Those with kids...



  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    I started mine off when he could chew food. I'm vegan so I don't eat a lot of chips and stuff like that, and he loves my veggie chips and puffs, thankfully. When we go out he cries if I don't get him a banana at work(I work at whole foods market). I'm very lucky. I fix everything for one week that I can possibly have, and that way, I can have what I want, and although hes 3, I let him pick out what he wants to eat and just microwave them for us. Sometimes we eat the same thing, sometimes we dont, that way he can have variety and so can i. Plus side, hubby will eat whatever is left over from what he wont. Hes a human vacuum:) he will tease me when I make him a pb and j sandwich, if you drop a drop of peanut butter on your finger and lick it off, do you log that. Hes a butt sometimes. :laugh:
  • elizabethtimetogetfittynes
    Yes, I definately find it harder and after logging the 2 Tyson fun nuggets I nibbled on today and it being 112 calories, I'd say every bite counts. I personally think i will have to just resist the temptation unless i log it every time.
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    First off - Diet is a naughty word in reference to "I'm on a diet". Referring your daily intake as "diet" is a better way at looking at it. IE: I try to keep my diet as clean as possible. KWIM? Changing this mode of thinking for me helped me get through the hump your on right now.

    I make our meals for us all. If I make salmon - I make the girls salmon. They eat well and the more I introduce things to them the better it gets. We try to eat together every night (which honestly happens 6 nights a week). Studies say that when families eat together they make better food choices and have better communication with their children.

    I have a rule, too. If they don't like it then they can have something that I don't need to prepare (ie - cheese, fruit, yogurt, avocado, veggies/hummus).

    When I make Mac &cheese, I mix steamed veggies in it to add nutrition. I mix goldfish crackers with trail mix. Just little upgrades to help them value good nutrition. Hopefully this will help them make good choices as they get older.

    I hope I'm not too off subject but these things have made a huge difference in our family!
  • kikkipoo
    kikkipoo Posts: 292 Member
    I have issues with this. I have two kids..5 years apart and weigh exactly the same. My 10 year old daughter is underweight and I can't seem to put enough food in her, and my 5 year old son is being watched closely so as not to become overweight. I was an obese child and remember my mom always trying to get me to diet and thinking how insane it was and unfair for her to expect me to eat things that were different from what everyone else in the house was allowed to eat. I became very resentful and snuck the unhealthy stuff afterwards. It did me no good, but I do know how important it is to set an example of good choices for my kids and model what I would want for them rather than restrict one and buy ding dongs and chips for the other. My daughter may end up tall and lean because of a high metabolism, but she will still be making good choices and hopefully fuel her body by trying to build up her lean body mass not her fat cells.
  • bens_momma
    My son is 19 months so, it's not too much of a struggle with "who eats what." He loves rice, chicken, pasta, berries, apples, oranges, and cashews the most, so the real struggle is just finding out what he wants to eat at that particular meal time. :tongue:

    We all eat the same, but I'll usually have a side of rice or pasta ready to heat up in case he turns his nose up at dinner time.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I dont buy any junk whatsoever and I dont allow it in my house and my kids are fine. ...... May I add that my kids have rarely been sick also with anything but the common cold maybe once a year.

    It really annoys me when people throw that out there. So if my kid has Lukemia or some other serious illness, are you implying that it was my fault for allowing my kid to eat a happy meal or a piece of cake once in awhile?
    i hate hearing that too.
    we went through a phase where we ate out just about every day - sometimes more than once. im not really proud of it, but it happened. my kids about both extremely healthy and i can count on one hand the number of times ive had to take either of them to the dr for something other than a well child checkup. theyre both active and happy. yes, they eat cookies and candy and fast food. they also love asparagus and brussels sprouts and artichokes and fish. now i cook at home as much as possible, but we still eat out once a week or so. sometimes its a nice sit down place, and sometimes its mcdonalds. theyre still learning healthy choices (my 4 year old always picks apples over fries) all while enjoying being a kid.