Sixers Spring Clean Challenge Week 2



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    afternoon guys....

    drtamm.....doesn't that scale number taste sooooo much better that what you are eating????:bigsmile: i love that feeling along with the feeling of my pants falling off.....

    my new pic is of me and "ruby". she is the one from the show on style. shanell and i went and walked the mall with her this morning at 8. it was a mile walk. she is such a nice person. she looks so much thiner than on tv. i realized what do you say to someone who is on tv for losing weight? she just stood and talked with us. of course it helped that there weren't many people there yet. there was only about 50 total anyway. surprised me. than went to the book sale, bought a few books. just love them.

    have a great weekend ladies, and remember weigh in is just after the weekend. wet outside for me today. in door day. check back later.

  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    What's up ladies!!!! Had a great day today. Got up and went for a walk at the mall with Ruby, and loved it, told mom we should go walk around the mall more often, it was good mother, daughter time. Then we went to Chuck E Cheese with the girls and my hubby's side of the family. Had a good time there and ate good I would say. I had a salad, then was staring at the pizza thinking just one slice, so hubby suggested that I get one of his because he had a small pizza, so I did, and it was so good, that I wanted more, so hubby said to go get more salad to munch on so I wouldn't be tempted to eat the pizza, and boy did that work, so I did wonderful. Like mom and Tamm says, that scale looks better than the food. Then we came home and took a nap, now I'm debating on what's for dinner. I kinda want more salad.:laugh: :noway:

    Well, anyways, hope everyone has a good night. Later.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    YEA!!!!! shanell, mind over food. dad said "good for her"
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    Weighed in at 203.6lbs this morning. Was strangely disappointed. I keep reminding myself I'm on target, not to mention had most of yesterday's calories in the evening (mum's birthday), which had a fair bit of sodium and it's my time of the... well, not month. Bi-monthly, hehe. I guess I just like the bigger drops- just as well, as I won't be able to weigh myself for at least a week :sad:

    Hang on... when did I last weigh in? *Checks* Monday. Okay, a pound in four days. I feel better now, hadn't calculated it like that. I'm happy again :laugh:

    Glad everyone is having a good weekend. I'm tidying, working and uni-working tomorrow, whoop-whoop-sarcastic-whoop :tongue: Have fun everyone :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, Shanell, sounds like you both enjoyed that event. Nice pics :smile:

    Tudor, just remember that slow and steady really does win this race!!

    Tamm, happy belated, and GREAT mindset about the cake!

    Hi everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    Well, I FINALLY WENT BACK TO THE GYM TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was just for a little cardio and weights, only 45 minutes in all, but wow was I ever happy to be back there. I'll hit it this week as hard as I can manage (both physically and schedule-wise) to hammer home being back to it.
    Here are my meals for tomorrow:

    1. oatmeal w/ flax, wheat germ, apple & vanilla protein shake mixed in
    2. 1 slice sodium-free Ezekiel bread w/ 1 tbsp almond butter & sliced apple (1/2)
    3. celery sticks w/ homemade hummus
    4. 1/2 sprouted grain bagel w/ hummus, alfalfa sprouts & tomato
    5. organic turkey burger w/ skim milk cheese, salsa, spinach & red pepper (no bun)
    6. chocolate protein shake made w/ 1 cup skim milk

    There is an abs work out I may try from the new Oxygen mag I was reading tonight. I'll be at the gym on Monday though and I will decide which class I'm going to do then decide about tomorrow's work out based on that. We'll see! It will be something though, and first thing in the morning.
    Off to watch a movie, drink some water and have a good night's sleep! :drinker:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morin' ladies....

    pedal...didn't the gym feel sooooo GOOOOOD?

    i was hoping to go today. haven't been since i got sick over a week ago. but, the thunder and lightening kept me at home on my treadmill and i used hand weights. this was the first real big, high HR workout for me in over a week. it felt good. burned 910 calories. doing some changing on my workouts. still raining out and flooding now. son off to work, DH still sleeping had two emergency calls last night. funny how killing bugs becomes an emergency:noway: . but, i guess when a customer see a bug while eating.:ohwell: . i realized this morning while working out, that may be why i eat sometimes. i am lonely. DH has been working longer and more hours with his new route. even though it's less clients, less pay. he has been so wrapped up in his new route and getting it together, and now he has to go out of town twice this month for a few days each time. he has all that on his mind. boy, he's lucky to have me to take care of the house and finances. :bigsmile: . maybe that's why he spoils me and takes me shopping :wink:. ok, sorry got carried away. it's quite here right now. need to sneak in and shower and go to shanells and maybe stop at goodwill to see what people dropped off after their yard sales.

