NSV: I ran a mile!

This is a huge deal for me. All through high school (and the years following), I HATED running. I hated it so much that I often gave my boyfriend at the time (who loved running and did cross-country in high school) a hard time about running.

"The only reason I would run is if I was running from something trying to eat me."

I did other forms of exercise, like yoga, hockey, swimming, etc., so I was active. I just didn't understand the appeal of running.

Since starting to try and get healthy, I've given running a try, only to become frustrated with knee pain and shin splints, but I was still determined. I want to run a 5k someday, and to do that, obviously I have to run.

So today, I gave it another shot. I went to the gym to see what my mile time was, with the idea that I was going to walk/jog a mile and go from there.

However, with the exception of power-walking a couple of times for a short while (and only so I could get drinks of water), I jogged/ran an entire mile without stopping.

For me, that's unprecedented, because again, I hated running, and even in high school I didn't try during the mile runs. Granted, today's mile time is 13:52, but I didn't think I'd be able to make it through an entire mile. I literally almost broke down crying in the gym when I finished that mile.

I'm 5'8", 184 pounds, and quite out of shape. Not too long ago, walking up a flight of stairs winded me. And today, I ran a mile.

I hope this manages to inspire someone to get out there and get 'er done. :drinker: MFP, I LOVE you guys!


  • Dstny1957
    Dstny1957 Posts: 51 Member
    Great job! I'm almost 55 and suffered some problems with my back and knees and I'm trying to get back to running. If I could do a mile I would be very impressed with myself. I can walk really fast, but the running is so hard for me. I used to love to run, so I'm taking it slowly and trying to be patient with myself. You deserve to be proud of yourself, that in my book is quite an accomplishment!
  • Thats great!! The more you do it, the easier it gets. For me when I do my cardio, it is all about heart rate. Heart rate is essential in trying to burn off fat. I like to try to have my heart rate up to at least 165bpm in the first 8 minutes or so. Once I get my heart rate at a steady 165 I know that I have reached my peak for that particular speed; usually 5.7. I then bump it up to 6.5 and watch my HR climb up to about 175 or so. I hold it steady at that pace for two minutes then I start jacking the speed up to 7.5-7.9 for 1-1.5 minute spurts. I go back down to 5.5 for thirty seconds. then up to 6.5 for a minute and a half and I just repeat. The burn I get is unreal, and it makes the time go by so much faster. Like I said, the more you do it, the easier it gets. Assuming you don't smoke that is..I hope not. Congrats, and keep up the good work. You know you are really making progress when you can start motivating yourself..It is a great feeling..
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    Good job! Keep running and get addicted! Soon you'll be doing 10!
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member

    So, have you registered for your first 5K yet? If not, get on it! You'll be ready in no time. :drinker:
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    Great job. I'm working towards a mile. Now go register for that 5k!
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    You go girl! LOL! I started jogging during tv commercials in September. I now run 2 miles a day, 5 days a week, up and down hills in my neighborhood. And I have almost 100lbs to lose still. So, if someone really overweight and middle aged is reading this and thinking they can't do it, they can. I can. You can. We all can! And I read a great motivational post here...."It doesn't matter if you run a 7 minute mile or a 14 minute mile....it is still a mile!"
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Good for you!

    I started running this past spring.
  • Great job! I'm almost 55 and suffered some problems with my back and knees and I'm trying to get back to running. If I could do a mile I would be very impressed with myself. I can walk really fast, but the running is so hard for me. I used to love to run, so I'm taking it slowly and trying to be patient with myself. You deserve to be proud of yourself, that in my book is quite an accomplishment!

    I'm glad to hear you haven't given up! Thanks so much for your encouragement, don't give up! :flowerforyou:
    Thats great!! The more you do it, the easier it gets. For me when I do my cardio, it is all about heart rate. Heart rate is essential in trying to burn off fat. I like to try to have my heart rate up to at least 165bpm in the first 8 minutes or so. Once I get my heart rate at a steady 165 I know that I have reached my peak for that particular speed; usually 5.7. I then bump it up to 6.5 and watch my HR climb up to about 175 or so. I hold it steady at that pace for two minutes then I start jacking the speed up to 7.5-7.9 for 1-1.5 minute spurts. I go back down to 5.5 for thirty seconds. then up to 6.5 for a minute and a half and I just repeat. The burn I get is unreal, and it makes the time go by so much faster. Like I said, the more you do it, the easier it gets. Assuming you don't smoke that is..I hope not. Congrats, and keep up the good work. You know you are really making progress when you can start motivating yourself..It is a great feeling..

    I've asked for a HRM for Christmas or my birthday next month so hopefully I'm able to start focusing more on my heart rate. And no, I don't smoke, although I have a touch of asthma which makes cardio difficult from time to time, but hopefully as I get more fit, it edges away.
    Good job! Keep running and get addicted! Soon you'll be doing 10!

    Thanks so much! I'm sure I'll be addicted in no time. :tongue:

    So, have you registered for your first 5K yet? If not, get on it! You'll be ready in no time. :drinker:

    As soon as I'm able to pay the entry fee (we're broke this month :tongue: ) I want to register for Run For Your Lives in San Diego or Los Angeles.
    Great job. I'm working towards a mile. Now go register for that 5k!

    Good luck with your mile! Keep up the hard work and don't get discouraged, you can do it! :drinker:
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i cant do that yet! go girl go!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    i completely understand this NSV. i have never been a runner or jogger.. always just powerwalked (good at it too) but I did p90x a while back and after finishing the program I decided to do some jogging. well imagine to my surprise i could do 2 miles w/o stopped... and i could had kept going too.
    i can now do about 3 miles at a good steady pace.

    again, i have NEVER been a jogger. i hated it. i'm still not a fan per say but i love the feeling i get from completing a nice long jog.

  • i cant do that yet! go girl go!!

    Believe me, it took ages and a hella lotta stubborn-ness, hahaha. You can do it eventually! :D