Any one else having trouble sticking to their diets/workout

I do pretty well during the week because I have a set schedule that revolves around work. But once the weekend starts it's kind of an anything goes thing. I sleep in a little later since it's my only time to do so and a lot of the times I end up skipping breakfast just because i'm not hungry when i finally get up. Then they tend to very on what activities are actually done. Some weekends I'll be a homebody and those are the ones that I will tend to get in a workout or two. Others, it's go go go, tons of errands or activities with friends/family or just cleaning my heart out at home. When I do get hungry, nothing in my fridge looks good to me or I just don't feel like cooking. Any tips on how to keep myself on the wagon during the weekends?


  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Honestly, I kinda fall off the wagon mostly every weekend, and just jump back on first thing Monday morning. It's my form of the zig zag method and it works for me. I try to not go too very overboard on the weekend and be sure to have a great workout on friday so I don't feel so bad.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    4-5 days a week is more than enough to workout. Schedule your rest days for the weekend then you don't have to feel guilty about missing them on the weekend.

    I also do a cheat day once a week. I can eat whatever I want, not that I go overboard. You could schedule that for your weekend day, then you only have one day where you need to worry about getting in all the food you need. As long as you don't go overboard, it isn't going to kill you to be a little slack on the weekend. You could even be a little more strict during the week to allow for the relaxed weekend.
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    maybe you can find some easy recipes for when you don't feel like cooking? like one of those toss-in-processor-done type of things. Or find some favorite foods and adjust them to be more healthy, then make in bulk when you have the time.

    But I don't eat breakfast either, just because I tend to eat more later in the night and I don't wake up until about noon most days. Eat when you're hungry, don't when you're bored or upset!!