Help! The more I exercise the hungrier I get!



  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Water and protein, I find protein shakes do a great job if you slam one after working out to curb that appetite. Remember your body is hungry because you just burnt up a lot of fuel and it wants more..

    I also agree with what someone said, only it should be said a bit more tactful. You are dieting, you will feel hungry sometimes. You just have to power through it. Slam a glass of water down and push through it. No Hunger Pains, no NSV gains! :-D
  • CharityEaton
    Make sure that you have Healthy choices ready for you to grab when you are getting is really hard to go over on calories if you are munching veggies like carrot sticks and grape tomatoes. I keep a big bowl front and center in my fridge. It is full of pre-washed and ready to go fruits and veggies! While I'm cooking dinner I open the fridge to get stuff out I will munch on grapes or carrot sticks to keep me from getting too hungry(especially on nights that I am running late).
    Also, keep a ziploc baggie of almonds on hand...sooo yummy to grab a few as a snack. I like to mix a small handful of almonds with several dark chocolate chips as a little snack!
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    I definitely eat more then I did when I wasn't dieting. Today I brought lunch (7 oz of chicken with veggies I cooked last night) a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with 1/4 of nuts for breakfast, a cheese stick and yogurt for snacks. This is just for until the end of the work day. However the calories for all of this aren't that high.

    before I started having the oatmeal I was starving during the day and very tempted to head to the vending machine. Now I'm doing MUCH better.
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    balancing your blood sugar is first step to breaking the cravings which are part of the problem. Once she gets that better under control other things are easier. As far as potatoes, cooked potatoes are a strange breed of vegetable. Any form of cooked potatoe is processed by the body almost exactly like straight glucose. You get a massive spike in blood sugar immediately, not a slow increase such as you'd get eating same number of calories of sweet potatoe or other veggies.

    Carbs aren't bad but again, bang the blood sugar out of whack and the up and down of blood sugar leads to cravings. Get rid of the cravings and eating less is a lot easier.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    balancing your blood sugar is first step to breaking the cravings which are part of the problem. Once she gets that better under control other things are easier. As far as potatoes, cooked potatoes are a strange breed of vegetable. Any form of cooked potatoe is processed by the body almost exactly like straight glucose. You get a massive spike in blood sugar immediately, not a slow increase such as you'd get eating same number of calories of sweet potatoe or other veggies.

    Carbs aren't bad but again, bang the blood sugar out of whack and the up and down of blood sugar leads to cravings. Get rid of the cravings and eating less is a lot easier.

    So true! It's like treating the symptoms but NOT the cause...