What fitness/ nutrition items are on your Santa list?



  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I was hoping hubby answered this seriously. :-(
    You know me better than that...
  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member
    AAA batteries for my scale, a new HRM to replace my currently dying HRM, pull up station, 2 lb ankle/wrist weights, cardio workout DVDs like zumba, or butt bible lol, billy blanks).
    and some weight lifting gloves...or maybe that's too much? :ohwell: I just got some weights with the metal bar and my hands are kinda sore from screwing on some weights to the bars :sad:
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Yoga mat
    ****s Sporting Goods Gift card
    Taget gift card (for workout clothes)
  • Maryjaneshoes
    Maryjaneshoes Posts: 169 Member
    Kettle bells
    New pair of running shoes, mine are getting worn out
    More workout clothes :-)
    It's good to dream, lol.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Im getting a week off - a week off exercise, counting calories and early morning alarms (to get up and exercise!).

    My partner and I are off to Bali (Indonesia!).... There will be lots of beer drinking and eating! We are taking our running shoes though so we will get some exercise.

    But a whole week off in tropical paradise.... Thanks Santa!!!
  • erin_zuk
    erin_zuk Posts: 226 Member
    I am SO excited to be getting a Polar HRM for Christmas (I know I'm getting it because I was with my mom when she bought it for me)
    -I also know my sister got me a gift card to Lululemon for new workout clothes :D

    I also bought for myself on amazon.ca which should arrive in time for Christmas:
    30 Day shred dvd
    New Rules of Weightlifting for Women