fast weight loss switching to juice & vegan lifestyle?

I'm perplexed. Either my scale has gone completely crazy, or with this being my 3rd week drinking green juice for breakfast and adopting a more vegetarian/vegan lifestyle (can't cut chicken out, but we buy it fresh cut from local butcher) has actually caused a serious amount of weight loss in little bit of time.

Here's the timeline according to my "crazy" bathroom scale.

10/25/11 207.8
11/09/11 206.8
11/12/11 205.4
11/20/11 207.4
12/06/11 207.0
12/12/11 203.8
12/15/11 198.4

See the crazy drop!! I haven't even started using my exercise bike more than once a week for like 30 minutes at a time. I feel great, not catching any colds that anyone at work has, and am generally happier. My jeans, which I bought a pair brand new a few weeks ago do feel quite lose even after washing.

I'm set to see my Dr in february for follow-up bloodwork regarding my thyroid, and if I really am losing weight she will be very pleased with me (as long as my bloodwork is still great as well).

Has anyone else that switched to a juice and more vegan type lifestyle experienced quick weight loss at the beginning with very minimal exercise? I'm just so skeptical of my scale and had been stuck around 210lbs for the past 4-5 years.


  • KemaVA
    KemaVA Posts: 81 Member
    I am thinking about juicing but not necessarily for weight loss. I see you said you are going to see your doctor about your thyroid. Do you have hypothyroid (or hyper) symptoms? If you do have symptoms I was wondering have you seen any improvement since you began juicing?

    I have dry skin & hair, depression & anxiety, difficulty losing weight, feel cold all the time, fatigue and dry eyes. I am seeing a doctor for thyroid testing in January. He has me charting my morning temperature until then.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Juicing turned my health around; I started when I was at my fattest, and everything just started to improve though slowly.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    You could be living off of chocolate ice cream and Twinkies and still lose weight while maintaining a caloric deficit.

    Also, how is it a "vegan lifestyle" if you are eating chicken?
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    Possibly water weight or bloat? Meat, especially red meat, is higher sodium. Have you cut out a lot of dairy? Dairy effects me really negatively.
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    That's 10 lbs in almost 2 months - that's not crazy. You're consuming less calories but I'm assuming eating better quality food. Sounds like you're doing good :)
  • merie08
    merie08 Posts: 114 Member
    this happened to me too , i lost 10 lbs right off the bat when i cut out all red meat and pork.the only meat i eat is fish and chicken and i rarely do that. I also cut out dairy too, its a great lifestyle and red meat makes you feel so sluggish and you dont even want to eat it after awhile, it actually can make you sick if you dont eat it for so long.
  • 4HealthyMe
    4HealthyMe Posts: 34 Member
    Sounds like you've found something that works for you. That's great. I have only one question: are you willing to eat like that for the rest of your life? I am sure there are many on MFP would say "Yes". And that's wonderful if this is something that makes you look and feel great. There are those who eat like this all the time & love it. My thing is, some people eat like this temporarily to lose weight, then gain it all back when they miss their favorites. I try to eat well most of the time. But I make room for fried chicken & mashed taters :bigsmile:

