5'2 and looking to lose alot

I am 5'2 and I am looking to lose a considerable amount of weight. I had a wake up call while I was on steriods for a bad alleric reaction that happened a few months ago. The doctors decided as my weight was climbing due to eating and adema it was time to stop, cold turkey, ouch.

I am the most I ever weighed and very unhappy. I am 5'2 my worst was 140, 2 days after I quit steriods I lost 6 lbs- go figure.

I am looking for support most of all, but also to share exercising and yummy lo cal recipes.

My doctors decided that I should be on a resctrictive diet of 1100-1300cal. a day, 1300 once and a while, not everyday by no means.

Befriend me and lets support each other!


  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Im 5ft 1 and I was a lot heavier than you and I made it! I'm still making improvements but small steps all the time, feel free to add me if you would like support...xx
  • may2490
    may2490 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm about the same height as you. I have about 20+ pounds to lose as well but it just takes time and hard work. Friend me if you like! I am doing the 30DS right now and it works. :)

    I am on a 1200 cal diet averaging (some days less, other days more) and it is hard work, but it is worth it every time you lose a pound, lose inches, or have a NSV.