protein powder?

Never really paid attention to it before getting on this site. What on earth does one do with protein powder?! Is it tasteless and does it mix with anything? This girl needs an explanation! :)


  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Oh, well, it's magic fairy dust that grows muscles and burns

    Seriously, it's just a tool to help those who may not have the time to properly prepare whole food meals.

    I don't much use them. I am a big believer in just whole foods: lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, grains and low fat dairy.
    And I don't trust that what I am getting is really represented by what the label claims.

    If man makes it, don't eat it. That's a general rule I strive toward.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I have "Designer Whey" French Vanilla 100cal protein powder for making breakfast was recommended by my Endocrinologist for days when I just cant stomach eating an actual breakfast or when Im sick as a dog to at least get the protein in.

    I probably have a couple to three per month... I would never have this on a day-to-day basis to be honest because like Bobby, I prefer whole foods as well.

    I have made a batch and froze it for a mock-ice cream... it is REALLY good!
  • protein powder can be added to milk, juice etc. to increase your protein intact. I use it as a meal replacement for breakfast if I am running late. Depending on the brand you buy it tastes great, like a chocolate shake. Don't be afraid to try it. Of course some are horrible so you need to try and find what you like.
  • maryvc123
    maryvc123 Posts: 2 Member
    No - its not tasteless. Comes in all kinds of brands and flavors - and calorie content. The "cream of crop" has to be the Beverly cookies and cream! Its the bomb! Really expensive though. Some brands don't mix as well as others. I really love a scoop of vanilla protein in my oatmeal (makes a complete meal - has your good carbs and protein). I also like chocolate protein in my oatmeal. Dymatized Elite has nice flavors and mix well in milk, almond milk or just water. Ask the person at your local nutrition store for there recommendations - sometimes they let you try before you buy. Use Whey protein during the day or after workouts, and a casine protein before bed, so your body doesn't start catabolizing the muscle we work so hard to create.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    a protein powder fruit smoothie is an excellent post-work out drink in my opinion. helps recover your body, and its a liquid so easy to get down, as opposed to solid foods. and that way two hours after your work out you dont go all shakey and just shove whatever you have handy into your mouth.
  • cmcravens
    cmcravens Posts: 53 Member
    I would have to agree, Protein powder is wanderful, you can have it as a drink or shake, smoothie or even put it in with pudding, fruit mix or oatmeal. I have not tried the oatmeal, I bet I will tom. Its been really cold here and nothing like a warm breakfast to start the day with a little protein. Thanks for the idea.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It can be difficult to get the recommended amount of protein for building muscle just from diet alone, so protein shakes are helpful. If you eat plenty of protein in your diet, then you probably don't need them. However, they do make excellent post-workout meals.