    Hey, whatever works for you, right?
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    So you lost muscles, not fat...I see you look forward using your bike. Keep on maintaining proteins...any time you will get them back, your weight will come back anyway.
  • mrs07312012
    mrs07312012 Posts: 30 Member
    I myself eat this way. I did not start doing this for weight loss or animal cruelty reasons, it started when I read a few things and became concerned with the chemicals being injected into our cattle , poultry and even vegtables. The growth hormones , antibiotics and a few other things I will not state (don't want to upset those who enjoy eating meat) is very troubling to me. If this is a life style in which you would like to adopt a couple of movies I suggest are Food Inc. and Forks over Knives. The two of them affirmed what I had been reading and opened my eyes to some other things as well. I am pro vegaterain lifestyle . (Vegan means that you do not eat any thing that basically would have a mother or comes from an animal , no fish, no poultry, no dairy , no red meat, nada) lacto vegartarians can with choice drink and eat dairy. These are all just lables though. It doesn't matter what you or any body else want to call you it's your lifestyle and I think a excellent choice in becoming healthy. I get questioned all the time and it always turns into the topic of conversation all the time ( I don't bring it up , they see the lack of meat on my plate and start asking questions, it's amazing how observant other people are when it comes to food) I myself at times just say I'm a vegatarian because it's a safe explanation and not a long discussion. I don't eat red meat, I do not drink milk or eat cheese , I do eat fish ( and everyone comes back to me about our oceans being polluted) I only eat free range, no hormone no antibiotic no byproduct chicken ( everyone also states that the FDA regulates the hormones that are injected into chicken, unless you have done your research I don't want to hear it) And as much as possible espiecally when it's the time of year for the farmers market I eat as much organic as possible. Basically I take it back 100 years before we were beefing up all of produce , cattle and poultry to make it , prettier, more appealing to the public. My fruit might have blemishes but that's all that has been altered in it. Okay so my "rant" is done for now and I do believe what your doing is a fantastic life style. If you ever want to swap some green juice recipes contact me!!!
  • mrs07312012
    mrs07312012 Posts: 30 Member
    So you lost muscles, not fat...I see you look forward using your bike. Keep on maintaining proteins...any time you will get them back, your weight will come back anyway.

    There are more healthy ways to obtain protein, most fruits and vegatables provide Healthy protein, Watch the movie Forks over Knives it explains about veggie proteins. And being on this sort of diet does not make you lose muscle!!
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    Also, how is it a "vegan lifestyle" if you are eating chicken?

    It's not!!!
  • I myself eat this way. I did not start doing this for weight loss or animal cruelty reasons, it started when I read a few things and became concerned with the chemicals being injected into our cattle , poultry and even vegtables. The growth hormones , antibiotics and a few other things I will not state (don't want to upset those who enjoy eating meat) is very troubling to me. If this is a life style in which you would like to adopt a couple of movies I suggest are Food Inc. and Forks over Knives. The two of them affirmed what I had been reading and opened my eyes to some other things as well. I am pro vegaterain lifestyle . (Vegan means that you do not eat any thing that basically would have a mother or comes from an animal , no fish, no poultry, no dairy , no red meat, nada) lacto vegartarians can with choice drink and eat dairy. These are all just lables though. It doesn't matter what you or any body else want to call you it's your lifestyle and I think a excellent choice in becoming healthy. I can questioned all the time and it always turns into the topic of conversation all the time ( I don't bring it up , they see the lack of meat on my plate and start asking questions, it's amazing how observant other people are when it comes to food) I myself at times just say I'm a vegatarian because it's a safe explanation and not a long discussion. I don't eat red meat, I do not drink milk or eat cheese , I do eat fish ( and everyone comes back to me about our oceans being polluted) I only eat free range, no hormone no antibiotic no byproduct chicken ( everyone also states that the FDA regulates the hormones that are injected into chicken, unless you have done your research I don't want to hear it) And as much as possible espiecally when it's the time of year for the farmers market I eat as much organic as possible. Basically I take it back 100 years before we were beefing up all of produce , cattle and poultry to make it , prettier, more appealing to the public. My fruit might have blemishes but that's all that has been altered in it. Okay so my "rant" is done for now and I do believe what your doing is a fantastic life style. If you ever want to swap some green juice recipes contact me!!!

    That could've just come straight from my mouth!

    I adopted a raw vegan diet two years ago when I was having terrible digestive problems. I couldn't believe it. I lost 12lb in the first week and after only 6 weeks had dropped 21lb. I had more energy, no stomach pain, my headaches went. It was a revelation. I had to also do a bit of research into hormones and the bad stuff in our food these days, not for my own sake but to answer the questions from the doubters.

    I gradually introduced dairy back into my diet when I was pregnant and craving cheese. The weight crept back on, so did the stomach problems. I haven't eaten meat in two years and I don't ever see myself going back to it. I do eat fish though.

    I'd like to go back to a raw vegan lifestyle. It took a lot of time and preparation which I don't have right now with a toddler but one day I would love to go back to it as I felt mentally and physically clean, lean and energised. I try have days where I cut out dairy and it's amazing the difference it makes to my well being, moods and energy levels. I need to start cutting it completely I think. It helps the weight loss for sure!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    So you lost muscles, not fat...I see you look forward using your bike. Keep on maintaining proteins...any time you will get them back, your weight will come back anyway.