    check back later, hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'd like to join you gals next time if i may.
    I'm thinking that by the middle/end of March I'll be needing some extra motivation.:wink:
    So far, so good, but there will be some traveling & celebration challenges later on.
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Ladies, I am not doing well on the food front. Exercise, I am doing ok on. I made it to the gym on M, T, W, F and Sat of this week. Now, not everyone of those workouts was huge, but I burned at least 200 calories at each one. But my eating is so out of control, I dare say I won't see any results. I have to get this under control, or the scale is going to move in the wrong direction. I suspect this is also why I have yet to go down a jeans size. I would think that I should have already, even if the scale is only saying 8 pounds lost. I am having a hard time controlling the eating with my hubby gone and my aunt here. Not sure why. I have to get back on the horse, though.

    Cathy-let us know what kind of bargains you find this week.

    Amy-when is your appointment again? How are you feeling?

    Pedal- so glad you could get back to the gym. I was only out for nearly a full week last week due to DH leaving and schedule conflicts that go with that, and I felt awful so I know it must have been really hard for you. So glad you can have a return to normalcy.

    Kristin-I suspect us not hearing from you as much means that you are too busy doting on your lovely niece, lucky you! Enjoy it!

    Tamm- so glad you are getting to post more often, it is good to hear from you. I will keep an ear out for a good 5K and keep you posted.

    Shanell & Cathy- so cool that you got to walk with Ruby. So proud that you guys went to do that. It must be so motivating!

    AmyLou- how is/was SF? (can't remember when you were due to return)

    Lauryn-how are you? how are you doing on battling those late night binges? I know you were doing REALLY WELL! So proud of you.

    All others-hugs to all!

    Hmmm....oh, I wanted to tell you guys about the new bikes we got at the Y. They are really cool, like a giant video game. They are by expresso and the bike has a big computer screen at eye level and you can choose different routes under different intensity levels and you follow them so you see if you are going uphill or down, plus you get scenery. They totally rock and I HATE exercise bikes. But, I was on one every time I hit the gym this week. They also have this option called Proving Grounds where you chase dragons around for points. It is stinkin' awesome! You can even create a user id and track your progress online, though the machine isn't letting me sign in so none of my miles are being tracked yet :grumble: I will have to get this resolved because I want them logged! Anyway, if you get a chance to try these out, do. They are really cool.

    New Haiku:

    "Thank you, Buffalo,
    for the memories, the wings,
    and the extra pounds."

    "But these burgers are
    so small, how bad could they be?
    The White Castle Myth."

    "Just ask Mrs. Smith.
    Behind every good pie is
    a whole lotta fat."

    It seemed like a three haiku kind of day! :wink:

    Have a great day, ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :flowerforyou: Hello Ladies! I'm happy that I'm posting more regularly, like I planned. Lets pray that it continues through out those busy work weeks. I got on the scale to take a peek today and I am holding steady, YAY!!! I am doing sooooo much better with my portion control. It is amazing. I can't believe how easy it is when you make it up in your mind not to over eat. Now, don't get me wrong, I can still throw down if I needed it... lol... though its never a need. I've been reading some motivational articles this morning and it talked about how sometimes dieters/life style changers are not excited about progress. If a women loses 15 lbs but she wanted to lose 40 she would be disappointed. I hope we all realize each pound removed is one less to carry around and one step closer to a healthier you!!!

    Rhiannon- Glad you went to the gym. I can't wait until I find a nice one that is affordable around here. How is Leith?

    Shanell and Cathy- I'm jealous... I like Ruby and I am so proud of her progress. Glad yall could meet her.

    Tudor- glad you realized that 1 lb was good! One step at a time works wonders.... slow and steady, like Pedal said!

    Lauryn---- I'm missing you!

    Well ladies... It is cold and rainy today. I haven't worked out yet. I may do something late tonight or this could be my one day off this week. I'm enjoying my morning jogs so much I don't take a day off. :happy: :happy: My old gym has a partner gym here ... sucks. It was made in the 60's has a small cardio corner, no classes, I saw only 2 men in there and it is SMALL did I say that already. I need to find a gym soon, I miss doing classes. Meanwhile I will start my Different dvd's per day routine. AND while I am ranting.... I tried a new church today...... It sucked. I had a wonderful church in Memphis and finding a new one can take sooooo long and its hard to find a perfect on just for you. Anyway.... Take care ladies!

