Increasing Protein - Thoughts ???

MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
I need to increase my daily protein intake/amount ... but I would like to avoid having to add "extra" calories to my counts to reach my daily protein goal of 150-200 (g)....

Should I take something away? .... Add more cardio and/or strength training to my schedule?

*Any suggestions, thoughts, ideas - All all welcomed !!!



  • You mean like change your goals? If you increase your protien goal amounts then you shouldn't have to add quick cals. I guess I just don't understand the question lol
  • beckystahnke
    beckystahnke Posts: 41 Member
    My dietician recommended the following for weight loss. I'm 5'3, 185 lbs, female, 25 years old.

    1200-1500 calorie range for weight loss
    60 grams protein
    50-150 grams carbs
    50 grams fat
    25-30 grams fiber

    If you're trying to build muscle, up your protein to 50% of your daily intake and reduce either fat or carbs. You'll have to compensate somewhat, since protein is 4 calories per gram, carbohydrates are 4 calories per gram, and fat is 9 calories per gram. My fiance is doing a program called LeanGains, you might check that out (google it). :)