    There are more healthy ways to obtain protein, most fruits and vegatables provide Healthy protein, Watch the movie Forks over Knives it explains about veggie proteins. And being on this sort of diet does not make you lose muscle!!

    When trying to maintain a calorie deficit, the protein content of meat/fish beats the amount of protein you get from fruit, veggies, beans etc.
    1 cup of cooked chicken breast = 211cals and 41 g of protein
    1 cup of kidney beans = 210 cals but only 13 g of protein

    I aim for 100g of protein a day. If I were to try to get that from a veggie diet it would be hard, if not impossible, to stick to my cal goals. Edited to add: I WOULD be able to do it if I suppemented with whey protein shake (which I do already) but I'd have to have like 3 scoops of it daily...
    Just curious also about what fruits and vegetables have sufficient amounts of protein?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to blast veggie diets, to each their own. But I wouldn't go around comparing the protein content of fruits and vegetables to that found in meat.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    So you tell people you're a vegetarian, but you actually eat fish and chicken? Why not tell them the truth? I don't "like" red meat or what have you?
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    So you lost muscles, not fat...I see you look forward using your bike. Keep on maintaining proteins...any time you will get them back, your weight will come back anyway.

    There are more healthy ways to obtain protein, most fruits and vegatables provide Healthy protein, Watch the movie Forks over Knives it explains about veggie proteins. And being on this sort of diet does not make you lose muscle!!

    When trying to maintain a calorie deficit, the protein content of meat/fish beats the amount of protein you get from fruit, veggies, beans etc.
    1 cup of cooked chicken breast = 211cals and 41 g of protein
    1 cup of kidney beans = 210 cals but only 13 g of protein

    I aim for 100g of protein a day. If I were to try to get that from a veggie diet it would be hard, if not impossible, to stick to my cal goals. Edited to add: I WOULD be able to do it if I suppemented with whey protein shake (which I do already) but I'd have to have like 3 scoops of it daily...
    Just curious also about what fruits and vegetables have sufficient amounts of protein?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to blast veggie diets, to each their own. But I wouldn't go around comparing the protein content of fruits and vegetables to that found in meat.

    100 grams on how many calories?
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    So you lost muscles, not fat...I see you look forward using your bike. Keep on maintaining proteins...any time you will get them back, your weight will come back anyway.

    There are more healthy ways to obtain protein, most fruits and vegatables provide Healthy protein, Watch the movie Forks over Knives it explains about veggie proteins. And being on this sort of diet does not make you lose muscle!!

    When trying to maintain a calorie deficit, the protein content of meat/fish beats the amount of protein you get from fruit, veggies, beans etc.
    1 cup of cooked chicken breast = 211cals and 41 g of protein
    1 cup of kidney beans = 210 cals but only 13 g of protein

    I aim for 100g of protein a day. If I were to try to get that from a veggie diet it would be hard, if not impossible, to stick to my cal goals. Edited to add: I WOULD be able to do it if I suppemented with whey protein shake (which I do already) but I'd have to have like 3 scoops of it daily...
    Just curious also about what fruits and vegetables have sufficient amounts of protein?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to blast veggie diets, to each their own. But I wouldn't go around comparing the protein content of fruits and vegetables to that found in meat.

    100 grams on how many calories?

    1200-1500 depending on the day.
  • mrs07312012
    mrs07312012 Posts: 30 Member
    So you tell people you're a vegetarian, but you actually eat fish and chicken? Why not tell them the truth? I don't "like" red meat or what have you?

