When am I supposed to fit in FITNESS???

So you tell me where I am supposed to fit in time with my husband, my son, myself, exercise, and school homework! I have to set aside time just to clean my house and keep up with it.

By no means am I complaining or want sympathy… I want suggestions. So a lot of people on here are saying they don’t have time to work out/exercise and/or make healthy choices.

I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from. I know that we all have different schedules. So here is mine (weekdays)…


6:00 am – my day starts with a shower and getting ready for work

7:00 am – waking up my 2-year old and getting him ready for school

7:30 am – my work day begins

3:30 pm – my work day ends

4:00 pm – my school day begins

5:45 pm - my school days ends

6:15 pm – dinner is homemade

7:30 pm – dishes

8:00 pm – bathe my son

8:30 pm – lunches etc prepared

9:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

10:00 pm – get ready for bed

11:00 pm – my bed time (6 hours of sleep)


5:00 am – my day starts with a shower and getting ready for work

6:15 am – waking up my 2-year old and getting him ready for school

6:45 am – my work day begins

2:45 pm – my work day ends

3:05 pm – my school day begins

4:45 pm - my school days ends

5:15 pm – dinner is homemade

6:30 pm – dishes

7:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

8:00 pm – bathe my son

8:30 pm – lunches etc prepared

9:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

10:00 pm – get ready for bed

11:00 pm – my bed time (7 hours of sleep)


6:00 am – my day starts with a shower and getting ready for work

7:00 am – waking up my 2-year old and getting him ready for school

7:30 am – my work day begins

3:30 pm – my work day ends

4:00 pm – my school day begins

5:45 pm - my school days ends

6:15 pm – dinner is homemade

7:30 pm – dishes

8:00 pm – bathe my son

8:30 pm – lunches etc prepared

9:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

10:00 pm – get ready for bed

11:00 pm – my bed time (6 hours of sleep)


5:00 am – my day starts with a shower and getting ready for work

6:15 am – waking up my 2-year old and getting him ready for school

6:45 am – my work day begins

2:45 pm – my work day ends

3:05 pm – my school day begins

4:45 pm - my school days ends

5:15 pm – dinner is homemade

6:30 pm – dishes

7:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

8:00 pm – bathe my son

8:30 pm – lunches etc prepared

9:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

10:00 pm – get ready for bed

11:00 pm – my bed time (7 hours of sleep)


6:00 am – my day starts with a shower and getting ready for work

7:00 am – waking up my 2-year old and getting him ready for school

7:30 am – my work day begins

3:30 pm – my work day ends

4:00 pm – dinner is homemade

5:15 pm - dishes

6:15 pm – grocery/other shopping

9:30 pm – bathe my son

10:00 pm – spend time with my son

11:00 pm – get ready for bed (8-9hrs of sleep)



  • MattArcade
    MattArcade Posts: 135 Member
    get your husband to help you out so you can train for an hour?
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    I do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I am a nurse and have a very busy schedule between work and finishing my RN. What I really like is that you only need 30 minutes to be able to do her videos and you get awesome results.
    So you tell me where I am supposed to fit in time with my husband, my son, myself, exercise, and school homework! I have to set aside time just to clean my house and keep up with it.

    By no means am I complaining or want sympathy… I want suggestions. So a lot of people on here are saying they don’t have time to work out/exercise and/or make healthy choices.

    I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from. I know that we all have different schedules. So here is mine (weekdays)…


    6:00 am – my day starts with a shower and getting ready for work

    7:00 am – waking up my 2-year old and getting him ready for school

    7:30 am – my work day begins

    3:30 pm – my work day ends

    4:00 pm – my school day begins

    5:45 pm - my school days ends

    6:15 pm – dinner is homemade

    7:30 pm – dishes

    8:00 pm – bathe my son

    8:30 pm – lunches etc prepared

    9:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

    10:00 pm – get ready for bed

    11:00 pm – my bed time (6 hours of sleep)


