
I am a person who is naturally prone to migraines, and they are something I have been dealing with my entire life. However, they have gotten to the point that I can somewhat predict when they are going to occur. However, I have been dealing with a migraine that keeps coming back for the past 2 or 3 days now. I take maxalt, which is a miracle pill and does make them go away, but this one seems to keep coming back either after I go to sleep and wake back up the next day, or if I take it in the morning, the migraine will be back by nighttime.

I started tracking my foods and trying to eat healthy on Monday/Tuesday. I think it was Wednesday night that my headache traveled into migraine status and I had to take my first maxalt. Thursday morning I had to take another, and that night another one. I haven't had to take one yet today (I'm down to my last pill as well), but I can feel it in the back of my head.

I am curious if it is related to my change in eating behaviors, and what exactly may be the cause? I am drinking much, much more water than I usually do (trying to hit the 8 glasses per day mark), and have cut down soda, but I am also drinking one a day just in case it's a caffeine withdrawal headache. Neither of these things seem to be helping me.

I was just curious if anybody had any ideas if this migraine could be related to my changes in eating habits and if I should be doing anything differently?

And another sort of side-question, do you think it would be okay to work out today even if I feel that migraine looming in the back of my head?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I am prone to migraines also. I need to make an appointment to see my doctor. I just got my eyes checked...so I know it doesn't have to do with vision problems.

    If you're naturally prone to them, I don't think it's your exercise/diet change that's affecting you. Are you stressed? It's odd that you get them so frequent, since it sounds like you are getting a good amount of water and healthy foods. Maybe you should make an appointment with your doc, it could be related to something else.

    When I get really bad headaches (this may sound crazy to you, but it works for me!), I meditate!
    I sit down with my legs crossed and my back straight and slow down my breathing, take deep breaths, and concentrate on the air that I'm inhaling through my nose into my lungs. Try to clear your thoughts and just be. I know it sounds crazy but every time I do this, I open my eyes and feel so peaceful, and the pressure/throbbing in my temples stops.

    Anyway...I workout with migraines sometimes, hoping it will go away, but it's still there when I finish. It's up to you! :flowerforyou:
  • spragukr
    spragukr Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for your help and advice =] I've been the doctor countless times for this exact reason, but it seems like maybe I need to go again. Nobody can figure out what the problem is. I think I might try out the meditating idea though, you never know what might help!
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    True! You never know! I am the same way. I have no idea why I get them so much, and sometimes they're SO painful! I was popping ibuprofen all the time, until it got to the point where I was taking 5 and it did nothing! I got worried that I was ruining my liver....:frown:

    This book is really short, and besides explaining meditating (it's not a religious book at all), it gives great tips on ways to de-stress (which can lead to migraines!) I'm a girl and get so mad at stupid things sometimes...holding stupid grudges etc. It puts life into perspective. Don't live in the past or worry about the future. Live for now, because you might miss out on what's happening right in front of you! One of my favorite books!


  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Thanks for your help and advice =] I've been the doctor countless times for this exact reason, but it seems like maybe I need to go again. Nobody can figure out what the problem is. I think I might try out the meditating idea though, you never know what might help!

    The reality is that the medical profession as a whole doesn't really understand much about migraines, so you can go to your doctor, but a lot of doctors will just prescribe medication until they find one that works either preventatively or abortively (provided they don't think the migraines are the result of a more serious neurological condition). If it's really a migraine, you need to track your food and activities to determine what is actually triggering them - and triggering events can happen up to two days before you get noticeable symptoms. Exercise can cause migraines for some, as can sex or weather change for others, and a lot of migraineurs have food triggers. If you aren't already, you should try adding a magnesium supplement to your diet or start eating magnesium rich foods. A lot of migraineurs have low levels of magnesium and for some of them supplementation helps with migraines. I personally would never exercise with a migraine because it would make mine worse. If I can feel a migraine waiting for a final trigger, I absolutely do not exercise because I know it will be triggered. It's about tracking and finding patterns.

    Oh - and try reading The Migraine Brain by Dr. Carolyn Bernstein - a fellow migraineur. If nothing else it gives you some validation as a sufferer, but it also suggests things to try that you may not have though of.
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    I hope you feel better soon, especially since it's friday.
    My first thought was perhaps you have a caffeine withdraw headache. My doctor has said they can last a few days and a good clue is the pain concentrates at the back of your head above your neck. I would say you could do a medium paced walk. I wouldn't get my blood pressure up at all, just enough to get good oxygen flowing and help take your mind off of it. and try to get some extra sleep.
    Like 09kschmidt I meditate also, a cool cloth on my forehead and a slight rocking motion and I'm zenned out. Now, like you, I know most of my triggers and can prevent most of them.

    Get well!
  • bigbugboo
    I was getting migraines quite a bit for the first few weeks of dieting, but found cutting down sugarfree products helped. I was having too much soda etc. Not had one for about 4 weeks now, thanks goodness.
  • Xxlovinlife2012Xx
    I work for a chiropractor and it might be something as simple as a misalignment. I know a lot of people think of them as "quacks" but I have worked in this profession and chiropractic actually saved me from Migraines. I would recommend finding one in your area and find one who also focuses on wellnes (healthy lifestyle, supplements, etc.) If you have tried everything else but haven't tried yet it might be worth a shot to at least get an exam and x-ray to see. Eating habits can be a trigger, also stress is a trigger, smells are triggers, but a lot of times its a spinal issue.
  • spragukr
    spragukr Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you all for the tips =] Luckily I have found a medication that is usually effective, they are just incredibly expensive plus I am down to my last one and am stuck 20 miles from town without a vehicle, so cannot get a refill. I usually avoid exercising anytime I have a migraine, I just wanted to make sure others agreed and didn't think I was wasting my day. It is frustrating since I have them so often, it really makes it hard to have a consistent exercise routine.

    I hadn't heard about the magnesium yet, I think I will definitely try that out! Also thanks for the tip about the chiropractor, also probably a good idea to get that checked out!