Why I Love Running

A MFP Friend put out a challenge...write an essay on why you love running and he made a contest out of it. I didn't win, but I enjoyed the process since it has been a while since I've had the opportunity to "blog" my thoughts. I figured I would go ahead and share it...:happy:

Why do I love running? Truth be told, I can’t say I do. Yes, yes, yes…that isn’t what I’m supposed to write about, but I figured being honest was also important. Honestly, I don’t love running. Sometimes I have to make myself run, a great example was my recovery run this past Sunday night that I really didn’t want to do. My nature is somewhere between “lazy” and “bum”, well come to think of it, lazy bum is a great description of me. Therefore running is sometimes a chore that I have to do more than want to do.

But I digress, while I don’t love running, I love a lot of things about running. I love the rush I feel at the end of a long run and the sense of accomplishment. I love how I am still fascinated over how far I have come in the last year since embarking on the C25K plan and now getting ready to run my official half marathon. And I love the level of fitness I have never had in the previous 39 years of my life as well as the much needed weight loss that has come along with it as a result of running. Above all though, I think I enjoy the childlike thrill I get when I cross the finish line in a race!

So, do I love running, no…not really. I’m learning to like it though, and I do enjoy it at times, but not really loving it yet. But on the flip side, at least I don’t hate it like I used to! Perhaps one day I will love it, so I will just have to keep running until that day comes.


  • FitFi74
    FitFi74 Posts: 129 Member
    I love this - Think my relationship with running is pretty much the same!
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    that was great!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Bobby, you read my marathon blog and know my thoughts on running. Running sucks. But like you, the feeling of accomplishment you get knowing you've pushed yourself to run farther than you ever thought you could sometimes makes it worth it. I agree with you 100%!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Love this, nice.
  • julieinomaha
    I can't decide if I love running or what you get out of it. My legs have never been this thin and that is fabulous. Some days when you are tired it is hard to get going, but other days it feels great. I am just not sure how to get more of the days to feel like the great days. After a stressful day it is almost relaxing to get a run in and that is nice. When you see the distance you went it is rewarding I think. My first 10K is scheduled for March 10th and I am very eager to see how crossing that finish line feels. We can all agree that the results are worth it!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Very nicely put, and ditto:happy: (except the part about the finish line...haven't made it there just yet)
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    Nicely put.

    And I LOOOOVE the way running makes my legs look :love:
  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
    I do love running. In no particular order of importance:

    1. It taught me that limits, in running and in life, reside mostly in our heads.
    2. Riding that edge of being in control and turning into a yard sale while descending technical downhills on trail.
    3. The mental toughness I've developed (raise your hand if you've done a trail marathon when it was hailing, windy and freezing).
    4. Falling under other people's "it could be worse" category (see #3 or they realize you're doing a 100K race in 5 months).
    5. The bling.
    6. Having a strong body that can get me in and out of trouble.
    7. I like food. 'Nuff said.
    8. Those precious days when running feels completely effortless.
    9. The lessons I've learned when things don't go my way.
    10. The awesome, empowering, kick butt friends I've met.
  • AutieBell
    AutieBell Posts: 32 Member
    It has become a rite of passage for me. My dad was runner in school and he was very good at it. He still holds a record at my high school for the mile the year he graduated in 1972. I was never athletic in high school. Far from it actually I was in the band. Just never had the motivation to do it. My brother was the athlete but let other things take over his life and never made anything of it and stopped. At this point in my life to be able to run I feel like even though it comes about 15 years too late to make anything of it high school wise I have earned a place in my dad's running days. I am good at it and I LOVE it. I love the release the way it gets my heart pumping, the breeze in my hair. I love the challenge of pushing myself further every time I run. I love the muscles that have developed in my legs. I ran my first 5K on December 10th and hope to run more. Just as soon as I get things with my asthma worked out..because it is very discouraging running and not being able to breath...just saying. Specially when you love to do it and can't do it as well as you would like. I feel like my father's daughter when I run and though I am not doing it in high school I hope I am making him proud anyway being able to do it now.