    5:00 am – my day starts with a shower and getting ready for work

    6:15 am – waking up my 2-year old and getting him ready for school

    6:45 am – my work day begins

    2:45 pm – my work day ends

    3:05 pm – my school day begins

    4:45 pm - my school days ends

    5:15 pm – dinner is homemade

    6:30 pm – dishes

    7:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

    8:00 pm – bathe my son

    8:30 pm – lunches etc prepared

    9:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

    10:00 pm – get ready for bed

    11:00 pm – my bed time (7 hours of sleep)


    6:00 am – my day starts with a shower and getting ready for work

    7:00 am – waking up my 2-year old and getting him ready for school

    7:30 am – my work day begins

    3:30 pm – my work day ends

    4:00 pm – my school day begins

    5:45 pm - my school days ends

    6:15 pm – dinner is homemade

    7:30 pm – dishes

    8:00 pm – bathe my son

    8:30 pm – lunches etc prepared

    9:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

    10:00 pm – get ready for bed

    11:00 pm – my bed time (6 hours of sleep)


    5:00 am – my day starts with a shower and getting ready for work

    6:15 am – waking up my 2-year old and getting him ready for school

    6:45 am – my work day begins

    2:45 pm – my work day ends

    3:05 pm – my school day begins

    4:45 pm - my school days ends

    5:15 pm – dinner is homemade

    6:30 pm – dishes

    7:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

    8:00 pm – bathe my son

    8:30 pm – lunches etc prepared

    9:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

    10:00 pm – get ready for bed

    11:00 pm – my bed time (7 hours of sleep)


    6:00 am – my day starts with a shower and getting ready for work

    7:00 am – waking up my 2-year old and getting him ready for school

    7:30 am – my work day begins

    3:30 pm – my work day ends

    4:00 pm – dinner is homemade

    5:15 pm - dishes

    6:15 pm – grocery/other shopping

    9:30 pm – bathe my son

    10:00 pm – spend time with my son

    11:00 pm – get ready for bed (8-9hrs of sleep)

  • myshell26
    Since you are cooking dinner, you should ask your husband to do dishes and bathe your son. This will give you enough time to workout. It's not easy, but you have to work your schedule around your workouts, not the other way around. :wink:
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    right - and/or help with making dinner, doing dishes, or any of the other housework. That combines spending time with them as well if you do those tasks together. Or even work out together, even if it's a brisk walk or jog in the neighborhood with the kid in tow. You're all spending time together, and exercising at the same time.
  • Aperyan83
    Aperyan83 Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you all for the great ideas! HAPPY HOLIDAYS
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I am a nurse and work every day until 5. I have 4 kids under the age of 5. I guess I just make time. i was also a full-time nursing student, working full time, and had 2 kids at the time, and I still managed to fit in exercise. Something as simple as 30 minutes.

    You put dishes in under a timeline--not sure how long they take, but you allowed for an hour, so why not have your husband do the dishes while you hop on the treadmill or go for a quick run.

    When I am done with maternity leave, I know I will be getting up at 0530 to workout, because I wont have the luxury of going during naptime anymore...
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Get an Xbox 360 with kinect and use some of that time spent with family on it. It really gives a great workout and it is one of the funnest group exercises out there.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Nobody ever came to me and said...
    "I have some extra time on my hands; maybe you can help me get in shape".

    Stop making excuses. Either you want it or not.
    Everybody has the time when their health and fitness become a priority.
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    have hubby help you with some of the chores so u can take a quick run or something


    Use the time u send with hubby and son to do something more active.


    u have a Wii? or a Kinect? Get those dance games (Just Dance, Zumba, Micheal Jackson/Black eyed peas experince etc )... fun way to workout.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    or involve your husband and child with your fitness.... they need fitness too! :)
  • oldsoul918
    oldsoul918 Posts: 110 Member
    get your husband to help you out so you can train for an hour?