    Tamm :)
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Katie- Thanks for the Haiku. they were wonderful. I hope that your struggles with the food soon stops. At least you are fighting it with fitness. You will overcome! I believe in you!!
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Good morning Sixers! :smile:

    I am finishing up a fabulous weekend at our beach house. The weather was not great but it was nice to relax, read books, watch movies and play with the kids. I also need to do some clothes shopping for the little one. Went to the outlet mall and got him 4 pairs of pants for $35.00. This will last him until summer time and shorts.

    I have a horrible head cold on top of still dealing with severe anemia and gall bladder disease. I just keep thinking that once this is all resolved I am going to feel like a brand new person! 1 week until the colonoscopy/endoscopy procedures. This time next week I will be eating my last meal I will be allowed for over 24 hours! Then hopefully the gall bladder can come out that next week! By the end of march all problems could be resolved! I just keep holding on to that thought.

    There has been no exercise, no eating plan. That is hard. I am rewarding myself once this health issue is over with a new pair of running shoes and a new workout outfit to get going again! From what my friend said , I will have loads of energy. I want to put it to good use!

    Sorry to go on and on. I just have to get it out sometimes!

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Tamm-I know exactly what you mean about the church thing. We moved to Iowa from TN just over a year ago and I am still looking. Granted, I pretty much took the summer off from church (oops!) but still, I understand your frustrations. I will pray that you find your new church home there. Also, thanks for the encouraging words. You are right, I just have to purpose in my mind not to overeat/eat the wrong things. Also, how is the YMCA there? That is the best gym here in my town, though I know that isn't always the case. Anyway, I hope you find one soon!

    Amy-I am praying that all goes well next week and that gallbladder can come out. Good plan with the running shoes and workout clothes. Also, you never have to apologize for sharing with us, we like to hear how you are :happy:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hi ladies! It's funny how much I miss reading/chatting with you all! I'm not sure if I told you but I'm down to 148.8!!!! so that means my stats are
    SW 153.4 lb/ GW 143.0/ CW1848. Progress 4.6 lbs YAY!!!

    *I ended up doing well on that test i was studying for!!! :flowerforyou: :laugh: And now I have 1 week until my cruise! :love: I plan to stay active until the cruise and hopefully while I am on the cruise because I can ALWAYS carve out 1 hour to improve my health. I will be gone for 1 week and though I would have liked to be at my goal weight I am going to love myself as I am where I am!! Plus one thing I have learned about me is that the more active I am, the more I like how I look and the less self-concious I tend to be -even if I haven't lost a pound.

    SO... this is the week of "last chance" workouts for me! :-D I'm going to be studying and staying active!!! ENJOY YOUR WEEK!
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Good evening everyone. I woke up early this morning with a horrible headache. My head felt like it was going to explode. It was worse than the migranes that I get. I ended up taking a bath and that made it feel better, then laid down in bed, then my back started hurting. I'm just falling apart trying to stay healthy. I did good with my calories, and took the day off from exercising. I'm hoping that I will feel better tomorrow, since I have to go back to work.

    Tamm- Glad you are doing good and getting your workouts in. Hope you find you a church to go to.

    Tiffany- Good job on your test. At least on the cruise you can exercise and you can't have an excuse, because you have plenty of time and plenty of ship.:laugh:

    Katie- Girl you can do it. At least your getting your activity in that helps maintain more than if you did nothing.

    Amy- Girl I bet you can't wait to get all fixed up. You will feel so much better. Everyone I know told me that they did, when Mom was going through it.

    Rhiannon- Good girl to go to the gym. I bet that did feel real good.

    Tudorose- You go girl, 1 lb is better than gaining. Just think even 1 lb a week adds up to 52 lbs in a year. I'm mad I didn't work on that last year.

    Everyone else, hope ya'll are having a good weekend. Monday is back, :grumble: :grumble:

    Have a good night girls, chat with ya'll tomorrow.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :wink: Well.... Guess who is back?! Living alone w/ my non- communicating dog leaves me plenty of time to type.... when I am ignoring emptying boxes or organizing which clothes to give away. LOL!!!

