Calling all mommys/daddys. A little help plez

Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
I know this is off topic of weight loss. But Im really getting concerned and was wondering if anyone on here has had any experience with this issue. We have seen a dr about this and she took a few test that came back fine. But anyways.
My 5 year old son keeps getting the "tummy flu" as the drs are calling it. Just in this year alone he has had it as of today 4 times. It started in Feb he got it again in May again in Nov and once more today. He always has a low temp and vomits up to 2 to 3 times. And this is what confuses me no one in our house has had it or got it from him any of the times he has had it. We even have a 10 month old in the house who hasn't gotten anything. I talked to his school in Nov and no one has reported a tummy bug. Any idas would be appreciated. Thank you all for your time.


  • jlfox165
    If possible, note down what foods were consumed the day prior and of the vomiting. I know this means doing this over time, but perhaps it is something that he is eating. Just a way to eliminate that possibility... I hope you can determine the cause soon.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I know stomach flus in my house seem to be VERY contagious, but my 3 year old seems to get them the most. I'm not sure. It's is kind of weird that no one else is catching it... But I have no idea what the explanation for that might be.
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    have you tried giving your little one probiotics? Like "Align". My son had something wrong with his stomach for a few days... we took him to the doc who said we should try probiotics. Gave us 3 day sample... as soon as day 4 came and he didn't have the probiotics, his tummy hurt again and he felt like he was going to vomit. I had some align, so I gave him some for another 3 days. He was fine. It couldn't hurt to try, ya know? They can be expensive, however! Good luck. Hope your little one gets better!
  • Adshill
    Adshill Posts: 130 Member
    Could it possibly be a food allergy/sensitivity? My son went through a period where he was getting queasy a lot. We switched to lactose-free milk and ice cream and that helped (I am also lactose intolerant). We also realized that his vitamins were making him nauseous (took a while to figure that one out). He quit taking them and hasn't had a problem since. Maybe your son is eating something that he is reacting to?
  • candlelady
    candlelady Posts: 21 Member
    My son used to vomit, get fevers and sore tummy often, and everyone else in the family was ok. He ended up being allergic to peanuts. May be worth your while to see I he's allergic to something he's eating or coming in contact with
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    Thank you all for your help. I am keeping track or at least trying to rember what all he ate yesterday. I was thinking some kind of food allergy myself but it seems to come on so randomly and he eats basically the same stuff all the time. Hes a picky kid. I never thought of pro biotics I may have to try that out too. Thank you again.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    I'll bet you could create a food diary for him on MFP. Would make it easy to track what he's been eating.
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    I'll bet you could create a food diary for him on MFP. Would make it easy to track what he's been eating.

    Haha sounds good to me. I may end up doing that instead of having to look for a pen all the time. haha
  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    I agree to journal food - but also monitor hand washing and other habits - does he drink water in the bathtub, does he lick stuff? (I know it might sound weird to some, but my kid needs constant reminders not to lick or bite anything at mouth level like counters or tables.)

    Some kids are just more sensitive than others. I'm not an obsessive house keeper, but I've started washing out my bathtub and sinks with vinegar before washing just to kill the "random" germs.
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    have you tried giving your little one probiotics? Like "Align". My son had something wrong with his stomach for a few days... we took him to the doc who said we should try probiotics. Gave us 3 day sample... as soon as day 4 came and he didn't have the probiotics, his tummy hurt again and he felt like he was going to vomit. I had some align, so I gave him some for another 3 days. He was fine. It couldn't hurt to try, ya know? They can be expensive, however! Good luck. Hope your little one gets better!

    There are also probiotics in Kefir - in the dairy section, it's like liquid yogurt and has some good flavors. Depending on how your child is with pills it may be easier to get down.
  • laurenrenee1025
    My mom told me when I was a kid I used to act like that when there was a lot of stress in the house, or change. Anything stressing your son out? Or have you been away? The mind is pretty powerful and can make you sick when you are bummed out. I used to vomit when my parents would leave me with a sitter and I would be under the weather for a few days. Hope you figure it out!
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    I agree to journal food - but also monitor hand washing and other habits - does he drink water in the bathtub, does he lick stuff? (I know it might sound weird to some, but my kid needs constant reminders not to lick or bite anything at mouth level like counters or tables.)

    Some kids are just more sensitive than others. I'm not an obsessive house keeper, but I've started washing out my bathtub and sinks with vinegar before washing just to kill the "random" germs.

    Sounds like a nifty way to clean. I may try that just to try that. some of the cleaning products are to harsh smelling as it is. I do make sure he washes his hands often. The licking on random things is more my 10 month old. My oldist was strange as a baby and didnt put anything in his mouth. Maybe its an immunity thing since he didnt go through the typical put anything and everything in the mouth stage.
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member

    There are also probiotics in Kefir - in the dairy section, it's like liquid yogurt and has some good flavors. Depending on how your child is with pills it may be easier to get down.

    Thanks that may be my best bet with him. He loves yogurt. Ill have to look for that.
  • tawanda25
    tawanda25 Posts: 35 Member
    Test for Type I diabetes
  • Redbone000
    Redbone000 Posts: 6 Member
    Have you tried taking him to a specialty doctor? I would most definitely try the helpful tips you've been given especially keeping a food journal. I would also keep an activity journal whenever possible. I have 3 kids so I know how challenging that can be. But it will help you & a doctor to try & pin point the issue of what's bothering him.....I hope your little one gets better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    Have you tried taking him to a specialty doctor? I would most definitely try the helpful tips you've been given especially keeping a food journal. I would also keep an activity journal whenever possible. I have 3 kids so I know how challenging that can be. But it will help you & a doctor to try & pin point the issue of what's bothering him.....I hope your little one gets better soon. :flowerforyou:

    No specialty drs yet. We just changed his dr to a new one. The old one wasnt willing to try and help us with anything. She just kept saying its the tummy flu every time.

    Thank you all for your help. I really appreciate all your idas and input.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    My older son (now 16) was known as the "vominator" in kindegarten. He could vomit at will and he figured out that if he was "sick" he could come home from school! We met with his teacher and she suggested he was just trying to get out of school so since he wasn't showing other signs of being sick she would put a trashcan by his desk and if he felt sick, he could throw up there. Once he got it that he wasn't going to go home whenever he threw up, he magically got better! He still has a hair trigger gag reflex.
    We joke that he throws up, it must be Tuesday; if his brother throws up, get to the ER. Just a thought for you. Good luck!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    1) He might be allergic to something. Wheat, soy, milk just to name a few.

    2) He might have H pylori That is an article about symptoms in children.

    I know you said they have run some tests, but I would insist on a full complete panel being down. Blood work, urine samples, and feces samples.

    Praying you get it figured out quickly.
  • ccb1030
    ccb1030 Posts: 84 Member
    Most people seem to be only addressing the symptom of vomitting. You mentioned "low temps." How high are his fevers getting? I wouldn't think a food allergy would cause a fever. My daughter had an immune disorder that would cause fevers, and frequently vomitting (although not all the time) but her fevers were HIGH. Usually somewhere between 103-105*F.
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    Most people seem to be only addressing the symptom of vomitting. You mentioned "low temps." How high are his fevers getting? I wouldn't think a food allergy would cause a fever. My daughter had an immune disorder that would cause fevers, and frequently vomitting (although not all the time) but her fevers were HIGH. Usually somewhere between 103-105*F.

    There normally low. And the highest I have let them get is 102 cuz of an issues when he was way younger. He woke up with a temp of 105. So at night if its 102 around bedtime I give him something for it. Ill have to bring this up with his dr when I see her agin.