What did I do wrong?

Hello everyone, I'm another diet warrior and since I'm currently facing a block, I hope everyone can help me solve it >_<
Anyway, I've been starting to work out since November. Thing has been great: I eat around 1.2kcal-1.3kcal daily, exercise with 30DS everyday and I lost 10pound in the first month. After which, I switched to Ripped in 30 and following the same eating plan. However, I notice a HUGE difference in weight loss when I first did exercising and now: First 10 days of 30DS, I lost 4 pounds. 10 days into Ripped in 30, I lost ... 1pound.

I'm very frustrated and I dunnu what to do.
I still have the same 1.2kcal per day diet, with A LOT of veggie and fruit. I do the exercise at hard mode without any break in between, there is no break between exercise days, but my weight just simply refuses to go down.
This problem is not only with Ripped in 30 actually: during the last 10 days of 30DS, I had LOTS of problem losing weight as well, eventhough it was the hardest exercise of the whole work out: I only lost 2 pounds.

If someone has any idea to what's causing this dilemma of mine, please PLEASE help me with it. I'm trying really hard and not losing any weight is terribly discouraging >____<

Thank you so much.


  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    that is the natural progression of wieght loss...as much as it sucks. Be encouraged by each pound lost and remember it takes that it is better to lose slowly.
  • your calorie intake seems a little low for all of that intense exercising. Maybe you should rework your diet?
  • indrani1947
    indrani1947 Posts: 178 Member
    Are you losing inches ( gaining muscle and losing fat) if this is the case weight loss will be slow but will catch up as muscle burns more than fat but maybe up your calorie intake to consume at least half of your calories from exercise :smile:
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    The best advice anyone ever gave me was to push through the plateau.... I also saw about a 10 lb loss when doing 30DS... and then a nice plateau.... part of it wasn't how many CALS I was eating but WHAT I was eating. This is why turning vegan helped me.... mostly because I really put a ton of veggies into my diet (staying away from being a carbetarian which I am prone to). I don't know what you eat daily, but watch WHAT you are eating. Are you eating a lot of fatty foods? Are you eating a lot of carbs? What about fruits? And finally--- how is your veg intake? Also--- are you measuring out your food? Sometimes pasta for example will claim 2oz is a serving size, and unless otherwise noted (for me) I will take that to mean 1/4 cup serving size.

    The hardest thing to hear, when I originally thought I was doing well with nutrition, was that I needed to get a handle on my nutrition. So I did. And since September I have dropped almost 35 lbs. I used to think that if I worked out more that I would lose weight like it was nothing--- but that wasnt the case. I really needed to get the crap out of my diet.... even if I do splurge once in a while :) To help with my sweet tooth, I put a bag of dove chocolates in the freezer. I only eat one if I am having a good day... otherwise, I will have a serving of fruit.

    read the labels. Just because something is fat free doesnt mean its good for you. To take one thing out they typically put something else in. Don't be afraid of fat--- but find it in natural sources like nuts and seeds. And stay away from fat free, and processed foods. Those healthy choice meals or smart ones are actually JUST as bad for you as the other stuff... read whats in it, and if you dont know what something is look it up. Might keep you from buying it in the future.

    Also-- look at locally grown, certified human, organic meats. They PUMP hormones into factory meat that cause the chickens/cows/etc AND YOU to gain weight.

    The food industry wants to make and keep you fat, but you DONT have to be.
  • @kris: 1.2k, 1.3k seems like a natural number for me, I don't get hungry or have the need to stuff myself more than that, at all. But, anyway, other than the 30 minute intense workout, I don't get the chance to actually move around so much: I have college classes whole day and all, so I figured that number is around what I actually need.
    @indrani: yes I lost a few inches after first month, mostly in chest area but thigh and hip as well, so I figured it's all good. Just not getting as much progress as I used to frustrates me.

    Do you guys really think I should eat a bit more? More fruits perhaps?

    @rkorduner: what I am eating? Everyday, besides a cup of vegetarian cereal and skim milk for breakfast, I don't eat any packaged food at all. Everything else I eat is home-cooked. Lunch often consist of a small portion of meat and quite a lot of veggie. Dinner consists only of lean meat and veggie and a lot of fruits as dessert. Nothing else, no ice-cream, no chocolate, no snacks like I used to OvO I don't eat after 9 PM as well, maybe only occasionally when I feel like having an orange or something after work out (some days when I'm busy during the daytime I will work out at night, often 2 hours after dinner).
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Also-- look at locally grown, certified human, organic meats. ...

    Is that like Soylent Green?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member

    You are either eating way too little or exercising way too much. If you do both, your body freaks out and won't let you lose weight.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It's called a plateau. I've been on one for the last 2 months myself. It's frustrating and annoying, but it will break. Just stick to your diet plan and keep working hard.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Give yourself another month to level out, you may have hit a plateau or may be gaining muscle... I lost 5 my first 3 weeks but gained one this week but I really feel like it's muscle from all the extra activity I have been doing. If you don't make any progress change your diet some.. eat a bit more and see what happens.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    One thing I've noticed is the better fitness I acheive the harder I have to work for the same results. I used to get a pretty good workout from a walk on my lunch break. That stopped having the same effect so I started running.
  • Watch the fruits (they burn too quickly and don't give your body enough sustained energy like proteins will, which helps you burn more calories throughout the day) - when I took the fruit out of my smoothies, I was able to see better progress. Also - try a body fat percentage tool (calipers work best) - When the scale only showed I had lost 14lbs, it was actually 22 lbs of fat. Tracking body fat and size measurements are a much better indicator than the scale when you are building muscle through the kinds of exercise in the program you're on.

    Good luck! You are doing great!
  • If you have been working out pretty intensly check your measurements not the scales. I have only lsot 5lbs but I have also lost 5 inches.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Give yourself another month to level out, you may have hit a plateau or may be gaining muscle... I lost 5 my first 3 weeks but gained one this week but I really feel like it's muscle from all the extra activity I have been doing. If you don't make any progress change your diet some.. eat a bit more and see what happens.

    It is impossible for her to build muscle because she is working with a calorie deficit. You can only increase lean muscle mass on a surplus.

    OP, there is a good chance you are under eating and this is why a large part of people tend to plateau. Do yourself a favor and add another 250 calories to your diet. Watch that for a month and see if your weight changes. Also, don't be afraid if you gain a lb the first week, its you body adapting to additional calories.
  • Hmm, I see. I guess I don't mind a bit of snack between lunch and dinner. I will try your suggestion and see how's it ganna change.

    Thank you everyone x3
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Try not eating earlier. I stop at 7 and find I do much better that way than 9. If i dont make it to dinner, then I don't eat for the evening. Simple. It doesnt sound like you are eating anything bad though, and that you are doing your homework. How much are you sweating when you exercise? Are you constantly moving or are you taking a lot of breaks? Maybe add just a slight amount of cardio... maybe add an extra run to your work out. And honestly---- just add patience. I know it sucks. I get sooo frustrated being patient myself... ESPECIALLY when I plateau. You sound like you are doing everything right. Keep up the hard work. know you arent alone. We all get frustrated and feel like we are doing things wrong. Don't add food just because people think you should. Maybe cut out more of the meat? or get locally farmed meat.... the stuff from the store is pumped with hormones... causes weight gain and big boobs.
  • Hummingbird82
    Hummingbird82 Posts: 79 Member
    Are you eating NET calories of 1.2kcal or are you eating 1.2kcal BEFORE exercise? HArd to help since can't see your diary, but if you are NETting less than 1.2kcal then you probably have too big of a calorie deficit and your body is hanging on to everything becuase you are working so hard.