Women and bulking up

I read an article earlier today which was about women's views on bulking up and what they thought of when hearing the word "bulky".


I found it really interesting and was wondering whether the women on here would agree with the population of women who answered the survey, and what your views are on the results.
2000 women were polled online and while I kind of expected some of the responses a few of them surprised me, especially the celebrities that the women thought of when defining muscular and bulky.


  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Wow... interesting results!! I'm surprised at what most women seem to consider 'bulky.'
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Wow. Interesting.

    41% of the women polled think muscles are NEVER attractive on women.
    72% think men do not like muscles on women.

    And Jessica Beil is "bulky".

    This makes me sad for most women. Oh well. Their loss, I guess. I like muscles on women. My husband likes muscles on women. That's all that matters. Plus I get to eat more which is a plus.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    I think I feel pity for the women who said women with muscle are unattractive.

    Another thing that gets me is that a majority of them thought Kate Winslet and Jessica Alba are desirable looks... but... how many times do you women hear another woman call women in everyday life with those figures "too fat"?

    AND... almost 75% would rather be TOO THIN than have muscle. It is sad sad sad that a strong woman is looked down on.

    I think women need to stop being so catty with each other about too muscle, too fat, too thin, and what is or is not attractive. Oh the fantasy of living in a world where we lift each other up rather than tear each other down.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Thanks for the post. Bulky is beautiful, but I already knew that!
  • Figuringoutme
    Muscles are beautiful!! My goal is to have muscle. I want to be able to lift over 100lbs over my head. to do push ups and pull ups.

    They need to go to my gym and ask the gorgeous women and the handsome men about muscle.
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    I think statistically this is a sad report- bulky in my mind on a male or female is what you see in a competition. I seems like the people polled, or maybe the choices they were given, confuse "ripped" with "bulky". And further more, I would rather have tight, defined arms than skinny toothpicks any day! I lift between 3 and 15lbs depending on the exercise, and I like standing in front of the mirror, sweating and breathing heavy just like every other person in the gym!
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    Linda Hamilton is my idol, I would be so happy if I could have as good a shape as her someday.
    I think she looks sexy, fit ,healthy and fantastic!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Also, if I'm right, there is both Jessica Alba and Eva Longoria in the "non bulky" group. Yet both of them have credited squats and lunges, at fairly heavy weights, to their figures, particularly legs and bums.

    Here is an example I remember seeing a while back, with Lindsay Lohan (who doesn't workout) in the middle:

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I personally have no interest in getting six pack abs or ever touching a barbell and doing dead lifts/squats.

    I want to retain what muscle I have but still have that soft look.. and most prob. don't agree with me and that's ok.

    I lift 3X a week and do mainly machines and dumbells and that works for me.. others have no interest in that and that's fine too.
  • Ironbeak88
    Ironbeak88 Posts: 24 Member
    This is sad...Muscle is a beautiful thing. Look at female lions in Africa, they're out there toned & sexy bringing home the bacon!! Lol
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I personally have no interest in getting six pack abs or ever touching a barbell and doing dead lifts/squats.

    I want to retain what muscle I have but still have that soft look.. and most prob. don't agree with me and that's ok.

    I lift 3X a week and do mainly machines and dumbells and that works for me.. others have no interest in that and that's fine too.

    Thanks for your opinion :) I don't mind at all if other's disagree with me - getting a variety of answers on what people thought of the articles results was what I intended.
    I personally like a bit of muscle, and am surprised by the women defined as bulky, who I thought (especially Jessica Biel) had more of a soft look anyway. Also, was surprised that 41% thought women with muscles are never attractive.
    I could say lots of muscle definition (competition style) isn't my thing, but I wouldn't say it's never attractive as IMO that's a subjective thing and varies person to person.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yeah, that photo of Jessica Beil is like perfect for me. Great muscle size (actually even a little small), just enough body fat. I can't believe most thought that was "bulky".
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I personally have no interest in getting six pack abs or ever touching a barbell and doing dead lifts/squats.

    I want to retain what muscle I have but still have that soft look.. and most prob. don't agree with me and that's ok.

    I lift 3X a week and do mainly machines and dumbells and that works for me.. others have no interest in that and that's fine too.

    Thanks for your opinion :) I don't mind at all if other's disagree with me - getting a variety of answers on what people thought of the articles results was what I intended.
    I personally like a bit of muscle, and am surprised by the women defined as bulky, who I thought (especially Jessica Biel) had more of a soft look anyway. Also, was surprised that 41% thought women with muscles are never attractive.
    I could say lots of muscle definition (competition style) isn't my thing, but I wouldn't say it's never attractive as IMO that's a subjective thing and varies person to person.

    I also think that the women defined as bulky, has a lot do with the angle on the picture, what they are doing in those photos, etc etc. If they were just posing on a red carpet, I don't think they would be considered as bulky. Since they are action shots though and Hillary Swank is flexing, I think thats why that is perceived as bulky.

    I just like the fact that the author says, you need to know what look you are going for and train for that look. That is so true in my eyes... and I wish more females realized that. Instead of saying oh I don't like XYZ, say I don't like XYZ because.. it would make so much more sense!
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    Also, if I'm right, there is both Jessica Alba and Eva Longoria in the "non bulky" group. Yet both of them have credited squats and lunges, at fairly heavy weights, to their figures, particularly legs and bums.

    Here is an example I remember seeing a while back, with Lindsay Lohan (who doesn't workout) in the middle:


    I think they really nailed in when they were talking about the key having to do with body fat. If you have 'higher' levels of body fat with your muscle, you may look a bit "bigger." ALSO (I don't think they mentioned this) if you have very very very low levels of body fat, you will also appear incredibly muscular (I think her name is Jamie Eason - think of her photos from when her body fat levels are very very low when she's competing or whatever vs when she carries a bit more fat).

    Ultimately, I think that what is generally considered attractive by society as a whole are things that society values. I do not think that overall, as a society, we value physical strength in women. But I DO think this is changing!

    I just want to look like the strongest, fittest version of myself that I can :) I'd like lower levels of BF, some muscle (not sure if I'll ever go through bulking and cutting cycles, personally) and functional fitness!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member

    I would rather be (and look like) an "able-bodied" woman than a frail, weak one. I like muscles on women - much more attractive than the waif look. (maybe because it's easier for me to achieve the former!!) :o)

    I love having muscles. I love using my muscles. Screw anyone who doesn't like my muscles. I don't really care. :o)
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Very interesting!
    I love muscles and what my strength allows me to do in everyday life-cary all the bags from the car to the house, take the Christmas tree from the basement to the main floor, rearange furniture without asking for help, be able to play with my kids and carry them around if I feel like it and so many more things I can do because I like to lift heavy things and be strong. I rather be called " bulky" then be skinny and calling my husband for help every second of the day. And he likes my rounded behind that I got from squats, lunges, BB bridges. :)