    Gonabfit (Tiffani) - Thanks for the restaurant choice on my bday, it was tasty. Enjoy the cruise and glad you are feeling confident. Good luck on the next 4 test. Then studying for boards..... you can do it. Pray hard!!! :wink: Oh hope you are getting ready for the race. I'm still at 2 miles, once the rain stops Ill do 3 miles next week.

    Amy- glad you had time to let us know how you were. Reading and relaxing are always great things to do. I hope your procedure goes well. I will be thinking about you.

    Katie- you can do it and there is a YMCA around the corner and a Bally's about 6 miles away and a Golds Gym. I just don't feel like going on all those tours but I think that will be my gameplan for tomorrow. Finding a church home keeps you grounded, I hope that you find one soon too. Meanwhile, I know God will understand if we just read the bible!

    Nellie- hope your head feels better!! Taking a day off keeps us grounded. I'm sure you will be so motivated to start again, after seeing Ruby and all.

    Well...... :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Lets drink all that water!!!!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!!!

    I am back from San Francisco, and I think I did okay as far as what I ate. Cathy - I only had the sourdough bread once!! I resisted!!

    I did find a diner though that made the most amazingly delicious slice of hot apple pie a la mode, oh my goodness, I will spare the details but it was heaven!

    This week is going to be a bit stressful playing catch up and I'm going to my hometown this weekend (thursday really) for my friend's bridal shower on Saturday so another trip!! Driving this time unfortunately, but oh well.

    I'm ready to get back on track and glad to see so many friendly faces constantly posting on here!! I know I for one have been a little missing from the posts and I really want to improve so thank you ladies for being so diligent about posting and making me want to do better!!!

    Tamm - much belated happy birthday!! I finally got caught up on reading posts! ha. hope it was a good one.

    Will do more personals tomorrow, i'm exhausted and have homework to do for tomorrow yet so I will see you all in the morning!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    My new hair cut

    My 8''-10'' donation to Pantene, who makes free wigs for female cancer patients

    I don't like my hair short, but I'll get use to it. I was growing weary of the long hair too. Was time for a change.

    My weight is creeping up. Emotions are outta control.
    Hubby thinks he wants to try to save our marriage now.
    I'm not sure if he gets another chance. I'm not sure if he will really change.
    I haven't been posting much because I'm in a foul mood. Trying to only write positive things.
    Haven't been journaling as much as I should. Just tired of all this. Want a solution and now.
    I've really got to pay attention to all my emotional eating. I'm trying but it's getting the better of me.

    AmyLou- did you get any photos? see the Golden Gate bridge? I hope the weather was lovely!

    Tamm- I am jealous of your solitude. Glad the move is going well!! Unpack when YOU feel like it!! (And thanks for the sweet 'missing you' shout out. That made me smile!)

    Nellie - we all have those days where our bodies rebel. I hope tomorrow is much improved!

    GonaB- have a BLAST on your cruise! So exciting!

    PDX- I hope all goes well with your impending medical tests. I hope they get everything resolved quickly enough so you can be back on your way to being the picture of health!!

    Katie - thanks for the shout out. I am not doing well.... gained weight, but only a few pounds. Trying to cut myself some slack. Tough times. But I am stronger and will prevail! I personally hate exercise bikes but I would LOVE to run down dragons! That is so cool!!! I hope you are able to figure out what is driving your eating. I completely understand feeling outta control!!

    GEORG -- Hi!! :flowerforyou:

    Chipper- how cool that you got to meet Ruby!!!

    Pedal- so glad you back into your routine dear. It's hard to get back to when you've been out of it for so long. I really like your reset ticker idea. I am complacent with my weight loss (before my current mess) which leads to less motivation.

    Tudor - keep up the great work, doll!! It takes time... be patient. You are doing so well!!

    (Couldn't make it any further back than the top of page 3.... starting to get tired!!)

    Night all! :smile:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Lauryn, your hair looks fabulous! What a beautiful woman you are :flowerforyou: I'm so sorry to hear that you're having such a rough go right now. There is so much confusion and so much happening. Try so hard to be patient with yourself and also try to remember in each moment of choice how much better you'll feel if you know you're not battling control over your eating along with battling for all the other things in your life right now. Easier said than done but it's just true. I am experiencing the deep moment-to-moment battle of not letting my weight gain drag me down any further. I know where it goes and just CANNOT let it. We're here for you and you can post your anger, sadness, self-pity... the whole deal.

