Help!!! The weekends are going to kill me!

How does everyone cope with the weekends? My husband and I have a circle of friends who we hang out with regularly, and of course it involves drinking and sometimes going out to eat. I know they all support me in my efforts to lose some weight, but it is soooooooooooo difficult to make good choices in foods and not drink what I really want. Last night we went out to dinner with one family. I usually drink Blue Moon beer, but went for the good 'ol Miller lite because it has less calories. And I ate a healthy meal, but it's difficult knowing how to count accurate calories for what I ate.

We're going to be hanging out with a big group tonight. There's always tons of snacks and social drinking. Does anyone know something good to mix with Coke Zero that's not a lot of calories?

any suggestions on how to make this situation easier?


  • Twinmom413
    Twinmom413 Posts: 70 Member
    How does everyone cope with the weekends? My husband and I have a circle of friends who we hang out with regularly, and of course it involves drinking and sometimes going out to eat. I know they all support me in my efforts to lose some weight, but it is soooooooooooo difficult to make good choices in foods and not drink what I really want. Last night we went out to dinner with one family. I usually drink Blue Moon beer, but went for the good 'ol Miller lite because it has less calories. And I ate a healthy meal, but it's difficult knowing how to count accurate calories for what I ate.

    We're going to be hanging out with a big group tonight. There's always tons of snacks and social drinking. Does anyone know something good to mix with Coke Zero that's not a lot of calories?

    any suggestions on how to make this situation easier?
  • kaybee176
    kaybee176 Posts: 11 Member
    if you go somewhere that there is dancing that will help to burn extra calories. I am not sure how accurate this is but I heard that beer no matter which ones has a lot of empty calories. so be very careful on the beer. When I go with a big group I bring along my own bottle of water so when I am asked what I would like to drink I show them my water. Also if you think of your self as the designated driver that will help you to avoid the beer.

    \Hope it helps
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Google rum calories. That would be good with coke zero. I went out last weekend and had a pomegranate martini and when I looked up the cals online it only had 70 calories for 3 oz (of course mine was bigger than that :happy: .
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Sometimes you just have to let loose and enjoy. If you can watch it, but if not, start up again the next day. :drinker:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    If I know I'm going out, I try to "buy" some extra calories with an extra-intense workout.

    I also find that I've had to seriously cut back on drinking. It A: makes me want to eat everything in sight. and B: makes me feel terrible the next day.

    That being said, you're making changes you can deal with for the rest of your life, so why not have a "cheat meal" or "cheat day" included in that plan. Mine is Sunday, and I enjoy intentionally going over by about 500 calories on that one day. Since I know it's coming, it limits my craziness.

  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I know what you mean!!! I have found a trick that works for me.....I always eat a snack before we leave such as nuts and raisins, cottage cheese and fruit...something filling but not overloaded with calories (about 200) we went out last night and i wasn't "starved" and tempted into eating all the fried appetizers, i was good with some veggies, and i boxed up some of my entree...I even passed up dessert which is a great feat for me!! I did enjoy a couple Michelob Ultra Light beers...I used to try and save my calories for going out, which always led to overeating...but this has worked well for me! Hope this helps!