Weight Lifting...does it really help tone your body?



  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    So, another question is: will weight lifting help me lose BF? I know cardio has been helping--I have seen some visible results in my tummy area and my thighs.

    It can. This depends more on your diet. I'd recommend the New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women book. It's a weight lifting program for fat loss.

    I have bought to book and I am soo excited to give it a try! Has anyone every finished the program and seen good belly flab results?

    I using the New Rules of Lifting for Women. I'm currently starting Stage 3 and I've had great results so far. My waist was 29" to start and I'm down two inches now. I hope by the time I'm done to be between 25-26". Bear in mind that I'm not following their diet plan because it would have me eating above maintenance (essentially a slight bulk). I'm at a 20% deficit so I'm keeping what muscle I have, making it stronger and losing body fat.
  • mamegoma
    So, another question is: will weight lifting help me lose BF? I know cardio has been helping--I have seen some visible results in my tummy area and my thighs.

    Yes and no. The way to lose body fat is to balance "calories in" with "calories out". Lifting weight is definitely a good way to increase "calories out" portion of this equation, but you still have to watch what you eat. And still do some cardio, it is called that for a reason, right? It is good for your heart :)
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Resistance does tone the muscles but don't expect spot reduction of fat.
    It's an important part of any well rounded fitness program.
  • Usually you engage your core muscles when you do most weight lifting exercises. So yes, it absolutely is possible! Even if you aren't intending to target your tummy muscles.

    Just remember - it is harder for women to lose BF than it is for men, especially around the abdominal area.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" by Lou Schuler, et. al.
    "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe
    "Body for Life" by Bill Phillips

    I'm doing the "New Rules.." program right now.

    Free articles online by respected authors/experts:
    Lyle McDonald
    Matt Perryman
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    <----strenght training results after giving birth to 6 kids.

    Yep it work
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Rember to pace reps correctly too.

    On BP or Squat you should take:

    3 seconds to bring the weight down, 1 second pause, then 2 seconds up.

    If you do them too fast you're basically doing only half a rep's worth of work.