flying with a baby

diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
edited October 2024 in Chit-Chat
In a week i'm jumping on a plane to take my son to meet his extended family. does anyone have any advice or tips for flying with a 1 year old?


  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 616 Member
    im sending you lots of good luck vibes :) thats all ive got for you.
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    Lots of books and activities. Do you allow him to color? If you have a personal DVD player, I'd say thats a good entertainer, at least for 15-20 mins. Bring snacks, and juice too. I went on a flight with my 2 sons when they were 1 and a half and 5 to Ireland...long flight but they found it boring and slept alot.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    Be aware, when taking off and landing, the pressure change in the cabin can behard on little one's (everyones really) ears. So I would suggest you give them a paci, nurse, or give them a snack to eat during that time to help with their ears popping.

    I also tried to have new toys that travel easy to give them as soon as we get on the plan. It peaks their interest since it's something new.

    In the airport, I would let you child run and strech as much as possible.. get as much energy out as possible. Doing that, combined with the white noise of the engine usually puts my kids to sleep very quickly.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    how long is the flight? who are you flying with? are there connections? pack a bag full of new toys/books....simple dollar store stuff things he doesn't have so when he gets fidgety you can pull out your magic bag of fun. Snacks that he might not otherwise get, take headphones to watch TV on the plane…. If you have long connections, look into the airport lounges, most are child friendly and a lot less busy and stressful. ( I work in a lounge ) If it is a long flight take his car seat and strap it in.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    Toys to play with, books to read, snacks and drinks (i.e. cheerios and milk). If at all possible prompt him to take a nap, and remember, LOTS of patience. Good luck my friend! :)
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    Make like my parents used to do for car trips, and dose with Benadryl.

    (that's a joke, folks).

    For a one-year-old, I'm not sure how much you can do. There WILL be crying at takeoff and landing, and somebody around you is going to get pissy about it. Others (like those of us with our own kiddos) will understand. If your kiddo takes a binky still, or ever, sucking on it may help the little ears handle the pressure changes. Otherwise, try and get kiddo to run and play a lot before the flight, and hope it turns into naptime. Good Luck!
  • chrissyw63
    chrissyw63 Posts: 147 Member
    My son has been on a plane twice and will be 2 next month ... I agree with everyone who mentioned the take off and landing. If he has a binky, try and get him to suck on that. Otherwise, as they mentioned, try to get them to snack ... that way the ears can pop. I had taken my iPad with a movie on it for him last time and it didn't load! So instead I ended up playing angry birds for an hour and a half ( I HATE that game ) to keep him entertained. He did really well and was being a little flirt with the people behind us :) Good luck to you! I know its stressful leading up to it, but it'll come and go before you know it!
  • kiwigal111
    kiwigal111 Posts: 21 Member
    HI there, we took our wee boy when he was nearly 1 from New Zealand to Scotland, so lots of flights. He couldn't walk by himself on the way there, but he could on the return flight.
    Two totally different experiences there.

    Lots of toys, old and new...and like others have mentioned make sure you have something for him to drink or suck on - for the going up and down parts of the flights....they are not nice on their ears at all.
    We took baby paracetamol with us, just in case.

    Be prepared to walk up and down the aisle..... and up and down the aisle.... and again up and down the aisle.... lol

    A digital camera is a good thing for them to play with..... because they can see themselves and you in it, instantly. It's a good distraction.

    A MIrror is another good thing...they love to look at themselves.

    and like someone else mentiioned a portable DVD player is great.... esp if you have to stop off at another airport.

    Usually the airline staff on flights are great with children...

    Good luck and enjoy every moment with your son.... they grow sooo fast
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