23 and 1/2 hours:

What is the single best thing we can do for our health?


I watched this video the other day. Gives some reasons why adding exercise to your daily routine is beneficial. Does NOT mention exercise for weight loss; health benefits only. It's kind of long (9 minutes) but I found it to be very interesting.


  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I'm going to need to watch...because now my left knee is telling me that exercise is not beneficial to its health!
  • p0stdramatic
    Bump for later!
  • p0stdramatic
    I'm really glad I watched this video, it really put everything in to perspective. After watching it, I really can't believe so many ABLE people can't find 30 minutes a day for their health, including me until recently.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Thanks for sharing. Interesting.