Help with Balance?

I am on week 6 of he P90X program. I am getting better at all of the execises, except the ones that require balance. I cannot keep my balance on most of the one legged exercises. I thought yoga would help, but no luck :ohwell:

Does anybody know of some good moves I can do to improve my balance?


  • opheliasfire
    I am on week 6 of he P90X program. I am getting better at all of the execises, except the ones that require balance. I cannot keep my balance on most of the one legged exercises. I thought yoga would help, but no luck :ohwell:

    Does anybody know of some good moves I can do to improve my balance?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Balance is all core. Well, core and how good your inner ear works. But generally if your balance is not good, you should work on the muscles around your abdomen, lower back, and obliques. The core is a stabilizer group, it keeps the rest of your body in line. that doesn't just mean sit ups or crunches. There are a lot of little muscles in the core, use a routine that works many muscles, in a few weeks you should notice a difference. Note that you really won't see vast physical differences in the muscles of the core, most of them are too small to see physically, so don't judge your core by looks.
  • opheliasfire
    Thank you! I used to do Pilates, so maybe I will start that back up.