Night time eating



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Remeber that eating late at night will NOT cause you weight loss issue by itself.

    What happens is people eat their normal cals during the day, THEN eat more at night, and blame the weight issues on the eating late part, when really its simply a calorie excess.

    If you keep your deficit it doesnt matter when you eat at all.

    It may help makes keeping to your deficit easier, but metabolically speaking its the same..

    I intentionally eat very little during daylight, knowing full well i prefer eating at night, and will be eating at night.
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm glad I found this thread, my husband works graves so I get bored at night and munch. Thanks for the tips!
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    I am a night owl so I always allow myself enough points (I am doing Weight Watchers) to have snacks at night, plus some fruit or a veggie snack
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    I also try to keep myself busy (I do clean in the evening like vacuum/straighten up just to keep me occupied) in the evening and NEVER watch the Food Network at night- too many food cues for me!!!

    Like others have said-it will take some time to learn this new habit.

    I feel like any time I watch Food Network I start drooling... Just thinking about it now has me halfway to the kitchen! I've recognized nighttime snacking as a problem for me for a LONG time: my mother always eats late, because for most of my life she worked second shift, and would need something when she got home around 1130. It's second nature for me to be reaching for something, anything, around 930. I'm aware of it and still working on it. On another post someone suggested Atomic Fire Balls (hot as.... and low cal for a few), which is something I want to try.
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    I know how this works....I either wake up around noon or have classes until noon, and that's when I start to get hungry. Then I eat something small around 3 or 4pm, then dinner at 6, then a snack before bed...almost all my cals at night!!!
  • Hi, i too have had that problem, like one of the other posters i slowly took control of it and i feel really good when i go to bed feeling empty! Try reading or doing something that can help take your mind off the food! Keep perservering, it will get easier!!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Challenge myself to go to bed hungry...I like that idea. I usually go to bed completely stuffed. And then I am not hungry in the morning. Thanks!

    if you're not hungry in the morning, don't eat and instead eat the majority or all your cals at night, that's what i do
    Re: going to bed hungry, I probably should have qualified it. And also, say that it will work for some and not for some. It works great for me and I NEVER wake up in the middle of the night, nor have any problem falling asleep. Actually, I started doing it based on Tony Horton's Power 90 Diet Guide:

    "Stop eating 3 hours before bed. By allowing your body to sleep in 'fasting mode' meaning you are not in the midst of digesting a meal, your body will access stored fat for energy. What better time to be slightly hungry anyway than while you sleep? You wake up hungry, and per this plan, you eat breakfast on schedule!*"

    * It also requires you to eat breakfast.

    tony horton is a broscientist and his advice should be taken with a grain of salt

    I wasn't quoting Tony as an expert by any means. Just showing why I started doing this. Like I said, it works great for me.
  • ashiggins
    ashiggins Posts: 144 Member
    Hey Erin! I have the same problem, I really liked one person's idea of brushing your teeth at night when you're done eating---this helps me! Also, I would suggest making your food diary available to your friends. This way, your friends can hold you accountable and see how much you are snacking. Mine is open to my friends and it makes me very aware when I go log 500+ calories of snacking for the night---it may help you think twice about having that extra cookie or bowl of icecream :) Good luck! I'm here for ya!