Runners-What do you wish you knew?



  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    I am not a super experienced runner, I have only been doing it for 15 months, but just be warned, your fitness doesn't keep on increasing at the rate it first does. I did my first 10k (in 64 mins) 8 days after I started running (Yes, I know). I then ran 3 times a week, between 7 and 10 km each time, for 9 months, and did my second 10 in June in 54 mins. However, since then, I have stuck very much at 54 mins, and that's a fast run for me, I am more comfortable doing it in about 58 mins. I did a 9 mile run in October (1 hour 25 mins) and even though I was very fit at the time, it nearly killed me. Granted it was all off road in newly ploughed fields and chalk hill tracks, but my goodness.....I don't think I could do a half marathon, and I run quite a lot.

    I'm going to have to disagree with some of this.
    I started running from zero base in March. Since then I've completed a half marathon, a 1/2 Ironman and multiple sprint triathlons and 5ks. Your fitness will increase as far as you want it to. You just need a goal and a plan that will get you there.

    RE: slower speed increases.

    It happens. Its just the nature of the human body. Your speed will plateau. You'll get faster quicker in the beginning. Going from a 13:00 mile to a 12:00 miles is much easier than going from a 9:00 mile to an 8:00 mile and much much easier than going from a 6:30 mile to a 5:30 mile. It's just the way it goes. But stick with it. You'll only go as fast as you want to (within reason, 99.999+% of people can't break out a 59 minute half marathon or a 27:00 10k).
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    Definitely a great topic!! Loving reading everyone's tips and advice. My best tip would probably be to Breath!!! LoL, it seems simple but it really helps me when I'm struggling to push through to focus on the breathing!
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks, everyone!!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    I found my endurance significantly improved when I added strength training. My marathon time dropped by 1/2 hour which is really good for me. I think a lot of people assume that because they run they don't have to worry about strength training their legs.

    Good luck!
  • For me, it was getting committed. I did that by signing up for races. I started off running 5Ks in 48 minutes. I now run them in 30 minutes with a goal to get that time under 30. Also, I stay signed up for half marathons and I will complete my 5th and 6th races in a few weeks.

    To keep me motivated, I keep signing up for more races. I just finished my first marathon two weeks ago and I'm already rethinking my training plan for the next one.

    Every morning when I want to sleep in, I remember the next race and that pushes me right out of bed.
  • Malissas
    Malissas Posts: 64 Member
    As a (very) beginner (learn-to) runner (jogger), what has helped most with progress is:

    1. Rhythmic breathing - find the right rhythm with the right pace and zen out.
    2. Shoes - as mentioned in above posts.
    3. Tight, cushioned, perfect socks
    4. On off days prepare/download podcasts, music list, training list, reading material to keep up the momentum and excitement.
  • JoJo1953
    JoJo1953 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm training for my first half marathon so very interested in the answers to this question!
  • Shoes.

    Go to a store and get your gait analysed, dont wear what you think you should, looks good or is the right price. Wear what is biomechanically right for you, get you gait analysed from a professional running store and let someone experienced recommend you a shoe. You will be grateful in the end.


    Stretch your calves and hamstrings and rotate your ankles, not too much just keep them limber daily, stretching these will help prevent calf heart attacks, and plantar fascitis and other injuries.

    Always listen to your body, if you have an injury, rest it or do cross training.

    If you have a cold as long as it is a head cold keep training, if it is chest based then rest and see the doctor.

    Warm up before run and a light stretch, warm down and a proper stretch after your exercise, dont stretch too much from cold before your run it is not good.

    Dont go too far too fast, people get way too keen, if you have been doing 3 to 4 miles for a while, though you may be able to bang out 6 try not to or only do it once a week.

    Vary your runs, dont plod for 2 to 3 miles or 4 to 5 3 or 4 times a week. Do hill runs to strengthen muscles, interval training, fartlek training. Do a fast, a moderate and a long run every week, dont run long all the time.

    Combine cross training and/or swimming for a total body conditioning to aid your running.

    And lastly, if you see another runner out and about please say hello, everyone near me whether running, walking the dog or whatever are so unaware of their surroundings and plain ignorant, either that or i smell as no one ever says hi, or good morning etc, mind you i run at 05:30 hrs perhaps they are still asleep ;-)
  • bump!
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    Check out this thread--it's a good one, with experienced runners endorsing all their favorite products--socks, bras, chub rub, etc.

    Also, get a foam roller and use it once you start running decent distances -or- if you are running 4+ times a week. It is like a mini sports massage and it can cure all manner of minor aches and pains.