    This! What is your husband doing during this time?:

    5:15 pm – dinner is homemade

    6:30 pm – dishes

    7:00 pm – spend time with my son and husband

    8:00 pm – bathe my son

    8:30 pm – lunches etc prepared
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    I am a working mom, I work 7:30am - 5pm, with every other friday off. DH takes DD (2.5) to school most days and I pick her up. Most nights we have a homecooked meal, and most nights the dishes get done (although not all - and we are ok with that!) 2-3 nights a week I leave for the gym at 8pm, just as DD is ready to go to bed. I have also been known to swing by the grocery store on the way home as they are open late and its a great time to do a quick shop (milk, fruit etc). 1 night a week I play hockey, usually after DD goes to bed ( I would still go if it was earlier in the evening). Its not always easy to drag yourself out to the car (or down to the basement) after a long day, but I always feel better for it, definitly better then if I veg on the couch with DH for a couple hours instead. Occasionally I take DD with me to play at the gym babysitting while I work out, she thinks its great fun!

    1. DH's have to help, you can't do it ALL. A little help should condense your night, someone can make lunches while the other does the dishes or baths the kiddo
    2. Its ok to spend an hour less with your DS or DH to work on yourself.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I wake up at 5 am every day. I am lucky because I am an early riser, but I have heard others say that they got themselves used to getting up early.
    I have been doing the shred about 3 times a week and I do this when I wake up. I have a husband and children, I work, take care of a home and spend time with the hubby and kids. If I did not work out first thing in the morning, I promise you that I would never fit it in.
    You can do it.
  • maysflower
    The only time I can workout is at 5 am in the morning. I try to fit in 2 or 3 workouts during the week, and then I make sure I get a really good workout in at least once over the weekend. Your schedule is jammed packed, but maybe is you asked your husband to bathe and put your son to bed that would give you enough time to get an evening workout in. Another suggestion is to take half an hour of your lunchtime to exercise. I have also started to let my daughter watch me exercise. She finds it fun to watch me and she even joins in sometimes. It is a great way to introduce exercise into her life. That might be an option for you as well.

    Good luck, but if you really want to lose weight you have to commit to an exercise routine even if you "think" you don't have time. You can fit it in, you just have to want to fit it in.
  • mfiggs
    mfiggs Posts: 155 Member
    Nobody ever came to me and said...
    "I have some extra time on my hands; maybe you can help me get in shape".

    Stop making excuses. Either you want it or not.
    Everybody has the time when their health and fitness become a priority.

    Being a wife, mother, full time employee, cook, and maid is pretty hard! Because I am all those things and I can understand where she is coming from the only free time you do get if you get any you want to take a break! I use a special k 10 min workout video in the morning before work and after dinner before dishes and that gets me at least 20 min of work out time. I try to walk during my lunch break at work, so those are some options that maybe she could utilize.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I agree w/ the other suggestions to get your husband to pitch in.

    I would also suggest to try doing some bulk cooking on the weekend so you can just reheat what you prepared over the weekend and save you time there.

    You could also get up earlier and workout before you start getting ready....(that's what I do). Or if your place of employment has a gym on-site you could workout @ lunch, or just take a nice walk during your lunch hour.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Monday Wednesday and Friday your day starts an hour later than tuesday and thursday.
    you could get up at the same time you do on tuesday and thursday and do something like the 30 Day Shred DVD on those 3 mornings, it's only a half an hour and with time to change clothes and warm up, getting up that hour early should give you plenty of time, and you already get up at that time on tues and thurs so it shouldn't be hard.

    plus you didn't mention weekends...make one day a long heavy weight lifting session and the other day a long run, bike, or other cardio...

    those 5 workouts in a week is very well rounded and plenty.

    If you don't MAKE it happen it WON'T.
    Don't make excuses, just get 'er done!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    It is hard with school and work and kids (been there, done that). I suggest DH take on at least 3 of those days a week to fix dinner, bathe child and pack lunches. - Wala, you have work out time.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Why not just get up at 5am everyday and on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday you work out before taking a shower?