How do you balance it all?

Because I just cannot seem to pull it off. I work out yes, but to do that I have to neglect other things. How does everyone else do this?


  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    Married mother of two young boys (1 and 3), who works full time 8:30-5 M-F. I have an excellent husband who helps tremendously but I normally don't end up working out until after 9 PM because after picking the kids up from daycare, driving the half hour home, getting dinner made, dishes, done, baths, etc. its now bed time for my boys and I then hit my treadmill, (before it was my time to veg in front of the TV). I do manage to make it to the gym Tuesdays and Thursdays evening after work but again not getting home until 8 PM. I manage to do a little cleaning sporadically through the week and try and get the laundry done on Sundays. Bedtime normally happens about 11:30-midnight most nights and I feel like I've got nothing done. I've learned to not sweat the small stuff!!!
  • belinda_b
    belinda_b Posts: 70 Member
    I am a single mom working f/t and somehow manage to fit exercise in almost everyday. I have to as I have a desk job. I would be unfit/mushy if I didn't work out 6 days a week. It's busy that's all I can say. I make my kids dinner, then I get on the treadmill at home. (no sitting down or it won't get done) On the weekends, I get to the gym. I don't know what I would do if I didn't own a treadmill though.

    I would love to hear how others do it as I feel too busy and yes things definately get neglected.
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    Married mother of 4 ages 15-14-12-5. My two middle children are currently in basketball (practice or game just about every night). My oldest is Drama and French Club as well as Speech (tournament every single Saturday). My husband is a huge help and he gets the little one to and from daycare (the daycare is 5 miles from his work). I can relate to being busy. I come home from work and also cook dinner, do dishes, laundry, baths, bed, etc. My kids help alot around the house - especially with the little one. I have an eliptical in my basement and I recently bought Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. I typically do these with my kids watching (and laughing) around 7-8 if I can't make it to the gym. I also am a big fan of my crock pot. Low fat chili, casseroles, etc. recipes are easy to find on the internet and it cooks while you work. I try to get as much done the night before (lunches packed, clothes laid out, etc.). Occassionally I will get up in the morning to work out but that rarely works for me. I typcially fall to bed around 11 and seem to be well rested. Good luck.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    I pack my workout bag(s) the night before and try to get to bed by 9ish.

    I get up around 4:50, drink coffee, make my and my son's lunch and give the dog her pill. I try to be out the door by 5:20. I either go running or swimming with a group that meets at 5:45. I change at the pool or gym and get to my desk around 7:30am. My husband gets my son up and gets him to school.

    I do a lunch workout at the office gym and eat lunch afterward at my desk.

    I pick up my son around 5 and get home around 5:30 to make dinner. Dinners are usually planned to be quick and healthy if possible. Quesadillas, baked potatoes, soup, etc. Sometimes its leftovers. I clean up the kitchen while I make dinner and afterward attempting to leave the kitchen as clean as possible. I sometimes do a load of laundry a night.

    Weekends are for catching up on house cleaning and doing the grocery shopping. I try to exercise in the morning on the weekends with friends, that is my priority.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    it depends on your priorities....are you mostly trying to lose weight, get fit or both....

    they say losing weight is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise, you could maybe loosen up a tad on your exercise expectation, still get some in and still achieve your goals

    I have time and money restraints (not to mention physical) that make working out difficult for me so I try to make my work day as aerobic as possible, walking the long route on a task, taking stairs, not elevator, making sure I get up and walk 5 min out of every hour...little things

    you'll figure it out! don't let a perceived obstacle stop you in your tracks!

    good luck!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    The gym is my new boyfriend. I have to be there at least one hour to two a day or I am beyond cranky. I push so hard though I get tired and useless until after kids go to be
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't. I am a full time mother, part time Masters student (fitted into the 12 hours childcare I have a week), I also sing in one of the Cathedral choirs, am on the local council and am secretary for the local pre-school. Add to that exercise and frankly, the housework just doesn't get done. Basically, I can either exercise or do the washing and cooking, but there aren't enough hours in the day for both.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I don't. I am a full time mother, part time Masters student (fitted into the 12 hours childcare I have a week), I also sing in one of the Cathedral choirs, am on the local council and am secretary for the local pre-school. Add to that exercise and frankly, the housework just doesn't get done. Basically, I can either exercise or do the washing and cooking, but there aren't enough hours in the day for both.

    Thank you so much for telling me I am not alone. Same here, I am a full time mom and college student. Not near my master yet but someday!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    As another person who is employed fulltime/fulltime student/married mother of two, I must wake up and go to the gym first thing or it won't done, period. I have seen other long-term committed exercisers who manage to pull it off and we all share the 5 a.m or earlier ethos.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    The gym is my new boyfriend. I have to be there at least one hour to two a day or I am beyond cranky. I push so hard though I get tired and useless until after kids go to be

    you could look at getting a more streamlined time in the gym. 2 hours might be more than you need in a sinlge session. a hard beneficial workout can easily be acheived in 30-45 minutes