Help me :(

I did weights on Wednesday, about 40 of the...(sorry I don't know names of workout routines) but where you sit and pull inward from straight infront of you? '_'...I did both hands facing down, and facing upward.

It was my first time doing this.

Now even two days later when I extend my arm all the way its SO painful! I can slowly extend it and get used to it being extended but after just a few minutes of it not being extended then the pain will return once extending again..and its bearable pain usually but sometimes its like SO SORE painful :(

Is this normal? and how long does it last? is it because I did it for the first time? Will it happen again?
The pain actually didn't come in until probably thursday afternoon


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    It'll gradually get better. Lotsof streching and mmassaging the areathat's sore will help
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    its your first time and you decided to do 40? i lol'd. i'm going to give you a quick work out guide that helped me.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    I did weights on Wednesday, about 40 of the...(sorry I don't know names of workout routines) but where you sit and pull inward from straight infront of you? '_'...I did both hands facing down, and facing upward.

    It was my first time doing this.

    Now even two days later when I extend my arm all the way its SO painful! I can slowly extend it and get used to it being extended but after just a few minutes of it not being extended then the pain will return once extending again..and its bearable pain usually but sometimes its like SO SORE painful :(

    Is this normal? and how long does it last? is it because I did it for the first time? Will it happen again?
    The pain actually didn't come in until probably thursday afternoon

    Sounds like a seated row. 40 reps is a lot if this is your first/early time doing them. I would reduce the weight and only do 2 sets of 12 to start. Once they become easy, then increase to the next weight up and so on. When I havent been horse riding for a while, I cant then walk properly for about 4 days!! Just take it slow. Make sure you have a good warm up, and make sure you stretch at the end to prevent soreness. And make sure to rest a muscle group for 48 hours afterwards. When you lift weights, you are effectively breaking down your muscle fibres, so they need time to repair and recover.

    Im training to be a PT, so any questions just give me a shout :smile:
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    2 Days later is pretty much exactly when you are going to feel it the most.

    Before going to the gym and just banging out 4 sets of 10 reps (or whatever you did), put a routine together.

    Simple to start, and stick with it. Don't go to the gym everytime and bounce around machines and switch things up.

    This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when they start working out. They either have no clue what to do so just start jumping on machines, or they have so many ideas, they just keep switching things up.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    I am pretty fit with the cardio, but have just started a strength/endurance programme. Go to the gym and use it as a start session - use all the equipment and write down what weight you can lift/press. Dont worry if you find you can lift different weights on different machines - I can lift 55kg on the adductor, but only 5kg on the lat pull down (yes, I am a lower body strength girl!!) But now I know what to start to, and then each time I go to the gym, I do 2 sets of 10-12 reps of these weights, then when they become easier, then I increase the weight to the next level.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    If you are new to lifting, you should really consider signing up for at least one session with a trainer so you can learn proper form. You might be injuring yourself. Also, they can help you figure out how much you should be lifting and design a plan for you according to your goals.

    Here is a chart though that might help you see the amount of weight you should be lifting according to your sex, level of experience and body weight:
  • Somiac
    Somiac Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for all the replies!! I will probably lighten up on was my first time and I just thought do until you're tired ^^ and unfortunately I can't afford the training thing so..yea