diet soda. And as for regular soda I've cut back from a liter a week that I was drinking two years ago to now down to one can every two weeks. (I'm kind of proud of that one as I really like soda - especially Pepsi and Coca-cola lol).
  • LesleeAH
    Some people say when they plateau they switch to eating maintenance cals for a week and then go back on restriction and that works. I've never tried it, just throwing suggestions out there for you! I really want you to suceed!
  • ChasesMumma927
    ChasesMumma927 Posts: 130 Member
    Well for one thing losing half a lb per week is great at least you are losing!! but if I was you I would eat about 1480-1500 cals per day and make sure you are working out 3-5 times per week on top of that!! if you dont want to work out at least try dropping your calories..

    But think about this first... if you dropped your cals down could that push you to quit because your hungry? If it would then just be happy with .5 lbs lost per week... :-)

    BUT I think you can do it!! Try eating 1500 cals per day and see if you can get closer to what you want to lose per week!! GOOD LUCK!!!

  • FitDC
    FitDC Posts: 63
    I'll take a half pound weight loss each week. That is terrific. I too sit in front of a computer for long hours each day (often 8-11 hours). I just started forcing myself to get up every hour to take a walk to the breakroom for a cup of water. This helps me to get in the 8 glasses of water and helps my circulation and burns a tiny bit of calories. Merry Christmas and keep up the good work!
  • ChasesMumma927
    ChasesMumma927 Posts: 130 Member
    I'll take a half pound weight loss each week. That is terrific. I too sit in front of a computer for long hours each day (often 8-11 hours). I just started forcing myself to get up every hour to take a walk to the breakroom for a cup of water. This helps me to get in the 8 glasses of water and helps my circulation and burns a tiny bit of calories. Merry Christmas and keep up the good work!

    I agree half a pound is great!! over a year that is 26lbs!! but if you want more you can totally do it!!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I would increase cardio 20 minutes a day before lowering calorie intake.
    And I would also consider the notion that I am adding muscle which has a higher density that fat, so you might want to include body fat measurements as well.

    Here is a great site I use for that:

    And one final point!
    Congratulations on your success. At the end of the day, you are heading in the right direction.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I'll take a half pound weight loss each week. That is terrific. I too sit in front of a computer for long hours each day (often 8-11 hours). I just started forcing myself to get up every hour to take a walk to the breakroom for a cup of water. This helps me to get in the 8 glasses of water and helps my circulation and burns a tiny bit of calories. Merry Christmas and keep up the good work!

    I agree half a pound is great!! over a year that is 26lbs!! but if you want more you can totally do it!!

    26 lbs may sound ok to an average person who needs to lose 50 or even 75 lbs. But I have 235 lbs to lose total before I get down to roughly my goal weight of 150 lbs (I say roughly because my goal is just to go until I feel "right" lol, regardless of what the number on the scale says, but 150 sounds reasonable).

    I still have 192 lbs to lose so... 26 lbs a year will bring me to my goal in about 7 and a half years. No thanks. lol I have spent every single day of my entire life being fat, never knowing a day as a non-fat person from the time I was born until this very moment, I'm not going to spend the better part of the next decade being fat as well.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Oops double post
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    WHAT are you eating.., your diary is private.? (1800 calories of crap isn't very healthy.)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    WHAT are you eating.., your diary is private.? (1800 calories of crap isn't very healthy.)

    I choose to make my diary private because it helps me stay honest with myself and it makes my life less stressful. I had it open for a while but didn't like it. I may end up making it public again but I'm not comfortable doing that at this time.

    But, even if I was eating crap (which I'm not), I should still be losing weight in a calorie deficit, regardless of where those calories are coming from. Science has proven that even if someone eats junk food they are still able to lose weight as long as they are eating less calories then their body is burning. My food isn't in question here. Let me clarify - I don't eat junk food. I rarely eat chips, candy, or fast food - I've not had fast food in three years. I don't drink, I rarely have cake or sweets (about once or twice a month). I drink one can of soda every two weeks. I eat mainly chicken, rice, fruit, veggies, eggs, that sort of thing.

    But, as I said, my food is not in question. A calorie deficit is a calorie deficit. But rest assured, I'm not eating "crap".
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I didn’t say you were eating crap. I said crap isn’t healthy. It’s not all about the numbers; it’s about eating healthy in the end. Heck a person can smoke cigs or crack & not be hungry…, but it’s not healthy. Maybe I have a different outlook than most people on here. I’m all about being healthy, not thin. A smaller build is a bonus I achieve while living a healthy lifestyle.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    So you eat healthy and diet isn't a problem, that leaves one other part of the equation to look at. Exercise. How much do you get? Honestly I doubt it's all muscle you are building, unless you've lost a lot of inches. I don't mean this in a rude way, I'm only saying this because I workout pretty intensely throughout the week and I know I haven't been gaining a lot of muscle, I have of course gaiend some, but it's a process and it takes awhile. People on here act like we become body builders overnight. It doesn't work like that.