    AmyLou, lots of travel! I hope you continue to feel like you're making decent choices. This isn't easy, is it?!!

    Tamm, nice to see you posting more :wink: I hope that you find places to settle into your new life soon. Leith is well, thanks for asking. He is all recovered and he's slowly feeling more comfortable with me brushing his teeth as of tonight. I know his gums were tender after the procedure, on top of the exposed spots on his teeth being sore for a while before that. I'm glad he's comfortable now and I'm slowly getting used to a slightly different look.

    Shanell, I hope tomorrow feels better for you!

    Katie, just keep making tiny steps forward each day. And remember that this is not actually easy!!

    Amy, sounds like a great weekend! I like your plan to start with some new gear. Sometimes external motivation is just the ticket :smile:

    Tiffani, congrats on the tests and have a GREAT time on your cruise! Nice timing!!

    Kristin, I hope you're having fun with your new little niece!! How's the belly? Have you taken any pictures yet? You'll all of a sudden start changing a TON and it's so fun to watch the progress... :bigsmile:

    Katy, where are you??

    Robin, how are you feeling these days? Hugs!

    So, my current plan is to try to get more sleep. Or rather, sleep during the right hours. I remember learning once that although the actual number of hours do matter, staying up late is still harder on your body than getting the same number of hours having gone to bed at a reasonable time. Circadian rhythms and all :wink: So I'm off to bed after this. 10:30 is at least not midnight or later which is the habit I've come into recently.
    I did really really well today. Went over by about 100 cals but I was also honouring my hunger and I did drink a ton of water so I know it wasn't thirst. It is SUCH a chore getting my head away from being depressed about gaining some weight back (and being able to see it a little in my face :sad: ) and keeping my head in the moment-to-moment, going with the best choices I can. I controlled the "beast" at the grocery store today (mega discount valentine's day chocolate on everywhere and pre-easter sale chocolate everywhere else!), I started my day with some yoga, got lots of protein and am going to bed feeling really wonderfully in control. Trying to bank this feeling as motivation for tomorrow's challenges. I'm going to the gym tomorrow (possibly mid-day if Kyle can leave work during lunch) and I'll do my own cardio again. It was so easy in the beginning for me but now is the time that I'll show my true colours. I want them to be beautiful! :bigsmile: :blushing:

    Here are my meals for tomorrow:

    1. 1 cup cooked oatmeal w/ flax meal, 1/2 cup blueberries & 1/4 cup skim milk sweetened w/ stevia
    2. 1 large egg + 1 egg white omelet w/ red pepper
    3. 1/2 sprouted grain bagel w/ hummus, alfalfa sprouts & tomato
    4. chocolate whey protein shake made w/ 1 cup skim milk
    5. 1/2 cup (110g) chunk light tuna w/ 1 tbsp vegan mayo, pepper & chopped celery wrapped in 3 large spinach leaves, 1 gala apple
    6. turkey burger on 1 slice sodium-free Ezekiel bread w/ salsa, spinach, red pepper & skim milk cheese (had protein pancakes for supper tonight so Sunday's plan is bumped to Monday)
    7. 5 cups air-popped popcorn, 1/2 med gala apple

    Work Out = 250 net calories, likely C25K or eliptical and abs

    I also bought 4 kinds of green tea today. Jasmine, pomegranate raspberry, peppermint & white-green blend. So lovely!

    Alright, good night ladies! I've missed you!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Morning all!!

    We in central NC are covered in snow! In the south, that means one thing -- schools out! My work has also been delayed opening until 12 noon (but not announced until AFTER 7am... after I was up, with a cup of coffee in me and my face now full of makeup :grumble: ).

    Now I plan to make brekkie for the family followed up by playing in amounts of snow we only see once every 5 years!!

    Have a great morning Sixers!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning gals!

    Lauryn...LOVE the hair!!!!! belly pictures yet...I tried to take a few about 2 weeks ago when I started to get a little bulge, but they didn't really turn out. I definitely have a little belly now so I should probably take some. I'll try and remember tonight. My neice is GREAT! Such a doll! We didn't get to see her much this weekend as we went to my parents house for my dad's birthday, but we will see her next weekend for sure! Thanks for asking!:flowerforyou:

    Everyone else...GOOD morning!!! I gotta get to some work, but I'll check back later!