low calorie hunger surpressing foods



  • Yeah, cutting calories "as much as possible" isn't a good idea. If you are hungry, eat. You should eat at a small calorie deficit in order to preserve muscle, prevent "famine response", and in general to be happier and be more likely to stick to your diet.

    I dont want to cut calories as much as possible. I am taking in the recommended amount but still remain starving. looking for things i can consume to prevent the hunger pains.

    In that case try the high protein snacks, and good luck! :)

    i might be pushing my luck but any suggestions? thanx for all the info

    What is your weekly weight loss goal set to?

    Almonds, lunch meat, hard boiled eggs, protien shakes, peanut butter on apples or celery, glasses of milk, whole wheat english muffins, cucumber slices in salad dressing...

    2 pounds (1kg a week). i am gyming 6 days a week quite generously and staying within recomended calorie intake. just need to surpress those hunger pains. see my diet plan for today 17/12/2011 maybe offer tips as to what i can change around?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You're diary isn't public.

    I'd change your weekly goal to a pound a week. Make it easier on yourself. I don't know about you, but I'd never stick with a diet plan that was too hard. Mine was set to a half pound a week when I was losing.

  • Eh. To each his own on this. I had much MORE hunger throughout the day when I ate breakfast. Since I started fasting from 8 pm to noon, I have had way less hunger pangs overall.

    YESSS! I love my IF.
  • ensure you are eating every 3 hours....

    Within 15-30 min after your workout, have a protein shake w/ Unsweetened Almond Milk or Water. Add a dash of Cinnamon and 1/2 cup Blueberries if you wish.

    have an apple and a protein Shake with water as one of your meals.

    if you eat eggs for breakfast.. have 1 whole egg and at least 1 cup egg whites with a slice of Whole GRAIN Toast with your coffee or tea.
  • You're diary isn't public.

    I'd change your weekly goal to a pound a week. Make it easier on yourself. I don't know about you, but I'd never stick with a diet plan that was too hard. Mine was set to a half pound a week when I was losing.

    sorry, new to site. have changed it to public. think 1 kg is a realistic goal for myself. i have picked up 6 kg's since i quit smoking a month ago and i would like to loose that. once im closer to goal weight i will drop it to 500 g a week
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    I eat plain 0% greek yogurt and cabbage. Egg whites too, extremely low on calories and nice protein intake.
  • Thanx

    Think what i am going to do is setup a daily plan first thing in the morning taking all your considerations into account and see if it helps with the hunger problem by the end of the day
  • I eat plain 0% greek yogurt and cabbage. Egg whites too, extremely low on calories and nice protein intake.

    this greek yoghurt seems to come up quite a bit. will investigate tomorrow!!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Yeah, cutting calories "as much as possible" isn't a good idea. If you are hungry, eat. You should eat at a small calorie deficit in order to preserve muscle, prevent "famine response", and in general to be happier and be more likely to stick to your diet.

    I dont want to cut calories as much as possible. I am taking in the recommended amount but still remain starving. looking for things i can consume to prevent the hunger pains.

    In that case try the high protein snacks, and good luck! :)

    i might be pushing my luck but any suggestions? thanx for all the info

    Greek Yogurt, Almonds with no salt, low sodium/low sugar peanut butter on celery

    A lot of people on here do protein shakes; I don't personally use them but they might be a good option for you. :)
  • Yeah, cutting calories "as much as possible" isn't a good idea. If you are hungry, eat. You should eat at a small calorie deficit in order to preserve muscle, prevent "famine response", and in general to be happier and be more likely to stick to your diet.

    I dont want to cut calories as much as possible. I am taking in the recommended amount but still remain starving. looking for things i can consume to prevent the hunger pains.

    In that case try the high protein snacks, and good luck! :)

    i might be pushing my luck but any suggestions? thanx for all the info

    Greek Yogurt, Almonds with no salt, low sodium/low sugar peanut butter on celery

    A lot of people on here do protein shakes; I don't personally use them but they might be a good option for you. :)

    are protein shakes and meal replacement shakes not the same thing? as i substitute two meals a days with meal replacement shakes
  • cmcravens
    cmcravens Posts: 53 Member
    I have never tried the Chia, but I do us the protien powder and make shakes. That always seems to curb my appetite.
    You can get the protien in any flavor.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    No, I think meal replacement shakes have other things besides protien. I still can't see your diary. How many calories do your shakes have? I think most people find eating real food more satisfying and filling then shakes.
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    Good luck in your journey and welcome to the site :)

    I don't know if it works for you but some of the snacks I like to supress hunger (or sugar cravings in my case) are tuna in water (excellent protein source but some would advise against frequent consumption because of some articles that pointed out traces of lead in some tuna samples), grated carrots, chai masala with 0% fat milk and no sugar (cinnamon and vanilla make wonders with cravings in my experience), dried apricots (am usually careful with this one because of sugar), walnuts (good source of fat, cutting off all the fat will hamper the fat loss).

    Experiment with some flavors and tastes and you may find one that works for you just like cinnamon and vanilla do for me.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I love to eat edamame! It's like 100 ish calories for 1/2 a cup and because you eat each bean individually it takes a while to eat and its so yummy and filling. My new favorite snack
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    APPLE AND OATMEAL that stuff keeps me full for days. also, peanut butter works amazingly well but its so high in fats. i take two spoonfuls with my oatmeal in the morning and i am set until early dinnertime!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    oscar mayer natural turkey lunch meat.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    greek yoghurt and a sliced apple to dip it in. One secret is to cut up food smaller and eat it slower, it helps because your brain needs time to realise that you have eaten which is why so many people who eat quickly eat too much.

    Greek yoghurt is full of protein to fill you up, very low calorie (especially the light versions) and an apple has amazing nutrients in it.

    Try rice crackers with avocado and tomato, or cottage cheese and tomato.

    They are some of my favourite ways to fill up quickly when you're starving - especially at night :)
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Protein - cottage cheese, yoghurt, eggs, meat.......not always the lowest calories, but they satiate so well that I can cut back on other higher calorie foods - e.g. Carbs best bang for your buck when you are always hungry....

    With respect to the previous poster - there is now way even 10 cups of lettuce will satiate my body for a few hours....

    Eat a large breakfast to have less hunger throughout the day.
    Skip breakfast and enjoy the grumbly tumbly!

    Sometimes this just makes you use up your calories faster so you end up having to starve at night.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You're diary still isn't public. You may have it set to friends only, you need to make it public for us to see.

    No, protein shakes aren't the same as meal replacement shakes. If you are substituting 2 meals a day with meal replacements, you may want to try real food. I wouldn't add a protein shake on top of that. I know that a meal replacement does not keep me full long.
    I would go with a balanced meal over a shake whenever I could and see how that works. Make sure you have fat, fiber and protein to fill you up and keep you full.
  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    Quick snack for me when I have the munchies is raw radishes. If you cut the tops & bottoms off and keep them refrigerated in a tupperware with water they will not be so bitter. (Bitter taste is the reason I usually hear from people who dislike radishes). A cup of radishes is 25 calories and will fill you up for a bit.

    If you are craving fruit try an all fruit smoothie. I usually do 1 banana, a cup of frozen strawberries and 1 cup of water. That makes a very filling smoothie for under 200 calories. If you are wanting protein you could add protein powder to the smoothie listed above or use milk instead of water.

    Another good fruit idea is Clementines (the little oranges). They are only 35 calories. I like them best kept in the refrigerator so I can eat them cold.

    After the gym I usually have a snack of cottage cheese with either a small bit of fruit or tomato. The cottage cheese I buy is 80 calories for 1/2c.