Weighing in after workout/gym time

eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
Is it accurate?

I thought I'd show a gain but I had a significant loss after my gym workout today and I haven't seen a loss in about a month. Would logging this loss be totally inaccurate or is a safe thing to do? Is it a true loss?

I was drinking water also and still no gain. Finally seeing the scale move after for long in the RIGHT direction has put a pep in my step but I don't want to log something that's not accurate.

Please if you're giving your opinion tell me why or why not.


  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    uhh...no one? =\
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    I personally don't see the gym loss on scale until the following day. For instance....I can burn 800-1100 calories in spin class on Thurs but don't see any change in scale on Fri but do see change on Sat. I think most accurate way to track weight is to just do "weigh in" from same day/time each week (or some people prefer twice per week to stay motivated).
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    I stopped caring about my weight. Albeit, I do still weigh myself. I focus more on measurements because that's what I actually care about.
    I feel like if I were to weigh myslf after the gym it would be an odd read since I have large breakfasts!
  • Sorry to say it's probably dehydration, even if you're drinking water as you work out. For instance, I run long distance and even though I take in several cups of water over a training run, I always seem to "lose" at least 1 or 2 lbs during a session. Even if I don't eat anything afterwards, once I'm cooled down and have had enough water to get my body temperature back to normal, the missing pounds are usually back.

    That said, use it as a form of motivation if it works for you! good luck!
  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    Are you literally jumping on the scale before class, then right back on after? That way lies only madness and maybe dragons. You are going to see wild fluctuations because you drank some water, blew your nose or had a slice of apple. You could be wearing different shoes or need to take a poo.

    How often do you weigh yourself? Do you do it daily, weekly? If you do daily, its best to do it in the morning after your first pee. Same time every single day so you are getting a real comparison. You will likely find less frustration if you do so weekly because you won't be able to say "how did I gain five pounds in one day!" (shoes) It's much more likely you will see a sensible trend weekly because it wont be jumping all over.

    Honestly, I haven't been on the scale since October because I know I will only drive myself crazy. I lost 20 pounds from one October to the next, along with 20 points of cholesterol and cutting my triglycerides by half. I see more definition in my abs, arms and legs, so I just use my pants and whats in the mirror as my scale.

    If you must weigh yourself, please don't stress.
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    I usually weigh more after a workout! I assume its from all the water, lol.
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    I have a few friends that are die-hard weigh lifting fanatics (for a lack of better descriptive term) and they weigh in before and after a workout to see how much water they need to consume to replace the water that they sweated out during the workout. I usually weigh more if I weigh in right after my workouts (I sweat a lot and drink tons of water so I probably over hydrate).