Shaky this morning - food or yoga? Both?

Hello All,

S last night I went to super sweaty 86 degrees never stopping always flowing POWER yoga. It kicked my *kitten* a little :-)

I used to do this all the time, but it's been a couple of years. I've been running but am taking a few days off to avoid shin issues and abductor issues. So I did this yoga thing. 90 minutes.

I've been eating 1200-1400 cals a day. Once a week or so I usually end up eating 1700. But I haven't been eating back exercise cals. I weigh 168 and am 5'6''. When I started I weighed about 185. So the weight IS coming off.

However, this morning I woke up and I'm shaky. Yesterday I ate 1500. Most mornings I drink green juice so I did that this morning. Still kinda shaky.

Is this just my muscles being shaky from the yoga? I was certainly shaking in some poses.

Or would you guess this is some kind of a food issue?

(PS - MFP sets me to 1420 a day based on "sedentary." Set to 1 lb a week.)


  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    My vote: Both. They are related, after all. The harder you exercise, the more fuel you burn. Thus, you should eat more when you are exercising.

    Also- possibly water. If you're working hard and sweating lots, you need water.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Ditto rebekah .. I hope you're staying hydrated and eating back some of your exercise calories!