Gazelle Qu....

Hey All,

I have a friend who is thinking of getting rid of her Gazelle ( due to space issues.

Do any of you have it? It is worth me taking it off her hands?

I'm just wondering.......I'm curious if it has the capability of a good cardio like an elliptical machine.........

Any feedback is much appreciated!


  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    i have had my friend's gazelle for like the past three years. i tried a few times to use it and i have no idea how you are supposed to do it. the movement is not natural and it feels very uncomfortable for me. i have been faithfully working out to videos and treadmills for the past two months and i though, why not give the gazelle another try now that im commited? worst thirty minutes of my exercising so far. The next day i pawned it off onto one of my friends who thinks she might use it..... good luck. i even looked up videos on youtube to try and get instructions... just don't like it. i ended up buying a generic elliptical off of craigslist for 50 bucks and i like that 200% more