

  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    I have been under a docs care during my weightloss and one of the most important things stressed to me is that i make sure i get in 60-80 grams of protein in in a day to preserve lean muscle mass. my cals varried from 600 to 1200 between feb 24th this year to present..... and i have lost 198.7 pounds in that time period...yest it was rapid...but i am healthy as a horse and even have a little muscle (bicept) being built.
    Cutting cals etc does lose weight fast....but be careful of losing your lean it healthy and safe....u will be better in the long end.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    This is for christmas aye? ;)
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    Not for Christmas but for this race Im planning by early next month.... the person I'm racing is in the high 120s and I want EVERY single advantage - right now our pace is about equal but I really don't want to lose because she's starting to run again and she finished half-marathon already a couple months ago. If I get down to 135 I think my pace will increase significantly because before when I was that weight I was able to do 7:30 miles compared to the crap 10 I'm running now :(.
  • I think it will be hard ahaving no carbs, fruit n veg are important so u should include those
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    Yeah Im not gonna do it anymore - I tried eating mostly protein today and it messed up my run in that my stomach didn't seem to be handling it well. I drank some Gatorade before and during the run so it got me through what I actually did finish (5 mi) but I know low carb will really impact my long runs so Im ditching it.... I really need to cut down for the race though because I can feel how my weight is hindering my speed compared to when I was 135ish. I'm just gonna try to eat half my exercise calories instead of all.
    I think it will be hard ahaving no carbs, fruit n veg are important so u should include those
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Ok, I know this is a little snarky and all, but... you're looking to crash diet just so you can beat a girl in a race? :huh:

    That doesn't sound very sporting.

    It also sounds like a recipe for burnout to be anyone, but especially a guy, marathon training on 1200 calories. I'm a short 129# 39 year old woman and I eat loads more than that.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    THis chick is manly :)... well I also want to beat her because she said she didn't believe I could run to my face.... even more of a reason to crush her when we race.
    Ok, I know this is a little snarky and all, but... you're looking to crash diet just so you can beat a girl in a race? :huh:

    That doesn't sound very sporting.

    It also sounds like a recipe for burnout to be anyone, but especially a guy, marathon training on 1200 calories. I'm a short 129# 39 year old woman and I eat loads more than that.