    I do not go around telling anyone anything, most assume first and for most. Second I do not care for labels I don't call myself anything to people that I feel it could benefit or just have the time to explain I will explain. I did not state that I do not "like" meat. I use to be very fond of certain things, my is a mind set now , when I see a piece of meat I do not see what most see I have other visions in my head. 9 times out 10 I do explain my logic so that it may also educate others as well (not in the sense of I think that their eating meat is wrong, just that there is other options out there as well and unless they are explained this then they may never know) that 1 time out of 10 I just give up and yes yes I am a vegaterian because unfortunetly that's all some understand. I will be at a company event and not have chicken on my plate, I than get hammered with 30 people asking me why there is no chicken on my plate , I kindly explain that I do not eat most chicken, the questions are asked , I explain further on my issues, most do get and understand my reasoning for they are educated people, but there is always the odd ball who just can't grasp the concept and ask repeatively , oh so your a vegarterain and finally I just state, yep your right that's what I am and walk away. Than there is other times when I am in a rush or a hurry with something I'm doing and someone takes note, and ask if i'm a vegarterain , than I just agree because the timing is an issue. I think that you are focusing to much on a label and what the real discussion is about , but that is very common in our society.
  • mrs07312012
    mrs07312012 Posts: 30 Member
    So you lost muscles, not fat...I see you look forward using your bike. Keep on maintaining proteins...any time you will get them back, your weight will come back anyway.

    There are more healthy ways to obtain protein, most fruits and vegatables provide Healthy protein, Watch the movie Forks over Knives it explains about veggie proteins. And being on this sort of diet does not make you lose m
    When trying to maintain a calorie deficit, the protein content of meat/fish beats the amount of protein you get from fruit, veggies, beans etc.
    1 cup of cooked chicken breast = 211cals and 41 g of protein
    1 cup of kidney beans = 210 cals but only 13 g of protein

    I aim for 100g of protein a day. If I were to try to get that from a veggie diet it would be hard, if not impossible, to stick to my cal goals. Edited to add: I WOULD be able to do it if I suppemented with whey protein shake (which I do already) but I'd have to have like 3 scoops of it daily...
    Just curious also about what fruits and vegetables have sufficient amounts of protein?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to blast veggie diets, to each their own. But I wouldn't go around comparing the protein content of fruits and vegetables to that found in meat.

    I 100% agree comparing the proteins of meat and veggies and how much calories you are intaking at the same time. This is a struggle. Protein Shakes as you have stated are an excellent go to, to help. Soy beans are very rich in protein, this is something I try to incorporate some form into my daily diet. Whether it would be raw soy beans them self and tofu are a huge help. Roasted soy beans have 39g of protein per 100 g. Seeds !! I love seeds and eat them as a snack 33g of protein per 100g thats about 70 some g per half cup. Peas have 9g per half cup. 1 serving of spinich has 13g of protein. This is still not the same as meat of course but there is options for those of us who choose this way of doing things.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Just under 10lbs in 7.5 weeks isn't crazy at all - that's just over a pound per week, which is a nice, slow, healthy amount.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member

    So you lost muscles, not fat...I see you look forward using your bike. Keep on maintaining proteins...any time you will get them back, your weight will come back anyway.

    There are more healthy ways to obtain protein, most fruits and vegatables provide Healthy protein, Watch the movie Forks over Knives it explains about veggie proteins. And being on this sort of diet does not make you lose m
    When trying to maintain a calorie deficit, the protein content of meat/fish beats the amount of protein you get from fruit, veggies, beans etc.
    1 cup of cooked chicken breast = 211cals and 41 g of protein
    1 cup of kidney beans = 210 cals but only 13 g of protein

    I aim for 100g of protein a day. If I were to try to get that from a veggie diet it would be hard, if not impossible, to stick to my cal goals. Edited to add: I WOULD be able to do it if I suppemented with whey protein shake (which I do already) but I'd have to have like 3 scoops of it daily...
    Just curious also about what fruits and vegetables have sufficient amounts of protein?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to blast veggie diets, to each their own. But I wouldn't go around comparing the protein content of fruits and vegetables to that found in meat.

    I 100% agree comparing the proteins of meat and veggies and how much calories you are intaking at the same time. This is a struggle. Protein Shakes as you have stated are an excellent go to, to help. Soy beans are very rich in protein, this is something I try to incorporate some form into my daily diet. Whether it would be raw soy beans them self and tofu are a huge help. Roasted soy beans have 39g of protein per 100 g. Seeds !! I love seeds and eat them as a snack 33g of protein per 100g thats about 70 some g per half cup. Peas have 9g per half cup. 1 serving of spinich has 13g of protein. This is still not the same as meat of course but there is options for those of us who choose this way of doing things.

    Cool, thanks for those veggie ideas :) And I do realize not everyone needs to get 100g of protein, it's just something I try to do for my specific goals :)