What am I doing wrong?



  • relledge

    Looking at your diary I would say to cut back a little bit on the carbs...even though you aren't consuming what they recomend sometimes it helps to cut back a little bit. I also would try to consume more meals. Maybe try 6 small meals a day. Looking at your diary from Sunday it looks like you consume to pretty big meals at 500 calories a meal. I try to keep my calories right about 300-400 calories per meal and then have two snacks that are 100-200 calories. It seems like they are giving you quite a bit of calories too. How much did you say you worked out? My rule of thumb is to take the weight you want to be and times it by 10 and then cosume that many calories per day. So I saw that you want to weigh 150 pounds. Go for eating about 1500 calories a day and try not to eat the calories you burn off in the gym. To lose 1 pound you have to have a 3500 calorie deficit. What are you doing for workouts? If you have any questions please feel free to ask!! Hope this helps somewhat...
